The fuck did he just say.
Kinda sounded like he is asking if Chrome OS is going to replace Android? I dunno lol
The fuck did he just say.
yes it does
I'm having a convo on my ipad using hangouts and the convo is also going on talk on my phone
Live Q&A, what should I ask?
shots fired @MS
Where's fucking android 4.3?
My contacts (on Gtalk) are not showing up on Hangouts for Chrome.
These contacts only have Gtalk installed (and don't use Google+). This does not have Gtalk integration AT ALL. It's just a glorified Google+ messenger.
Bah these people asking boring product questions.
"Will Android and Chrome OS merge?!"
Ask some philosophical questions ya dopes.
Outlook adding GTalk support made Larry sad. :-(
Q: What the fuck have you been talking about for the last 10 minutes?
Isn't the conference until the 17th?
Not that anything's wrong with that.
(and not that it's true, lol, just something that caught my eye - especially the higher-ups being Indian/Desi. Watch and learn Apples)
His speech was similar to the conversations some of my stoned friends have at 4 in the morning.
I can't get the Hangouts Chrome extension to not be overlayed on top of every window. Even when I uncheck the box to make it not always on top.
In all seriousness, is there some reason or story behind this? Does the region have a lot of schools that teach CS K-12 and export the students? 90% of the CS department at my University was of this ethnicity and it was a problem because you could not understand them.
Gtalk contacts are showing up for me.
My contacts (on Gtalk) are not showing up on Hangouts for Chrome.
These contacts only have Gtalk installed (and don't use Google+). This does not have Gtalk integration AT ALL. It's just a glorified Google+ messenger.