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Good sniping spots inVice City?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I usually get on the top floor of that parking garage in the southern part of the first island (the one with the spiral ramp) and just go nuts. It helps to park a lot of cars on the ramp to prevent the FBI guys from getting you too. There's a roof overhead too, so the helicopters can't get you either.

evil ways

On top of buildings of course, there's a building near the Pizza place in Little Haiti, where you can climb into the roof, same with Urbina's Cafe, and the most used by me is the top of the building where the Skumole Shack is.

It's also great if you have a chopper to fly around.


The entrance to the stadium is a good place to do anything. People walk by so you can kill them however you like, but the only people who try to stop you are policemen on foot. The cars and stuff can't get up there.


I like that little gas station near the mall that has those stairs. The mall parking lots are great sniping spots too, but sometimes npcs won't generate much or at all when you're up there.
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