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good read regarding doom 3


ATI and Nvidia are doing their part by not having thier X800 or 6800 cards available in decent quantity.

This article makes it seem like ID gets kickbacks for each amd processor, intel/amd mobo, ati and nvidia video card is sold.

This rant is pretty stupid on a number of levels.
eh my system runs doom 3 fine (yeah its not 60 SOLID! but no one is and I run it a t 1024 on high so :p)

imo Ill wait till after this xmas and hl2 before I look into a new cpu and the new 3ds cards
I think the main idea is the whole 'upgrading for a game' mentality. Its that shit that fuels the whole Console for 200 PC for 100000000 dollars arguments.

On the big picture its just damned stupid sounding. Also it hints at the idea that pc gamers are so starved for 'big' games that it really IS such an event.

Then there's the idea that pc gamers are obnoxious techphiles that HAVE to have ultimate performance for a game to be good.

To be honest, far cry ran fine on my pc, played well, and looked freaking awesome. Didnt need to upgrade. Hell, Im still playing games from 4 years ago.

4 years from now ill be playing Doom 3, cause no single game is worth that much of a fuss. Cept Tech ROmancer 2 if it came out.


Ante Up
What the author doesn't realize is that, for computer enthusiasts, buying "later" is always better than buying "now."

Yes, you can wait six months. But there will definitely be something happening in the industry at that time that will justify another six month wait on top of that. And another. And so on.

To call people "sheep" for buying at precisely the time that they should (i.e. when the game/application that necessitates the hardware is released) is elitist and dumb.
MrAngryFace said:
4 years from now ill be playing Doom 3, cause no single game is worth that much of a fuss.
that sentence doesn't make any
Mike Works said:
that sentence doesn't make any

That sentence didn't make any pennies?

Mrbob said:
ATI and Nvidia are doing their part by not having thier X800 or 6800 cards available in decent quantity.

This article makes it seem like ID gets kickbacks for each amd processor, intel/amd mobo, ati and nvidia video card is sold.

This rant is pretty stupid on a number of levels.

Yeah. What better reason to upgrade than when you know you'll make use of that upgrade. Why upgrade during a gaming lull, when videocard prices are stagnant and there's no reason to do so anyway?


eh, its a half truth. I went over to a friends house tonight to check out doom 3. He has a 3.0 ghz pentium 4 with a 533/800 FSB mobo and 768 (or something close to it) in memory. 200 gigs of HD space across 2 drives, a sound blaster audigy (which he has a 5.1 speaker systme for that he doesn't use the rear speakers with.. which makes me cry) and a radeon 9600 pro. The game was running smoothly, I can't tell you an FPS but he had it on 1024X768 with details set to high. It'd load for a second or 2 with new rooms but the game itself ran smoothly. At first I wanted to play it for myself, on my own computer which is literally half the computer my friends is. I've decided I'll wait it out and upgrade next year instead , pick up doom 3 for 30 dollars .
I'm perfectly fine with waiting until hardware gets cheaper. What I'll most likely end up doing is getting the Xbox version and never even considering the more powerful PC version. So in essence I just saved myself a lot of money. Or not.

Ranger X

This exact reason here (the money you need to run a recent game decently on a PC) is my main reason who makes me stay on the console world. PC gaming = big fat capitalism of my ass "we make a game for your new videocard so it's great profit for us both" style.

And we buy and buy and buy like fucking cowards.

Ranger X

Well, it's not a cash problem that i would have. It's an argument about what is the real "worth" of that fucking money. They've brainwashed you well at thinking you need to pay that much and that often for hardware. A videocard could easily be made to last 5 fucking years at least, like a console.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
MrAngryFace said:
Cept Tech ROmancer 2 if it came out.
LOL! You're sill pimping that game. I have never seen someone so faithfully pimp a game for so long. Keep it up though, eventually I will get money and I don't want to forget to pick it up.


Wyzdom said:
This exact reason here (the money you need to run a recent game decently on a PC) is my main reason who makes me stay on the console world. PC gaming = big fat capitalism of my ass "we make a game for your new videocard so it's great profit for us both" style.

And we buy and buy and buy like fucking cowards.

No we don't, I have a dozen friends playing Doom 3. One person upgraded for Doom (yay for anecdotal evidence!). He was on a computer about four years old. Mine is about 2 years old, it's average. I run Doom 3 in 1024xUltra (Ultra after the decompressed .pk4 tweak, which is great). It looks incredible. I love that on the PC they can make a game like Doom that wants hardware that manufacturers don't even make yet (when you click on 'Ultra' detail, it warns you that the mode wants over 500 megs of texture memory for smooth operation). This is great because the game still looks better than any console game on my average aging system.. but in a few years when I've finally got some better hardware, I can go back and it'll still look great.
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