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Got a nice surprise when picking up Fire Emblem Engage; A positive GameStop story for a change

Power Pro

Well I have a GameStop story for ya that's not a negative one for a change. It's mostly a story of an awesome friend, but I'm still feeling a bit emotional from it, so felt like sharing.

I went to GameStop to pick up my Fire Emblem Engage divine edition. The person who works there Rob, we chat all the time about games and shit, and he had put one of the female Corrin amiibos aside for me, cuz he knows I like the cute anime girls, haha. They got a shipment in earlier in the week that couldn't be sold until today.

I had already paid off my Fire Emblem weeks ago, but with a lot of stuff going on at the house lately, Dad being sick, cat having to be put down soon, I've been pretty depressed and shorter on money than usual. I couldn't really justify spending the extra on the amiibo, even though I probably would've been happy to get it.

As i was leaving, he was asking me if i picked up my amiibo, and I told him I couldn't, just couldn't afford it right now. He told me to hold on, asked the other guy working to do a transaction for him, and he bought the Corrin for me. I wanted to cry I was so moved. No one ever does things nice for me like that, but I thought it was so kind. I have to make it up to him somehow.


I am happier than usual today, so I just felt like sharing this positive gaming story, and about how awesome people can be sometimes when it's so hard to remember that.


Gold Member
Yeah, most of the people at my store are pretty nice. I think one of the only exceptions was a guy who seemed like he just wanted to get any transaction over as quickly as possible, which while efficient, he did it in a way that made him come off as cold. Over time though, he seemed to relax some, I think he might just have some level of anxiety.

Not the one I currently go to, but I did have an employee at a different GameStop do me a favor a long while ago when I was trading in my N64 and a bunch of 64 games as I didn’t have a job yet so I needed some money for the newest games. One I was trading in was NBA Hangtime, and the guy at the counter was excited as he had been hoping to find a copy for himself. One of the games I was buying with the money was Wind Waker which had just released. I knew the Ocarina of Time Master Quest was free if you preordered WW, but now I saw they were selling it for $20. I asked the guy if I could get it free since I was buying WW, and he said technically it was supposed to be free only with a preorder, but since I got him access to NBA Hangtime, he’d hook me up with a free copy. Pretty cool of him.

Also befriended a dude who worked at the Dairy Queen near my friend’s house. One time when I was getting lunch, I got out my card and he was like, “nah, you’re good.” I was confused and he explained he’d cover the charge. I told him he didn‘t have to do that and he said it was all good and he just appreciated having someone to talk to about nerd stuff and such. Really good guy.


Sucks to hear about your situation. Things will work out, they always do.

And Rob sounds like a conniving snake. Everyone knows you should have got the Kazuya amiibo instead!
Yeah well screw them. Charged me game protection without me knowing about it. Should have looked at the receipt before I got home but I assumed it was just tax. Just how desperate are they these days? If not for the cards I would have gone anywhere else.
I've had this tried on me but I know to watch the screen like a hawk. One guy tried to put it on each game I bought. "I don't want the insurance, dude."


Gold Member
I had somebody in line at Chick-fil-A drive through pay for my meal once.

Random acts of kindness are always a good feeling, and makes you realize not everybody sucks.

Yeah, that happened to my mom in a drive thru once as well.



Power Pro

Sucks to hear about your situation. Things will work out, they always do.

And Rob sounds like a conniving snake. Everyone knows you should have got the Kazuya amiibo instead!
Haha, I actually got Kazuya and Sephiroth earlier in the week. I had a gift card from xmas to spend, and I couldn't resist when I saw Sephiroth, so I'm kinda getting back in the amiibo collecting. I had given up for a long time.

I still cannot believe they re-released the Corrin P2 Amiibo, resellers in tatters.
Really? how bad had that one gotten? I sold off what few amiibos I had a while ago, because I was getting tired of the scalping prices.
Sorry to hear about your situation buddy.
Also, omg, thank you for the gaf gold! Never expected something like that to happen! You're too kind!


Sorry about your situation, buddy, and glad to hear someone did you a little kindness in a tough moment..

And, coincidentally, this is one of the reasons why I will always buy things at GameStop whenever I can. Yeah, they mostly suck, "game protection" is a scam, but brick & mortar video game stores are important.


I've had this tried on me but I know to watch the screen like a hawk. One guy tried to put it on each game I bought. "I don't want the insurance, dude."
Yeah l should know better than to trust them even if my original preorder receipt never asked for it in the first place. One store even tried to get away with selling me an empty display case with no game included.

Whatever I got my refund with no hassle so back to having positivity in this thread.


Thanks. She's old, but that doesn't always make it any easier.

No it doesn't make it easier. My two cats are super old. Mother and daughter actually and the Mom is at the very least 20 years old and the daughter is 16.

I have no clue how old the mom is. She showed up as an adult stray cat at my house in 2003. Is now a house cat.(but was a stray for 5 more years and had kittens in 2006)


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Pets are part of your family too.

My doggy got to 11 last year when I lost him to chronic liver failure. I was a fucking mess for weeks. Didn’t have anyone to talk about it. That’s life.
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(...) he was asking me if i picked up my amiibo, and I told him I couldn't, just couldn't afford it right now. He told me to hold on, asked the other guy working to do a transaction for him, and he bought the Corrin for me.
Nice human being.

Those things can really brighten someone's life even if slightly dark times, I don't think most usually people understand that much in a world increasingly self-centered.

I hope things will turn out right for you.
Pets are part of your family too.

My doggy got to 11 last year when I lost him to chronic liver failure. I was a fucking mess for weeks. Didn’t have anyone to talk about it. That’s life.
Everyone has their copying mechanisms, I've spoken with strangers at times my life was on a low point. I don't think it matters who you talk to, you just need to talk to a human being that can relate to a fault. It's a good thing imo, specially because you can talk with someone but you can't rely on them, it's a bit of paying it back, as I've heard lots of things from strangers as well. Sometimes you help others, sometimes you get help.

People on forums are doing the same, just digitally.

It would be too much for me not to talk to anyone, I remember when my last dog was put down that I've basically sobbed for a few days at work. It's super painful, sometimes more painful than a family member that's not a grandpa/mother, father/mother, or sibling. Because animals are really there for you, you're the center of their world, and boy, do they leave a void. I know it's late, but I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to your dog, happens to everyone and everyone with an animal will understand your pain quite vividly.
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Pets are part of your family too.

My doggy got to 11 last year when I lost him to chronic liver failure. I was a fucking mess for weeks. Didn’t have anyone to talk about it. That’s life.
Right in the feelz this.... I had a dog who managed to get to 17 years old. But when the final day came and he couldn't even lift his head anymore, my parents asked if I would come along. I said no. I wanted to remember him as he was the days before. Not laying on a steel plateau waiting for his final shot.

I felt empty for months..... I still have a strand of his hair, and it was 15 years ago...

Doughnut, I still love ya boy!!
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It's very heartwarming seeing several of you folks actually showing empathy for a part I didn't try to highlight too much. It's really appreciated. Love my little 18 year old kitty, but I think this week is finally gonna be when I do something. She's not living, she's existing at this point. I'll always love her though, and I'll still call her my kitty.
I'm so sorry for all this, I hesitated to highlight it because I know too much how devastating it can be and hard it is to speak about it, that's why I feel deep empathy with you and everyone losing a loyal family member.
No matter how old they are, this is always too soon, always. Their lives are so short, too short, this is so unfair. I truely and sincerely wish you to have the strength and courage to take care of you lovely little kitty as long she want to stay with you. Please don't let her leave alone and don't forget to say how much you love her when spending time with her.
A lot of people people doesn't understand and often mock how strong and deep can be the link with a cat, and more generally, a pet, but they literally become a member of our family with whom we go through the hardness of life, and when they must leave, they take a piece of our heart with them every single time...

Love to you and your kitty 💖
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Completely unrelated to the main topic, but the sub topic was my kitty...and today she finally crossed the rainbow bridge.

Rest in peace my sweet kitty :messenger_loudly_crying:
My sincere and deep condolences about your kitty 😿😿😿

I was thinking of you and your kitty all this week... I was afraid to see the topic bumped and read a bad news, and this finally happened today 😿💔
Damn, she's gorgeous and looks like a lot one my kitty I lost in 2015 because of a digestive lymphoma, we fought as much as possible with a chemotherapy, but we lost the battle, she was barely 13 years old.

Again, I'm so sorry for your loss and you have all my sympathy :messenger_heart: it's always too hard to say goodbye...

May your kitty rest in peace ✨🌠✨
Cat Rainbow GIF

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