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Good Omens miniseries coming to Amazon on May 31st, and a new trailer.



Based off of the Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchett book, the Good Omens miniseries finally has a release date for Amazon Prime stream, and that day is May 31st. The trailer looks amazing, the cast looks mostly spot on, though Adam looks a bit plain compared to how the book describes him (which is as a golden haired child Adonis-like)


and Newt looks kind of handsome, which is not at all the image I got of him. Still, everyone else looks awesome, especially Crowley and Aziraphale

Also, neat little side note. I got to see Neil Gaiman speak a few months ago in Lawrence KS and he mentioned why he did the show. I'm paraphrasing here, but "I wasn't really too interested in doing the show, though Terry (Pratchett) really wanted me to...then the bastard died and it became a last wish, so I did it."
Hyped. Probably my favorite Gaiman book although that's probably because Pratchett is my favorite author. Tennant was born to be Crowley.


Elden Member
Overal I hated it, but David Tenant continues to prove he can elevate any average show and steal scenes.

The good:
The acting was on point by all the adults
The visual theme of the show was fun (but poorly executed at times)
David tenant
The occasional good laugh

The bad:
Horrible child actors
Horrible pacing
The longest, worst intro credit scene ever with no skip feature!!!
Horrible story that felt slapped together with no real mind for real drama. It felt like a constant case of “and then....”
The effects were pretty bad, Esspecially given the set work and visual design was actually very good.
The editing, the show needs a new editor stat!
The music, while good, wasn’t balanced right.
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