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Got a speeding ticket last night

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Just felt like venting a little. Was on the way home from Louisville visiting some family. I was about an hour from the Fl-GA border and we had just pulled off from some gas. I wasn't far from off of the on ramp and I see the lights. The officer came up to my passenger window and said he used a laser to see I was going 86 in a 70. Being I wasn't that far off of the on ramp I thought that was kind of funny but I stayed respectful. He pulled out his flash light and started looking thru my windows at the kids. My son which is 7 didn't even bat an eye from his tablet and he woke up my 11 month old with his flash light right in her face. Even peered thru the back window.

He came back about 10 mins later and asked me to step out of the car. I obliged and walked to the back of the car. He gave me two citations. One for speeding and one for my son not being in a Booster seat which is required in GA. It was cold and I had been sick the whole vacation and I was in shorts not really expecting to be outside the car. I put my hands in my pockets to warm up not thinking. He asked me to remove my hands and I quickly realised how easily things can go wrong interacting with an officer while making simple gestures. I apologised and he said they can't be too careful now a days with everything going on. He also said he didn't know how much the fines were which I thought was BS.

After doing some research about Georgia and Turner County. They are apparently notorious for issuing tickets over 85 mph. Mainly because of the Georgia Super Speeder fine which is an additional 200 on top of your other fines if they fine you above 85 mph in a 70. So all together I now owe 582.00 to Turner County.

I have had tickets before and can own up pretty easily but I am pretty sure I wasn't doing 86 that quickly off the on ramp. I contacted one of those ticket clinics to see if I can get them to drop it under 85 and keep the points off. Anyone have any luck with those?

Edit: Interesting video about that extra fee. They needed money so they added this fee and generated $120,000,000 just from it. The Officer didn't say anything about it when issuing a citation and there were no other signs stating that. This is more or less what I am upset about, not the citation itself but the shady feeling I get with them wanting to catch you or say you were above 85 on I-75. Being they really don't have to prove it makes it even easier for them.

Just felt like venting a little. Was on the way home from Louisville visiting some family. I was about an hour from the Fl-GA border and we had just pulled off from some gas. I wasn't far from off of the on ramp and I see the lights. The officer came up to my passenger window and said he used a laser to see I was going 86 in a 70. Being I wasn't that far off of the on ramp I thought that was kind of funny but I stayed respectful. He pulled out his flash light and started looking thru my windows at the kids. My son which is 7 didn't even bat an eye from his tablet and he woke up my 11 month old with his flash light right in her face. Even peered thru the back window.

He came back about 10 mins later and asked me to step out of the car. I obliged and walked to the back of the car. He gave me two citations. One for speeding and one for my son not being in a Booster seat which is required in GA. It was cold and I had been sick the whole vacation and I was in shorts not really expecting to be outside the car. I put my hands in my pockets to warm up not thinking. He asked me to remove my hands and I quickly realised how easily things can go wrong interacting with an officer while making simple gestures. I apologised and he said they can't be too careful now a days with everything going on. He also said he didn't know how much the fines were which I thought was BS.

After doing some research about Georgia and Turner County. They are apparently notorious for issuing tickets over 85 mph. Mainly because of the Georgia Super Speeder fine which is an additional 200 on top of your other fines if they fine you above 85 mph in a 70. So all together I now owe 582.00 to Turner County.

I have had tickets before and can own up pretty easily but I am pretty sure I wasn't doing 86 that quickly off the on ramp. I contacted one of those ticket clinics to see if I can get them to drop it under 85 and keep the points off. Anyone have any luck with those?

i'd show up and fight it. most judges will toss out one of the two or reduce infractions.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
You were probably doing 86 on the highway not on ramp and that is pushing it as far as speeding goes.


I got one here in NY earlier this year. Google a good lawyer and they should be able to keep the points off, but you'll still probably have to pay the full fine. Better than having your insurance skyrocket though.



Just wanted to use that gif :p
Get a lawyer local to that area to help you, can't really do much from that far away by yourself.

also, get your kid a booster seat, not having one is a very bad idea.


I got one here in NY earlier this year. Google a good lawyer and they should be able to keep the points off, but you'll still probably have to pay the full fine. Better than having your insurance skyrocket though.

Yeah I dont have a problem with the fine. If I can avoid the points and drop the Super Speeder fine that would be good.


That sucks. I always cruise at 80 on highways and I have not once gotten a speeding ticket. Don't police officers have to produce evidence of speeding/you can ask to see the speed gun?

Did get a ticket once five years ago when I made a right turn on red with a pedestrian present, however the sign prohibiting such a thing was ahead of the line where you stop so you cannot see it when you're first at the light.
The fact that you don' t know how fast you were going pretty much tells me everything I need to know.
Sometimes I just move with traffic and it turns out to be 55MPH. Not knowing how fast you are going when driving within a comfort zone isn't necessarily an admitance to going wrecklessly fast.


I put my hands in my pockets to warm up not thinking. He asked me to remove my hands and I quickly realised how easily things can go wrong interacting with an officer while making simple gestures. I apologised and he said they can't be too careful now a days with everything going on.

Well, this is a topic for discussion...


Well I am going to pay regardless so not paying isn't an option. I rely on my license pretty heavily.

I am sure I was above 70 but not 86, not even 80. My first glance down after seeing the lights I wasn't above 80 and I didn't let off or hit the brakes right away.

Funny enough I was looking at the tickets and he has my eye color as blue on one and brown on the other. Not that it really matters but being my eyes are neither I thought it was funny.


Not saying you did or didn't, but I know ME...driving between states or even between Orlando and back to St Petersburg...especially late at night I am usually up there.
It is just what I do unless I tack on CC and take it zen.
That being said, everybody I know has had a ticket in that area so welcome to the club.


Not saying you did or didn't, but I know ME...driving between states or even between Orlando and back to St Petersburg...especially late at night I am usually up there.
It is just what I do unless I tack on CC and take it zen.
That being said, everybody I know has had a ticket in that area so welcome to the club.

Yeah I am in Tampa. I have always heard about South GA and the tickets but like I said I have no problem owning a ticket that I earned but I just disagree with the 86. I think that extra fine they get for being over 85 encourages them to up the amount they said they caught me. They don't have to prove it and it becomes a very distrustful situation.


One time me and a friend were doing 200kmph in our cars. Cop pulled us over. Friend said he was doing 80, I said I was doing 100.
He didnt get a ticket, but I did.

Lesson learned. Never tell a cop anything.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Well I am going to pay regardless so not paying isn't an option. I rely on my license pretty heavily.

I am sure I was above 70 but not 86, not even 80. My first glance down after seeing the lights I wasn't above 80 and I didn't let off or hit the brakes right away.

Funny enough I was looking at the tickets and he has my eye color as blue on one and brown on the other. Not that it really matters but being my eyes are neither I thought it was funny.

That mistake would likely get the ticket thrown out. Cop wasn't paying attention. Also ask when devices were last calibrated. Fight the ticket.
After doing some research about Georgia and Turner County. They are apparently notorious for issuing tickets over 85 mph. Mainly because of the Georgia Super Speeder fine which is an additional 200 on top of your other fines if they fine you above 85 mph in a 70. So all together I now owe 582.00 to Turner County.

Jesus. Sounds almost exactly like the speeding ticket my husband got when we were on our way back from FL in September. If I remember correctly it was in that same fucking county too. My husband ended up just paying the damn thing as there was no way in hell we were going to drive almost 5 hours to go to court in that shithole county.
My friend would get pulled over and he went a number of incidents before he got a ticket. He claims the vet tags gave him a pass. So go fight in Afghanistan, get vet tags, ??? and then profit.
Yeah OP you were probably caught by one of the cops I saw heading up from Florida. I must've seen 12 cops on that highway pulling over people all in the same area. Sucks.


Yeah I am in Tampa. I have always heard about South GA and the tickets but like I said I have no problem owning a ticket that I earned but I just disagree with the 86. I think that extra fine they get for being over 85 encourages them to up the amount they said they caught me. They don't have to prove it and it becomes a very distrustful situation.

You could probably show up and get it taken down and worst case you could probably get it knocked under 85, but the question is will it be worth the time of work + driving back up to GA and back.


So your saying you were speeding and your son wasn't properly seated.

You were ticketed for speeding and your son not being properly seated. What's the issue?


i have a dream that one day we can live in a nation where a man can put his hands in his pants pockets without appearing suspicious.


Every time I've gotten a ticket and asked the cop how much it was they would always say they don't know.

I guess cops just don't give each other tickets even though I see cops break traffic laws all the time.

Fox Mulder

Every time I've gotten a ticket and asked the cop how much it was they would always say they don't know.

I guess cops just don't give each other tickets even though I see cops break traffic laws all the time.

I've always had tickets with the fine printed, but it's also like 80% court fees so they still get hundreds of dollars even if you get the ticket tossed out or reduced.


I've always had tickets with the fine printed, but it's also like 80% court fees so they still get hundreds of dollars even if you get the ticket tossed out or reduced.
Maybe California is different but tickets don't have fines on them. You get the ticket and then wait for mail that says how much you owe.

Fox Mulder

Maybe California is different but tickets don't have fines on them. You get the ticket and then wait for mail that says how much you owe.

It's on the ticket in NC, at least where I live. I'm sure this stuff is done 100 different ways.


so there is not picture or video of you doing 86?
he just said he saw it with his laser and that is it?


So your saying you were speeding and your son wasn't properly seated.

You were ticketed for speeding and your son not being properly seated. What's the issue?

My issue isn't with the citation for the booster seat, because I honestly didn't think about it passing through GA, a warning would have been cool but that's not how they do things there.

I am not even terribly upset with a speeding citation because I know I was going a little over 70 but I know I wasn't going 86. Even at 86 mph I don't think the fine is that bad, $282 isn't that awful. The extra sneaky fee they sneak in without telling you when being ticketed is what I am bothered by. The officer claimed he didn't know how much the ticket was is something I am seeing on other boards also, which is pretty strange. They should be obligated to let you know you will be getting a second ticket in the mail at some point. By paying the initial ticket you admit guilt and have to pay the second one that you aren't even aware of yet. See the link I added in the OP.


so there is not picture or video of you doing 86?
he just said he saw it with his laser and that is it?

No according to GA Lawyers they don't have to show you the proof. It becomes the Officers word vs mine.
You don't need to go to court yourself. Hire a traffic lawyer to do everything for you. Depending on where you are, they should be pretty cheap (I'm talking $75-80). You likely won't have to pay the fine and you won't get points taken off, but they'll probably ding you in court costs (you could be looking at a couple of hundred there). Gotta get their money somehow...


You don't need to go to court yourself. Hire a traffic lawyer to everything for you. Depending on where you are, they should be pretty cheap. You likely won't have to pay the fine and you won't get points taken off, but they'll probably ding you in court costs. Gotta get their money somehow.

Yeah that's what I am going to do at this point. I sure as hell am not driving back to GA. I am pretty sure it is all worked out with Lawyers anyways. They all win in the end. But I would rather give the 200 bucks to a lawyer than to the state, which sounds awful reading what I just wrote.


If you weren't going over 86 then why'd you agree with him and take the ticket?

Because arguing with him at midnight in the cold when my son was scared after he asked me to get out of the car was not worth it. Signing the ticket isn't claiming guilt if I remember correctly.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
i have a dream that one day we can live in a nation where a man can put his hands in his pants pockets without appearing suspicious.
But that day is not today!
Yeah that's what I am going to do at this point. I sure as hell am not driving back to GA. I am pretty sure it is all worked out with Lawyers anyways. They all win in the end. But I would rather give the 200 bucks to a lawyer than to the state, which sounds awful reading what I just wrote.
Check my edit above. I added some harder financial details.

You're likely looking at $75-$80 for lawyer (but could vary) and $200 or so to the state for court costs.
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