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Gotham S2 |OT| Dawn of Altruism - Mondays 8/7c

Love it.
Jim crossing that line already on episode one
Penguin and Victor great scene
Like the new Arkham side story are good.
Agree Barbara psycho is a good way

The only thing I'm not sure about is how they will go with Bruce storyline


That was a good start and it seemed like they have a good idea where they know they're going.

I'm curious to see how the show will do in the vast middle portion. I actually didn't hate the case-of-the-week stuff early in season 1 and they kinda started thinning that part of the show out mostly by episode 10 anyways, so the S2 premiere didn't seem any different to me than most of the later 2/3's of season 1.

How does everyone feel about the Balloon Man now that we live in a post-MGS5 world though?


Seeing Bullock in the bar gave me a chuckle. Reminded me of the Red Boot Bar.


Good episode overall. I loved Sam Pertwee's performance during the letter-scene. Also, Zsaz was amazing, as was Barbara (never thought I'd say that), but Nygma stole the goddamn episode. When will he stop being awesome?
I fucking hope never

Pretty good setup for the new season, the pieces are set and no doubt some more will enter the play.

BTW, did I miss something? What was the signifigance of the blue stuff Zardon took and breathed?


I'm impressed. This is on track already. Feels like they're really nailing the comic book drama mood. First 20 mins were a bit slow but once we set up the season arcs it felt like it's all falling into place.

Breaking a bunch of looney goons out of prison and turning them into a supervillain hit squad is something straight out of the comic books, and I love it.

And the characters are so much more fun when they can have fun. Zsasz and Penguin were both menacing and hilarious. Alfred and Bruce were great to watch.

The letter scene was great, and gave me film-quality Batman feels.

I hope Bullock gets to do more than stand behind a bar all season, no doubt he'll get cause to come back.


It was alright. All scenes concerning Loeb, including Penguins incursion were great, Bullock lifting the head of the sleeping patreon was great and of course Zaardon, the Soul Reaper. I hope he returns later, dude is hilarious. I didn't like the Joker-kid, he is trying to hard and these complete rogue gallery, they're just pretentious. Maybe they're supposed to be, but that doesn't change that I am annoyed.


crazy barb is the best thing, it's amazing how she was one of the worst characters in season one but is great now
the guy doing the (maybe not) Joker is actually pretty great so far
Jim and penguin stuff was great, didn't expect him to kill the guy
Bruce not figuring out that the password is Bruce, worlds greatest detective ^^
recovering alcoholic working as a bartender is pretty bizarre but whatever
Jessica Lucas is crazy hot, then again she has been my celebrity crush since Melrose Place (please don't judge)

this is going to be a great season if they can keep this up


End of season one finale, Penguin kills her.

No body no death. It appears he killed her but there is no confirmation and Fish has come back from things that should have killed her before. The door is pretty much open for her to come back if Jada Pinkett Smith wants to and the writers want to use the character again. That was pretty much the general consensus last season. I also say that because other deaths in this show have been very explicit. When someone dies, especially named character, they really die and the show has no problems showing it in detail. Just looks as last nights episode and when Fish killed Maroni. The show has no problem showing a confirmed kill.


Gotham returned very soft in the ratings.

Let's see if it's a freefall or stabilizes

I wonder if the ratings were impacted by the episode leaking one week early on Torrent sites. The episode was also released one week early on PS Plus.

Minority Report looks like it might be dead on arrival. Received mixed reviews and drew a disappointing 1.1 adults 18-49 rating. Yeesh. I don't think that show even received a proper OT on GAF.


Wow, that episode came out swinging. Much darker tone, and a lot of scenes reminded me of Burton Batman, like Gordon in the street directing traffic as a goofy villain approached. The music even fit. Psycho Barb is way better as well, and her nuthouse outfit was Burton like as well. Damn good season opener.


I wonder if the ratings were impacted by the episode leaking one week early on Torrent sites. The episode was also released one week early on PS Plus.

Minority Report looks like it might be dead on arrival. Received mixed reviews and drew a disappointing 1.1 adults 18-49 rating. Yeesh. I don't think that show even received a proper OT on GAF.

We shall see.

It's week one

We'll have to see have consecutive weeks hold up.

It could be a holding pattern or a serious problem.


We shall see.

It's week one

We'll have to see have consecutive weeks hold up.

It could be a holding pattern or a serious problem.

I think the week early availability hurt the openers ratings out the boat. I think we see the real ratings next week what ever they are.
We shall see.

It's week one

We'll have to see have consecutive weeks hold up.

It could be a holding pattern or a serious problem.
I think the week early availability hurt the openers ratings out the boat. I think we see the real ratings next week what ever they are.
The Voice also came back last night (and included one incredible singer whose audition I suspect should be going viral soon).


Unconfirmed Member
Ummm, was it just me or did that decapitated head scene just have really glaring CG? You could tell the "headless" guy was just wearing a green body suit and on his knees while Zsaz was "holding" his head, haha. The weight was off and his arm movements were locked into place. Guess the prop department didn't want to make a real looking fake head for that close up shot as evident when he throws it into the sink, he turns the dummy head around so you just see the back of it. That's some pretty clever trickery to avoid having to make a realistic fake head (which always look terrible in tv shows).


I will be VERY disappointed if Jerome ends up being a red herring for the Joker. The kid nails it.

Ummm, was it just me or did that decapitated head scene just have really glaring CG? You could tell the "headless" guy was just wearing a green body suit and on his knees while Zsaz was "holding" his head, haha. The weight was off and his arm movements were locked into place. Guess the prop department didn't want to make a real looking fake head for that close up shot as evident when he throws it into the sink, he turns the dummy head around so you just see the back of it. That's some pretty clever trickery to avoid having to make a realistic fake head (which always look terrible in tv shows).

Yeah, I noticed that instantly, too. Usually my suspension of disbelief is very strong regarding special effects on TV series, but this one jumped at me immediately. The very second the head shows up, I thought: "Definitely a guy in green suit".


Yeah, special effects weren't really on the strong side. Don't know what happened. If that continues through the series... oh boy.


The Voice also came back last night (and included one incredible singer whose audition I suspect should be going viral soon).

Oh don't get me wrong, Gotham has absolutely monster competition with The Voice, monday Night Football and The Big Bang Theory.

but it did well last year against similar stiff competition.
No body no death. It appears he killed her but there is no confirmation and Fish has come back from things that should have killed her before. The door is pretty much open for her to come back if Jada Pinkett Smith wants to and the writers want to use the character again. That was pretty much the general consensus last season. I also say that because other deaths in this show have been very explicit. When someone dies, especially named character, they really die and the show has no problems showing it in detail. Just looks as last nights episode and when Fish killed Maroni. The show has no problem showing a confirmed kill.

Into water. Granted there were some rocks but still. No body or on screen confirmation.

Oh, God, I hope not. I want to think the writers are smarter than that. That's super hackneyed storytelling and most people hate Fish to begin with, so it would be terrible for the show to bring her back.

Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but the framing and music absolutely confirmed the kill for me. Having it be in water was icing on the cake, as an ironic "Penguin has become so powerful, he can even drown a fish" type of thing.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh, God, I hope not. I want to think the writers are smarter than that. That's super hackneyed storytelling and most people hate Fish to begin with, so it would be terrible for the show to bring her back.

Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but the framing and music absolutely confirmed the kill for me. Having it be in water was icing on the cake, as an ironic "Penguin has become so powerful, he can even drown a fish" type of thing.
Right idea for the pun, but you know it'll be reversed...

Fish will come back and be like, "This fish can swim darling".


Oh, God, I hope not. I want to think the writers are smarter than that. That's super hackneyed storytelling and most people hate Fish to begin with, so it would be terrible for the show to bring her back.

Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but the framing and music absolutely confirmed the kill for me. Having it be in water was icing on the cake, as an ironic "Penguin has become so powerful, he can even drown a fish" type of thing.

I wouldn't say that. We don't know how well she was received or not. Some people hear didn't like her that much. I was on twitter a lot when Gotham airs following the #Gotham hashtag and the overall feeling I got from there was that people enjoyed her and her over the top nature. Some podcast I've listened to were split and opinion could change from episode to episode. She certainly wasn't hated at all. I don't think she ever approached anywhere near that.


Jerome was the highlight of S1 for me and I'm happy to see more of him! Imo he just nails the role.


As I said, I really hope the producers keep him as future Joker. I think it would be worse if he ends up being a red herring. The kid channels both of Ledger and Nicholson so well it is actually amazing.


Unconfirmed Member
Pretty fun episode. Penguin continues being the best part of the show and it's great to see him have so much power now.


Gotham returned very soft in the ratings.

Let's see if it's a freefall or stabilizes

Wonder if they'll be adjusted up after a few days.

There were a lot of premieres as said and people could have just DVRed it meaning the numbers could go up. I think that happen a number of times during the first season. I didn't realize the first episode had leaked. It was trending pretty well on twitter last night but it always did that. I also wonder how many didn't realize it was coming on last night.

I actually watched Minority Report last night. I didn't realize it was a direct sequel to the film. Maybe it shouldn't have been. A sequel seems kinda pointless given how the film ended. I actually think a retelling of the film's events and expanding upon them might have actually made for a more interesting story, even if with keeping the lead female. At the way it's going now I can easily see it getting canceled. I do hope the second episode is better. Right now it seems like they're trying to redo Sleepy Hollow and not sure that's going to work.

As I said, I really hope the producers keep him as future Joker. I think it would be worse if he ends up being a red herring. The kid channels both of Ledger and Nicholson so well it is actually amazing.

I'd be suprised if they don't keep him, is there a reason why they wouldn't? That moment in S1 though, when he flips and shows his true self.. Man, that gave me the shivers.


I'd be suprised if they don't keep him, is there a reason why they wouldn't? That moment in S1 though, when he flips and shows his true self.. Man, that gave me the shivers.
He's a regular on Shameless so I wouldn't expect to see him full time on Gotham. Might even just wear out his character if they did anyway.

I basically consider him Joker now anyway, you guys should too.


I'd be suprised if they don't keep him, is there a reason why they wouldn't? That moment in S1 though, when he flips and shows his true self.. Man, that gave me the shivers.

Well, we also have
Red Hood Kid
and whoever may appear later on (or already has appeared and just snaps).
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