as said, they will use this is "democrats blocked zika funding because they evil!!!one1 vote...Y'know, I'm actually convinced that the GOP intentionally sabotaged this bill by putting in things that they knew Democrats would block.
White conservatives don't care what happens to Puerto Rico.
House Republicans, however, attached provisions to the bill that imposed restrictions on abortion, overturned clean water regulations, defunded parts of the presidents healthcare law, and sought to undo a ban on flying the Confederate flag at federal cemeteries.
Oh Fuck you McConnell.
The fact that people still parrot this dumb as fuck talking point when there is piles upon piles of evidence to the contrary boggles my mind.
Make sure government doesn't work, run on government not working.And the American people will punish them by voting their party back into office.
Along with.. "But Obama had 8 years and he didn't even do anything!"
Republican leaders, however, said the House-passed bill could not be amended, since it was passed under a procedure known as a conference report.
Id love it if the Senate just passed bills and they became law, but it doesnt work that way, the Texas senator John Cornyn, the Senate Republican whip, told the Guardian. The House gets a vote too.
Is it though? Because cmon, Republicans added a provision against clean water regulations. The only way it could be so blatantly set up to fail is if it added a provision that GOP Senators get to punch Democratic Senators in the stomach once a day.
This is extraordinarily clumsy. I'm about to state the obvious, but that's the point. It should have been obvious.
The plan:
Attach riders to the Zika bill to force Dems to "BLOCK THE ZIKA BILL!" - the media will then have to report DEMS BLOCK ZIKA FUNDING! - Ostensibly hurting the dems, right?
Flaw in cunning plan - Every single outlet will report the REASON and it will just look like the Republicans attach nasty bullshit to bills. The only remote chance of that information being omitted from reporting, is in echo chamber outlets like Fox and Breitbart - so the message they want to amplify doesn't go anywhere.
They are getting really clumsy at messaging and strategy these days. Possibly a sign of the very deep divisions and frankly, addition of very unsophisticated politicians post Tea Party.
The only people who think Confederate flags and abortion bans are good issues, are racists and the religious right who are already aboard the clowntrain.
GG Republicans, you just planned a slightly corrosive hit on your already tattered governance reputation.
And bad timing too- first Zika fatality in the US just happened and Brazil paranoia is about to spin up again. First time a microcephalic baby shows up, Dems will just point to the the republicans and say "They played politics with this baby's head"
Here's what I'm confused about with this bill.
The Senate, where Mitch McConnell is majority leader, passed a Zika funding bill, straight up, no riders. Then the House voted on a version of the bill, and House Republicans attached a bunch of poison pill riders to it. That bill went back to the Senate, with all those amendments attached.
How did the bill come out of conference with all those crappy riders on it?
Republicans might be evil, but they're not stupid. So let's dispel this fiction that the Republicans don't know what they're doing, they know exactly what they're doing.
How in the blue FUCK are riders even a thing?
What the fuck is wrong with your politcal system, America? It's like you looked at democracy and decided to break it in as many ways as possible while still allowing the public to think they have some sort of control.
The option to attach and detach riders is not, in and of itself, a bad thing.
The problem arose as soon as people realized they didn't have to use them for meaningful tweaks to the bills and could, instead, use them to tank something they didn't want passed, slip something in under the radar, or make backend deals.
This could be rationally solved with the ability to do a line-item veto.
Wait, so :
-Democrats propose a bill
-Republicans add nonsense to it that has nothing to do with the bill, hopefully piggybacking on it.
-Democrats stop the bill
-Republicans blame Democrats for the bills failure.
I... What??
It's the Democrats' fault for not giving Republicans everything they've always wanted.Wait, so :
-Democrats propose a bill
-Republicans add nonsense to it that has nothing to do with the bill, hopefully piggybacking on it.
-Democrats stop the bill
-Republicans blame Democrats for the bills failure.
I... What??
I was merely commenting on why they're allowed.
There is a major problem with line-item vetoes as well. If, for example, a liberal compromise on a conservative bill is reached that gets it through a majority Republican congress to a Republican President and that President vetoes the liberal safeguards out of the bill. Libs don't have enough votes to get it passed and the naked conservative bill passes.
YepAnd the American people will punish them by voting their party back into office.
Wait, so :
-Democrats propose a bill
-Republicans add nonsense to it that has nothing to do with the bill, hopefully piggybacking on it.
-Democrats stop the bill
-Republicans blame Democrats for the bills failure.
I... What??
Is there some kind of way we can re place the current congress without relying on mid terms?
Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, blasted Democrats for blocking the Senate bill.
Its time for our friends to start worrying less about pleasing outside political groups and start worrying more about actually helping the Americans who are counting on us, he said.
This is extraordinarily clumsy. I'm about to state the obvious, but that's the point. It should have been obvious.
The plan:
Attach riders to the Zika bill to force Dems to "BLOCK THE ZIKA BILL!" - the media will then have to report DEMS BLOCK ZIKA FUNDING! - Ostensibly hurting the dems, right?
And bad timing too- first Zika fatality in the US just happened and Brazil paranoia is about to spin up again. First time a microcephalic baby shows up, Dems will just point to the the republicans and say "They played politics with this baby's head"
I wish like hell we could pass a law that states nothing can be attached to a bill that has nothing to do with the orginal bill.
Once the Democrats have definitive control the Republicans will probably be condemned to being nothing more than a niche opposition party. But that is still a decade or too away and I think they are trying to cause as much pain as possible before that happens.