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GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Wants To Outlaw Oral Sex, Even For Married Couples...

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Virginia Republican Gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli is now obsessed with oral sex in addition to his obsession with anal sex. Apparently he wants to spy on everyone’s bedrooms and arrest people who engage in either legal act, even if they are married couples.

Cuccinelli unveiled a new website on Wednesday dedicated to his cause of forever banning consenting adults from having oral and anal sex in the privacy of their bedrooms.

His goal is “to reinstate Virginia’s unconstitutional Crimes Against Nature law,” ThinkProgress reports. “The rule, which makes felons out of even consenting married couples who engage in oral or anal sex in the privacy of their own homes, was struck down by federal courts after Cuccinelli blocked efforts to bring it in line with the Supreme Court’s 2003 Lawrence v. Texas ruling.” That ruling struck down laws that intrude upon the personal and private lives of consenting adults. In other words, it is unconstitutional to arrest people for engaging in private sexual acts.

According to the Crimes Against Nature Law that Cuccinelli supports,

If any person carnally knows in any manner any brute animal, or carnally knows any male or female person by the anus or by or with the mouth, or voluntarily submits to such carnal knowledge, he or she shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony.

Cuccinelli claims the law is only aimed at child predators, prostitution, non-consenting actions, and public sex, but the problem is that there are provisions in the law, like the one above, that still criminalize sex acts performed by consenting adults, even though the Supreme Court has effectively struck those particular provisions down. But Cuccinelli wants to defy the Court and reinstate the law anyway.

One has to wonder how Cuccellini knows so much about “carnal knowledge” and why he is so obsessed with it. Did Cuccinelli have bad experiences in the past that led him to try and outlaw these sex acts for everyone? Perhaps he feels that since he can’t have a good time, no one else should be allowed to? Is he simply jealous? It just boggles the mind to wonder why Cuccinelli is so adamant about regulating what people do in the privacy of their own homes. And that brings us to another question. How will he enforce his law if he gets what he wants?

Unless Cuccinelli plans to hire a police officer to stand guard outside the bedrooms of every man and woman in the state, he will fail to stop consenting adults from engaging in the sex acts he despises. Of course, he could always use drones, which is frightening to think about. Is Cuccinelli literally going to spy on our bedrooms to find people breaking his law? Either option would require unprecedented man power, not to mention millions of taxpayer dollars. Simply put, it’s a waste of time and money to worry about what consenting adults do with each other in private. The state would be far better off targeting child molesters and rapists which everyone agrees should be arrested and punished.

This is what the Republican Party has turned into. The once proud party of small government and privacy now wants to use government to literally regulate what Americans do in their bedrooms, and there is a fundamental reason why. It’s called religious extremism.

Ken Cuccinelli once said, “I think in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that.” By “natural law” Cuccinelli means Christian law or Biblical law. He wants to bring Biblical law to the state of Virginia and force everyone to abide by it whether they are Christians or not. Such laws would strip women of their reproductive rights, ban same-sex marriage, ban unmarried couples from having sex, ban unmarried couples from living together, ban birth control, force women to submit to their husbands, and ban any sexual activities that fundamentalist Christians disagree with, including oral and anal sex. Such laws are also entirely unconstitutional and would destroy the civil laws in which this country was founded.

If Virginians don’t want to be spied on or arrested for what they do in the privacy of their own homes, Ken Cuccinelli is not the person they should vote for as Governor. He would put Bob McDonnell, aka “Governor Ultrasound,” to shame. If Ken Cuccinelli hates anal and oral sex so much, the answer is simply. Just don’t do it. But don’t try to use government and police resources and taxpayer money to stop every other consenting adult from doing it. Republicans are hypocrites for trying to legislate what we can and can’t do in our bedrooms. That kind of government is not “small government.” Only big government, REALLY big government, has the power to do such a thing. Millions of people would have to be spied on and arrested in order for Cuccinelli’s “natural law” to work. It would turn Virginia into a police state where Biblical law supersedes the Constitution. Is that what Virginians really want for their state?

tl;dr: VA GOP gubernatorial candidate wants to outlaw oral and anal sex between consenting adults...

PS. I did a search, nothing came up. If this is old, please lock!


Homeland Security Fail
If you told me there was a bet among the GOP to top each other every week with even crazier proposals, I would believe you.


If you told me there was a bet among the GOP to top each other every week with even crazier proposals, I would believe you.

The scary thing is this guy will still get 40-45% of the vote, more if Virginia is stupider than I give them credit for.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Think about the sacrifice this guy is making due to his hatred of gay people.


No one is going to let this guy head the state. I think they'll blow him off the ticket as fast as they can because they're tired of sucking the life out of their own party. They want to get as many people to come under the big Republican dome as possible.


I like the photo of him on the site:



I'm not against him saying this. People should have to face their hypocrisy whenever they're against homosexuals because it's "unnatural" but then be for oral/anal sex because it feels good.


No one is going to let this guy head the state. I think they'll blow him off the ticket as fast as they can because they're tired of sucking the life out of their own party. They want to get as many people to come under the big Republican dome as possible.

Their actions say differently. All over the country they are enacting stricter abortion laws where they can. That's not a way to win over more women voters, who they are losing more and more of as they continue to go down this abortion rabbit hole.

Stop thinking of the Republicans as rational actors. If they were rational, the immigration bill wouldn't be dying (and so to, their hopes of national relevance).
If you told me there was a bet among the GOP to top each other every week with even crazier proposals, I would believe you.
Yes. Easily.

If they are stupid enough to elect this guy, I am gonna drive my husband to Virginia for a public protest. Or a pubic one.


I won't be the least bit surprised if this dude gives head regularly and loves (receiving) anal.

Why do people even come up with such ass backwards laws.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
This is on the level of eat da poopoo.


They're eating
away at my liberties and taking
my freedoms!

Seriously, dumb fucking idea.


No one is going to let this guy head the state. I think they'll blow him off the ticket as fast as they can because they're tired of sucking the life out of their own party. They want to get as many people to come under the big Republican dome as possible.

Need to give a little credit where credit is due


Why is the GOP obsessed with people's private sex life?

Aren't they suppose to be for LESS government intrusion into people's lives, not more?


Whatever happened to Republicans being the party of small government, only small government when it benefits them, but let's also stomp on people's liberties while we're at it.
Why is the GOP obsessed with people's private sex life?

Aren't they suppose to be for LESS government intrusion into people's lives, not more?

In all honesty their sex lives must really suck. Who manages to get good sex on the reg and gives a fuck about what others are doing? Strikes me as some plain ol' jealous crap.
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