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GOP tries to make it easier to drug test unemployed, possibly makes it harder.

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Senate Republicans voted Tuesday night to kill an obscure Obama-era regulation because they wanted to make it easier for states to drug-test applicants for unemployment benefits. There’s just one problem: They may have just made it harder.

Last August, the Labor Department finalized a rule that let states drug-test people claiming unemployment benefits in aviation, trucking, law enforcement and other lines of work that already had routine on-the-job testing. Republicans complained that the rule was far too limited in who could be tested, and the House passed a repeal bill last month. Tuesday night, the Senate sent the bill to President Donald Trump’s desk on a party-line vote of 51-48, and Trump is expected to sign it.

The bill’s sponsors, Rep. Kevin Brady and Sen. Ted Cruz, both Republicans from Texas, promptly claimed a victory in the fight to rein in federal overreach and empower states. “The American people are sick and tired of Washington bureaucrats abusing their authority,” Brady said in a statement. Cruz hailed his colleagues in Congress for “returning discretion to the governments that are closest to the people.”

For now, though, it looks as if repealing the rule might actually have the opposite effect. Under the 2012 law that directed the Labor Department to create the rule, it’s not clear that states will have the authority to drug-test workers (except those who lost jobs for drug-related reasons) from any industries until there’s a new rule or a new law in place.

That could create a real quandary for GOP lawmakers, because they’re killing the drug-testing rule under the Congressional Review Act, a law that was used only once before 2017 but has now been used to strike down eight late-term Obama regulations. The CRA gives Congress the power to wipe out recently finalized rules with simple majorities in the House and Senate, but with a catch: It forbids the executive branch from developing similar rules to replace them. This could prevent Trump’s Labor Department from creating a more expansive drug-testing rule. And while Brady is preparing new legislation that could supersede the 2012 law and give states much more flexibility to drug test, that legislation would presumably require 60 votes in the Senate to overcome a filibuster—and Republicans got only 51 Tuesday night.

Basically, Trump could have gotten allow the states more leeway for drug testing those on unemployment by writing a regulation like a normal president. Instead, the GOP used a super obscure law to repeal Obama's regulation and now there may not defined regulations for whether states can now drug test people receiving unemployment benefits and the super obscure law forbids Trump from writing those regulations.


The GOP's extreme incompetence will eventually kill us all with bird flu, but let's enjoy the victories that have come from their incompetence in the now.


The GOP know that Congress is filled with staffers specially hired to go over old laws and rules to make sure Congress understands the laws that exist right?
The money quote:

That could create a real quandary for GOP lawmakers, because they’re killing the drug-testing rule under the Congressional Review Act, a law that was used only once before 2017 but has now been used to strike down eight late-term Obama regulations. The CRA gives Congress the power to wipe out recently finalized rules with simple majorities in the House and Senate, but with a catch: It forbids the executive branch from developing similar rules to replace them. This could prevent Trump’s Labor Department from creating a more expansive drug-testing rule.



This is confusing.

So the GOPs endgame for this is to extend an Obama regulation and drug test even more people on unemployment BUT they didn't like the fact that it was Obama who created the regulation in the first place so they decided to get rid of it altogether? That's awfully stupid of them.
The GOP know that Congress is filled with staffers specially hired to go over old laws and rules to make sure Congress understands the laws that exist right?
Are we sure Trump didn't fire them?

this is ment to be a joke and a legitimate question at the same time


Are we sure Trump didn't fire them?

this is ment to be a joke and a legitimate question

Well each Congressional official hires his own staff...

It would be a breach of separation of powers if Trump could determine who the legislative branch hires to do its busy work. And/or fire them. Just imagine "I dont like Warren, so ima fire her entire staff so she cant get anything done"


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The GOP know that Congress is filled with staffers specially hired to go over old laws and rules to make sure Congress understands the laws that exist right?
Who needs staffers when one of the bill's chief sponsors is legal expert Ted Cruz?


Well each Congressional official hires his own staff...

It would be a breach of separation of powers if Trump could determine who the legislative branch hires to do its busy work. And/or fire them. Just imagine "I dont like Warren, so ima fire her entire staff so she cant get anything done"
It does on the other hand indicate that these shitty congressmen and senators hire equally shitty staffers to figure shit out.


It's Ted Cruz, the craven mofo who has made spiting one's face an art form.

As I said in another thread, it's amazing how a useless crypto-Republican like Gary Johnson won 3% of the vote (more than Trump's margin of victory) on a platform of marijuana legalization, and is defeaningly silent as the spawn of Jesse Helms shape drug policy. Dude probably thinks his mission was accomplished by keeping Clinton out of the White House.


The GOP know that Congress is filled with staffers specially hired to go over old laws and rules to make sure Congress understands the laws that exist right?

The GOP has been freezing Congressional staff budgets for years now. Frozen budgets mean talented people just leave to go to the private sector.

Add to that the fact that the GOP stopped having a governing agenda eight years ago and so stopped having any incentive to hire people who know how legislation works, and you can see the problem.
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