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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


aka andydumi
I have been doing hangouts dsily with my wife who is in Scotland and they are spotty. It could be lag. Also I wish i could make the sound come out of the ear piece of my phone, not the speakerphone option.


Google+ opening its API to Flipboard, integration coming soon

Bradley Horowitz, the man pulling the strings behind Google+, has been speaking today at the LeWeb 12 conference in London. Several partners were announced for the social platform, including Buddy Media, Hootsuite, Context Optional, Hearsay Social, Involver and Vitrue, who are all now "trusted partners." Perhaps more interesting though, is the addition of Flipboard to that list.

Opening up the Google+ API to Flipboard will mean a proper integration of the two platforms. Users of Flipboard will soon be able to comment on, and +1 Flipboard articles, as well as sending Flipboard content to their Google+ circles.

Neat. Flipboard is a very nice app.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Just a heads up, notifications in the new Google+ app make the LED orange on my Galaxy Nexus. Pretty cool that now both G+ and FB are using custom LED colors. More apps should do it.


Fuck, I really want to be entrenched in Google's ecosystem, because I plan on picking up the Nexus 7, but like none of my friends use Google +, which is a shame, because I enjoy it more than Facebook.


aka andydumi
Fuck, I really want to be entrenched in Google's ecosystem, because I plan on picking up the Nexus 7, but like none of my friends use Google +, which is a shame, because I enjoy it more than Facebook.

My solution was to one day start sharing everything through G+. Since most if not all of them have Gmail, and they got emails all the time about it (by me checking the email box) they eventually most migrated to + or at least use both now.
Fuck, I really want to be entrenched in Google's ecosystem, because I plan on picking up the Nexus 7, but like none of my friends use Google +, which is a shame, because I enjoy it more than Facebook.

I know that feel.

My solution was to one day start sharing everything through G+. Since most if not all of them have Gmail, and they got emails all the time about it (by me checking the email box) they eventually most migrated to + or at least use both now.

This is brilliant, actually.


I loved G+ when it was first out but damn I hate the interface now.

The fact that it's not centered and so messy really sucks. Plus I know no one that uses it.


My solution was to one day start sharing everything through G+. Since most if not all of them have Gmail, and they got emails all the time about it (by me checking the email box) they eventually most migrated to + or at least use both now.
That's smart! Sadly I don't think that many friends use gmail, or even check their email on a regular basis that is.
[Editorial] Welcome To Google+: Your Social Network Is Finally Ready, So What Are You Waiting On?

Google I/O isn't even finished yet, and everyone's favorite search company has already shaken things up quite a bit. One of the biggest things Google announced was Google Events. Google said that this new feature would allow users to coordinate events and share them with others. What Google didn't say was that with the addition of this feature, Google+ is ready. Cooked until golden brown and ready to be served. And, guys? It's time to dig in.
Google Events is a nightmare right now, it seriously needs to be fixed. My feed is currently jammed up with invites from people I've never heard of to events I have no interest in. Apparently Google is scrambling to fix it as they've had lots of complaints.

I was one of the first people in G+ and have been a regular poster there but I'm very close to being done with it. I was very bullish about it as a potential Facebook killer in the early days but all that early goodwill has been exhausted. It just doesn't seem to have caught on, everyone I know is on Facebook/Twitter but probably less than 5% of them are also on G+. It's just a totally redundant third network for me right now. Not sure what they can do to fix it.


Google Events is a nightmare right now, it seriously needs to be fixed. My feed is currently jammed up with invites from people I've never heard of to events I have no interest in. Apparently Google is scrambling to fix it as they've had lots of complaints.

I was one of the first people in G+ and have been a regular poster there but I'm very close to being done with it. It just doesn't seem to have caught on, everyone I know is on Facebook/Twitter but probably less than 5% of them are also on G+. It's just a totally redundant third network for me right now. Not sure what they can do to fix it.

Go into the settings of google calendar, near the bottom there's an option to not auto add events. No idea why it's set to the default it is now, it's retarded.
So I have to go into Calendar to remove things from G+? Brilliant.

EDIT: I can't figure it out, where exactly is the setting to remove events from my feed?


Google+ is gorgeous now.

That said, I kind of like not having all my friends on G+. I was super inundated with information on FB, from blocking apps to useless status updates, adding me to silly notes, random status-update games, overlapping events, attention-whoring comment drama.

I'm sure I'll want them all on G+ once I get some events going, but for now I'm enjoying the quiet. :)
The fact that Google+ was very sparsely populated used to be kind of cool when it was in beta, a welcome change from the more established and noisy social networks. But that novelty has worn off now; the idea of a social network that hardly anyone I know uses just seems kind of pointless. And maybe it's just me but I think the design is atrocious.
The fact that Google+ was very sparsely populated used to be kind of cool when it was in beta, a welcome change from the more established and noisy social networks. But that novelty has worn off now; the idea of a social network that hardly anyone I know uses just seems kind of pointless. And maybe it's just me but I think the design is atrocious.

I agree. The appeal in the early days was novelty, and it never seemed to gain traction for me or anyone else I follow past that. Add in all of the weirdness and constant design changes and you have quite a mess for anyone who wants to use it exclusively. At best, it's a third pillar that isn't necessary. A bold attempt that wasn't asked for or required, yet exists for some reason I can't fathom. I'd probably be warmer to it if I had more friends on it, yet that's not really my problem. They're all on Facebook or Twitter, and that's good enough for me.

The lack of an iPad app is one of the main reasons I don't even check it but once a month these days. The mobile site sucks, and the desktop version hates touching, so it's basically unusable to me.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
"constant design changes."



I've said it before but Google+ really needs an API. Would solve almost all the issues imo.

- Third party apps would get people excited (few people enjoy the official Twitter app, mostly everyone loves Tweetbot for example)
- Clever uses of API (services/tools) would get people talking
- Interoperability with other social networks (you can link a Twitter/FB account etc)
- Sites would be able to automate posting of articles to their fanpages rather than them being empty and abandoned cause they forget to manually share it there or more likely just don't care

Having an API would give the service a lot more content instead of all these empty streams.


Yup. Currently there is limited integration (simple stuff like posting tracks from Spotify etc) which makes it kind of useless for me. The core features are great but I've never got a reason to go.


Yup. Currently there is limited integration (simple stuff like posting tracks from Spotify etc) which makes it kind of useless for me. The core features are great but I've never got a reason to go.

The developers blog just released a full rundown of the G+ SDK that's releasing in "the coming weeks"

And Whitta.. you aren't alone with the events issue... I've seen a bunch of complaints from the more active popular people on G+ about events
The way the Events thing was rolled out was just shockingly inept, particularly in the way that the most-followed posters - the people you'd think Google would be most keen to keep happy - were the ones most inconvenienced.

Also, is it just me or are the very subtle animations in the Event banners JUST enough to drive you fucking insane? It's like you can't quite tell if it's animated or not. Does Google have a new psychological torture department we don't know about?


Yeah I don't think you can yet, I think that's what Google is rushing to fix.

I don't know if this will fix your problems with events Gary, but there is another option in the calendar settings to only show events that you have replied yes or maybe to. I tested it and I no longer see my event invites in my calendar or on my feed.


So.. i never really use this but because of the conference I decided to give it a whirl

...and now get a daily error on my phone that I cannot login to G+ even thought it works fine on my browser.

I put in my password (even though it is linked to the gmail account my phone uses) and no dice.

Is this related to the double authentication on my gmail somehow?


So.. i never really use this but because of the conference I decided to give it a whirl

...and now get a daily error on my phone that I cannot login to G+ even thought it works fine on my browser.

I put in my password (even though it is linked to the gmail account my phone uses) and no dice.

Is this related to the double authentication on my gmail somehow?

Yup, you have to put in the application specific passcode.
I just added an older version of the NeoGaf circle, but that might have heaps of people who aren't active, right? Not sure how it works. :p


so.....ipad app?

One more thing...
coming soon.

I just added an older version of the NeoGaf circle, but that might have heaps of people who aren't active, right? Not sure how it works. :p

My Google+ profile info is on my GAF profile. I get random people adding me to their circles from all over the world. The only way to tell that they are GAFers is if we have other GAFers in common.

Not sure if there is an easy way for us to pool all the Google+ profiles of GAFers. A Google Docs spreadsheet?


I would like to see a spreadsheet of active GAFers. I ended up getting rid of my GAF circle because it got huge from the first rollout. It ended up getting a bunch of reddit people mixed in.


aka andydumi
I would like to see a spreadsheet of active GAFers. I ended up getting rid of my GAF circle because it got huge from the first rollout. It ended up getting a bunch of reddit people mixed in.

Its hard to keep track, but I do have a ton of Gaffers, and a ton of redittors and a lot are in common as well.


Did anybody else's G+ layout change lately?

Mainly the share search/share bar at the top sticking while scrolling. I'm not sure, but I could have sworn that part use to "stick" to the top of the browser window while scrolling your stream.


testicles on a cold fall morning
I have a GAF circle, but except for one or two people I can't identify anyone of them. I'm sure that's mutual as well.

Love the interface on G+ though - especially the iOS client. It's a shame that the vast majority of my 'IRL' friends use Facebook. It seems like G+ is going to stick around for the long haul, and I've liked how they've integrated it into the rest of their services, especially Picasa. It still won't tempt me to ever turn on history/URL saving.
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