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Got a speeding ticket last night

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
That sucks. I always cruise at 80 on highways and I have not once gotten a speeding ticket. Don't police officers have to produce evidence of speeding/you can ask to see the speed gun?

Still doesn't mean it's from your car.
A couple decades ago I'd just left from chewing out the traffic sergeant for his guys backdating street parking notices in my neighborhood and the street next to the station ran parallel to a freeway. The first cop I saw pulled me over and gave me a ticket using a reading he'd gotten off the freeway. I was in a 45mph zone and I actually never had time to get above 41 with the stop sign next to the station and the red I'd waited at just before I got pulled over.
What are some of the outcomes if he didn't pay? Especially in a state he doesn't live in.

Here in CA the court will give you what's called a trial by written declaration (in absentia). You will be found guilty and you have to pay a fine. You won't be allowed to renew your CDL and if you don't pay up in 20 days the fine will be turned over to a collection agency. On top of the fine, there will be a $300 civil assessment. Your credit score will go down because it will show up as a judgement on your credit report.

If you have bad credit and don't ever plan on living in CA, then I guess its ok to not pay the fine.


Maxis Redwood
Funny enough I was looking at the tickets and he has my eye color as blue on one and brown on the other. Not that it really matters but being my eyes are neither I thought it was funny.

There's your grounds for fighting the ticket.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Tag quote

Accepting the ticket does not mean you are admitting guilt.

No, but if I wasn't going 86 I'd have argued with the cop for some kind of proof I was going 86.

Especially since typically over 15 mph in most places is a much higher priced ticket. Arguing with the cop over the speed probably could have gotten it dropped right then.. which is much easier than trying to get some judge to drop it later.


Damn that sucks OP, speeding tickets are such bullshit ... especially on open highways ...

I was able to talk myself out of a ticket recently, but I don't think the cop actually had me on his radar ... I was on my bike and was legitimately only speeding to get around reckless drivers that were around me ...

I explained the situation and the cop just gave me a warning ...


I feel you. I've only ever gotten one speeding ticket, and it was for a similar amount. I was listening to Eurobeat, but that isn't an excuse the cops will take.


Just don't speed*

Thank you for your contribution to this discussion and the fact that you most certainly read the entire thread.

By your logic, he deserves to lose his drivers license too? Hey, he sped. Just don't speed man.

Edit: His edit came after mine :-(


I agree with you but till doesn't excuse him for not knowing how fast he was going...

Being it was dark and i was getting back on the highway etc etc i wasnt staring at the speedometer while i was driving. I glanced down when i saw the lights and noticed my speed was over 70 and i own that but i wasnt doing 86. I had been on CC the whole way from Louisville through to Georgia except this short distance from the exit i refueled and got pulled over.


Out of town plates they see $$$ because you it'll cost you more to fight the ticket than to pay it and go away. A decent cop wouldn't have double charged you and lowered the speeding so you don't get dinged as hard but still get a ticket. That speed you probably can't even take traffic school to keep it off your insurance record.

I got hit for 75 in 55 a couple weeks ago and he just wrote the ticket at 5 over but noted the actual speeds in comments in case I fought it. The good news is you are not in Louisville anymore.
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