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Gotham S2 |OT| Dawn of Altruism - Mondays 8/7c


Hmm...that wasn't really well done. They didn't even show the fight. Knifes against guns anyway. And that stupid big jump from an old man.


When I think of Gordon I think of in the comics when the Joker killed his new wife and Batman gives him a free pass to kill the captured Joker. And Gordon says no and arrests him instead.

Then I see this shows Gordon who will do the opposite.


So the next half of the season is Freeze and Strange? LET'S GO! I don't even think the show is good, I just keep watching. I can't stop


I loved this half-season, but I thought the finale was average. The Bruce stuff was the best part. The whole gang (Penguin, Nygma, Alfred, Jim, Fox, Selina) getting together was pretty cool. But the last 20 minutes was not good. I also don't like the "Gordon has a dark side" thing. I'm fine with Gordon sometimes allying himself with criminals for a greater purpose. But killing people in cold blood ?


Unconfirmed Member
When I think of Gordon I think of in the comics when the Joker killed his new wife and Batman gives him a free pass to kill the captured Joker. And Gordon says no and arrests him instead.

Then I see this shows Gordon who will do the opposite.

Gotham Gordon gives no fucks.


I saw the pic of Freeze earlier and saw some people complaining about it. Saying he comes later in the timeline.

I personally don't care. The thing with these shows and comics in general is that you can take liberties. It's not like this show will be held as the standard of Batman and DC lore. Just make it a fun show.


Freeze like Huge Strange were villains I always assumed were older then Batman. At least that's how they've always appeared in the cartoons and games. I have no problem with him with the current look and only getting the upgraded full suit later on when he needs to after his experiments go wrong and starts to encounter Batman.


Freeze like Huge Strange were villains I always assumed were older then Batman. At least that's how they've always appeared in the cartoons and games. I have no problem with him with the current look and only getting the upgraded full suit later on when he needs to after his experiments go wrong and starts to encounter Batman.

Freeze is older... but surprised making him evil so early... since was more of a sympathetic villain since BTAS
Nigma starting to uncontrollably toss out riddles and Lucius being right there and solving it instantly was soooo good. Waiting for Penguin to do something cool with the umbrella and the reveal was too. I lolled at the head monk's lunge and Bullock instantly being down to help Alfred (I don't remember them interacting much I mean they're both down with Gordon so I guess it kinda makes sense).


I consider pretty much all movies and tv shows as elseworld tales to avoid getting upset about character changes, but this Gordon is something else. I don't think season 1 Gordon would be having any of this season 2 Gordon's shit. And how much abuse is Barnes going to take because of Gordon's fuck ups before he finally does something.

Text from:

Batman: Hey Jim, what you up to.

Gordon: Nut 'n honey, just hanging with Penguin and the boys beating the shit out of old people in robes, shooting fools and shoving umbrellas in orifices.

Batman: ROFL

Gordon: no srsly
picture sent

Batman: WTF?!


First the black cop gets Hannibal'd and then the black dock worker gets shanked the fuck up? Did Walking Dead writers jump on board?


When I think of Gordon I think of in the comics when the Joker killed his new wife and Batman gives him a free pass to kill the captured Joker. And Gordon says no and arrests him instead.

Then I see this shows Gordon who will do the opposite.

This was my reaction as well. However, at this point I don't care "Gotham" is its own thing and doesn't really care about "continuity" or the same interpretation of characters. In this universe Gordon is a killer who isn't afraid to dispense his own version of lethal "justice" when the situation calls for it.


I will say I was completely thrown by the Mr. Freeze tease, why was that necessary? In this mid-season finale where Gordon turns straight killer and Bruce has just had a close brush with death, the former mayor is dead, Penguin has triumphed, the GCPD has been shaken to its core, and we find out that Lee is pregnant you decide to end the episode with a freeze tease as opposed to some form of denouement from any of these plot points. Hell, just end the episode after Gordon asked Lee to marry him.
Yas no boyscout Jim someone from Walking Dead needs to take cue

Brutal death for Galavant lol

Nice Freeze.

How old is Silver's actress? Doesn't seem like a kid
haha it's so bizarre how children are treated in this series. They operate on a weird heightened adult-level. Gordon literally tells the squad to give 13 year old selina kyle a vest and to suit up. little bruce wayne has the wisdom and coolness of a man 4 times his age already. that other girl is operating like a femme fatale

lol it's weird but pretty refreshing/entertaining.
btw have they released the soundtrack yet? i really wanna hear that song that played when bruce was talking to silver about how he was onto her, they played it a few times earlier in the season as well during some gordon/bullock scenes. it's awesome.


haha it's so bizarre how children are treated in this series. They operate on a weird heightened adult-level. Gordon literally tells the squad to give 13 year old selina kyle a vest and to suit up. little bruce wayne has the wisdom and coolness of a man 4 times his age already. that other girl is operating like a femme fatale

lol it's weird but pretty refreshing/entertaining.

This so much.
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