I don't know what I'm doing.
My head's a mess.
I can't think straight.
I don't know what to do, or think, or feel.
I honestly feel like giving up.
Hey you, you are not alone in this, I can assure you of that. I suffer from acute depression and have been on anti-depressants for years now.
Some days, i don't even want to get out of bed, some days i want the world to end and me with it.
What I would like to say to you is this, you need to talk to someone, does not matter if it's a stranger or even a family member that you have not seen in a long time.
Pick up the phone and make a doctor's appointment, see them and discuss what's happening, trust me, they will help.
You also need to find a way to preoccupy your time and thoughts, you need a hobby of some sort.
Procrastination is the real killer here, the more time you get to dwell and wallow in your own thoughts, the more dispair you feel.
I write books in my spare time, the truth is, stories help me to get away from my overthinking about myself. I get to concentrate on something else besides letting my emotions get the best of me.
A hobby would seriously help, Perhaps get a pet, a fish tank, they are incredible in helping your stress levels, it also gives you something to do and most importantly if makes you care about something.
Take up a sport, nothing hardcore, maybe check your local newspaper for a club of some sort, a chess club, table tennis, baseball, whatever, to get you out and pre-occupied yourself.
Seriously, give it a shot, it can and will change your life.
I can not stress this enough, you are not alone in this, there are thousands if not millions of people that think just like you,
Things will get better,
Don't let things get you down, i know it's easy to say, but trust me, never give up, good things can be just around the corner.
If you need someone to talk to in the short term, please give me a private message, i can be a good listener and everything will remain completely private.