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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


Haha, it looks like they just reorganized the iphone feed to look nice on a larger screen. When you click on an entry like 85% of the screen is blank space.

Looking forward to trying out Hangouts though.


Haha, it looks like they just reorganized the iphone feed to look nice on a larger screen. When you click on an entry like 85% of the screen is blank space.

Looking forward to trying out Hangouts though.


I think I know what you mean.
The comments are in a column in the middle, and they should pop up. But if you have a large beautiful image it should take most of that space to itself.


What happens when you click on those though.



What happens when you click on those though.


Yeah, the reason for that empty space is that The Verge just linked their article on to their stream. Thus, the API (I might be wrong in this) scrapes the content from their site. But if you were to upload a large image and post it to your stream most of that space is taken up by the picture.

See if you can find someone that has upload a picture with their post - not just linked an article.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Freaking finally iPad. And now iOS users can start Hangouts.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I have to say it was kinda nice having iOS users get a taste of the G+ Android medicine. :p

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
haven't been on G+ in ages but I used the app on my ipad recently and thought it was kind of cool. Too bad; nobody IRL i know is on it.

It's such a shame because I really like the network :/


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I think if Google would make G+ exclusive to iOS it would be huge!!!


I think that's what they were trying before with the long delays on the Android app/updates, but it just didn't work out. They should have launched it as an iPhone app first, before the website. THEN it would have caught on like hipster fire!



I think that's what they were trying before with the long delays on the Android app/updates, but it just didn't work out. They should have launched it as an iPhone app first, before the website. THEN it would have caught on like hipster fire!

Not sure how an Apple Social Network would look like or work, but I think G+ is the closest thing Apple users will get to it (until they come up with their own).

Check this post out:


Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Honestly, it would have taken off had it been iOS only. I'm not joking.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Path is an unstoppable behemoth of transcendent proportions.

Eh, it only has about 3 million users (and that's counting Android as well.) It's a fun thought, but G+ needs to be everywhere to maintain momentum (important for Google's shareholders), like Chrome. Chrome was kind of slowing on the desktop, then next thing you know there's an Android version, then an iPhone version. Not to mention Chromebooks/box. If Google keeps dumping that hardware into the ecosystem, Chrome's install base can't not go up.

Similarly, Google+ has gotten 250 million users in a year. Google needs to get it everywhere in order for it to fill enough niches that it gets the critical mass needed to get people to choose it over, or in addition to, Facebook.
Eh, it only has about 3 million users (and that's counting Android as well.) It's a fun thought, but G+ needs to be everywhere to maintain momentum (important for Google's shareholders), like Chrome. Chrome was kind of slowing on the desktop, then next thing you know there's an Android version, then an iPhone version. Not to mention Chromebooks/box. If Google keeps dumping that hardware into the ecosystem, Chrome's install base can't not go up.

Similarly, Google+ has gotten 250 million users in a year. Google needs to get it everywhere in order for it to fill enough niches that it gets the critical mass needed to get people to choose it over, or in addition to, Facebook.

The fact that you're posting that; this long after G+ hit; means they're already fucked.

I'm actually going to the google offices on thursday to do a Poweruse class - its for food bloggers and people who want to extend the reach on their google+LOCAL stuff.

still; it needs work. Thatsaid; g+ on ipad >>>> facebook.
trying to use G+ on the laptop.

such an awful mess there. They should lose the top strip when in G+ or change the interface a bit.

such an awful mess.


* I should add I did a mad cull of users a while back. The stream isn't full of crap


aka andydumi
* I should add I did a mad cull of users a while back. The stream isn't full of crap

I actually added all the suggested circles by google. Fashion, Sports, Politics, News all of them. Then culled individuals. But I now have a lot of people and companies I follow who post very good content regularly.

It is almost replacing a news feed for me and I imagine very soon I will use G+ rather than an RSS feed. Particularly on my phone, I imagine I will slowly eliminate/reduce the use of Flipbook, Currents and so forth and use G+.
Finally found a viable reason for G+ (www.roll20.net), and I kinda wish more of my friends posted on the main site. As it is, only two out of my FB list of 200 use it in any way, well outside of the gaming link I posted. As it is we use it in-game then close the window. No one posts anything between games.

I just ended up making a Tabletop Gaming list in FB and used it like a G+ circle.

Feels like a waste of time for me. =(


Finally found a viable reason for G+ (www.roll20.net), and I kinda wish more of my friends posted on the main site. As it is, only two out of my FB list of 200 use it in any way, well outside of the gaming link I posted. As it is we use it in-game then close the window. No one posts anything between games.

I just ended up making a Tabletop Gaming list in FB and used it like a G+ circle.

Feels like a waste of time for me. =(

holy shit that is awesome


I don't really play any pen and paper games unfortunately, but it's cool. We (I think you were in the conversation) we talking about using Hangouts to play a boardgame in that thread. This takes it to the next level.
I don't really play any pen and paper games unfortunately, but it's cool. We (I think you were in the conversation) we talking about using Hangouts to play a boardgame in that thread. This takes it to the next level.

You could use this for some boardgames. Just drag/drop a scan of the board and the tokens, and does an auto save state if the game has to continue later.

Built in dice roller and turn order widget.


This image has the link to the article embedded.

Looking at users’ age, Google+ appears to appeal to slightly older crowd compared to the rest of the social media apps that were analyzed. It has the smallest percentage of under twenty years old users, and the highest percentage of the over thirty years old users. Path also skews slightly older. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram each seem to reach a more balanced base of users, particularly in the valuable 25-54 demo that appeals to many marketers.

This is true. Facebook got to the point that it was way too much noise in my stream. I manage to get the people I communicate the most through it to install Whatsapp and I then closed my account.

Though for the sake of G+, it's going to need the younger crowd.

In more positive news:

The Subtle Genius Of Google+ For iPad: Popular Posts Appear Bigger

You shouldn’t have to squint at Like and retweet counts to discover the best content your social network has to offer. So with one simple design choice, Google+ for iPad (and Nexus 7 ) has created a better tablet feed reading experience than Facebook or Twitter.

Without visual differentiation Facebook and Twitter feed reading can quickly become exhausting. That’s becoming a bigger and bigger problem as information overload keeps getting worse.

Google+ for tablet combats this fatigue. At first, trying to read it is a little jarring as all the updates aren’t in a neat little column. However, I’d skim over those neat little columns on other social networks, sometimes missing great photos or enlightening links in my haste.


Since the new app, my g+ usage has increased a fair bit. I use it daily now exclusively on mobile because the experience is so much better than desktop.

Only thing missing on the app is minimising comments (like the Facebook app does). Some posts get hundreds of comments and having to scroll through all of them to get to the end is a pain.


I'm so tired of seeing stupid shit in the What's Hot stream.

  • Old Guy wrote a poem.
  • "random feel good words"
  • G+ is better than facebook because...



The annual American Customer Satisfaction Index is out for social media sites, measuring satisfaction with Google+ for the first time against other social networks. What a debut! Google’s year-old social network had the best satisfaction while the world’s most popular social network, Facebook, came in last.


Timeline, Ads & Privacy Said To Hurt Facebook
Not only was Facebook last, but its score also dropped by five points over last year. What’s causing the dissatisfaction? ACSI said:

  • The introduction of the “timeline” feature: The new “timeline” user interface, which radically changed the look, feel, layout, and functionality of Facebook, has been met with widespread criticism since its introduction in September of 2011. The public perception is that Facebook makes frequent and unnecessary changes to the user interface and forces them down people’s throats. As soon as they get used to one new interface, there is another rolling out. In fact, when asked what they like least about Facebook, a significant portion of respondents specifically mention the “timeline” feature.
  • Intrusive, irrelevant, and repetitive ads: One-fifth of Facebook users (19%) say that ads actively interfere with their experience of the site. When asked what they like least about Facebook, advertising is a frequently-cited complaint.
  • Concerns about privacy: When asked to rate Facebook’s commitment to protecting their privacy, nearly half of survey respondents rated it poor (5 or lower on a 10-point poor-to-excellent scale)

Privacy, No Ads & Good Mobile Support Help Google+
Not surprisingly, the things that people disliked about Facebook were things cited as being liked with Google+, better privacy, no intrusive ads, plus people liked the mobile experience for Google+. In a supplemental survey, ACSI said it found:

  • Google’s superior commitment to privacy: Customers clearly think Google+ respects their privacy more than Facebook does. When asked to rate the site’s commitment to their privacy, only 18% of Facebook users rate Facebook’s commitment to their privacy as excellent (9 or 10 on a 10-point poor-to-excellent scale), while 42% of Google+ users rate Google’s commitment to their privacy as excellent.
  • Google+ does not have traditional ads: While Google+ allows new users to customize Google offers, Google+ does not yet have traditional banner and search ads, and a June 19 article in WebProNews indicates there are no plans to display ads on Google+ anytime soon. However, search enhanced ads running on other Google properties (+1) are seeing increased engagement and click through rates. Google properties are therefore getting more value from ads without having to disrupt the user experience on Google+.
  • Google’s superior mobile experience: By all accounts, Facebook has failed to capitalize fully on the mobile experience, while Google has fully integrated Google+ into its mobile apps and mobile functionalities.

The part bold in red - This was Google's plan all along. They don't need to inject ads or force ridiculous promotional features on to their "Google+" users because they don't have to.


aka andydumi
The part bold in red - This was Google's plan all along. They don't need to inject ads or force ridiculous promotional features on to their "Google+" users because they don't have to.

I also think their initial setup to allow companies to have pages and post is a form of advertising. And google can extract info out of that process they can use elsewhere, even if they do not actively push ad banners. Very smart really.


i just got my first google + circle add in months. i was shocked people still use it.

I get an add request at least once a week. But, I do partake in commenting on very popular G+ accounts like TheVerge, Lifehacker, etc and some of the Googler's accounts. Also, posting something "Public" seems to increase requests, specially in Manhattan.


aka andydumi
I think they not only notify you once a week or so, not every add. I was added by over a dozen people last week according to the notification I got yesterday. And as said above, I am pretty active on some G+ accounts.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I don't think there's any question Google+ is a superior user experience to Facebook on both desktop and mobile.
I don't think there's any question Google+ is a superior user experience to Facebook on both desktop and mobile.

This thing is while I agree, almost none of my FB friends/fam are willing to move over thus making G+ the loser. I've been trying lately to get some to move after the app updates, but there's zero budging. I don't need another social net and if no one moves, G+ just lays dormant.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
If you can't get them to move to G+, they ain't your friends. Say "screw them" and move over yourself.
If you can't get them to move to G+, they ain't your friends. Say "screw them" and move over yourself.

I know you're joking but there's no way I'm giving up what FB provides without pretty much everyone moving over. We use it for communication for our various non-profit committees, and it's essential at this point.


The Social Networks
These are the social network numbers (in million visitors) for June, including the percentage change compared to May.
Facebook 158,6 (+1,0%)
YouTube 153,8 (+0,75%)
Twitter 42,6 (+0,9%)
Google+ 31,9 (+43,1%)
Linkedin 24,6 (-6,5%)
MySpace 21,9 (-8,0%)
Tumblr 21,6 (+0,1%)
Pinterest 19,4 (+0,4%)


As of June from http://siteanalytics.compete.com/plus.google.com/

What happened in June?


The Social Networks
These are the social network numbers (in million visitors) for June, including the percentage change compared to May.
Facebook 158,6 (+1,0%)
YouTube 153,8 (+0,75%)
Twitter 42,6 (+0,9%)
Google+ 31,9 (+43,1%)
Linkedin 24,6 (-6,5%)
MySpace 21,9 (-8,0%)
Tumblr 21,6 (+0,1%)
Pinterest 19,4 (+0,4%)


As of June from http://siteanalytics.compete.com/plus.google.com/

What happened in June?

Not so dead huh?
Not sure could be a combination of Facebook IPO at the end of May, Facebook faux pas, and Google I/O at the end of June?


The Social Networks
These are the social network numbers (in million visitors) for June, including the percentage change compared to May.
Facebook 158,6 (+1,0%)
YouTube 153,8 (+0,75%)
Twitter 42,6 (+0,9%)
Google+ 31,9 (+43,1%)
Linkedin 24,6 (-6,5%)
MySpace 21,9 (-8,0%)
Tumblr 21,6 (+0,1%)
Pinterest 19,4 (+0,4%)


As of June from http://siteanalytics.compete.com/plus.google.com/

What happened in June?

People found out Facebook was being shitty with their data.

Also George Takei.
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