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Gradius V worth it?

I haven't enjoyed a shooter since Strikers 1945, would I like Gradius V?

Edit: Damn, it's only $40CDN? I might just take a chance on it.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Worth it, yes. Would you like it? Who knows, lots of shooters have been out since Strikers 1945...
Wario64 said:
Worth it, yes. Would you like it? Who knows, lots of shooters have been out since Strikers 1945...

I like shooters that are tough, but not retardedly so (ie. too fast/cheap). Ones with clever patterns that take zen like skills to eventually master, but not ones that are so cheap/fast that it's no fun getting to that skill level to own the game.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
Pedigree Chum said:
I like shooters that are tough, but not retardedly so (ie. too fast/cheap). Ones with clever patterns that take zen like skills to eventually master, but not ones that are so cheap/fast that it's no fun getting to that skill level to own the game.

yeah, get GV.


It's more than worth it. Most fun game I've played in months. I'm not a SHOOTAH-MASTAH but I enjoyed the hell out of it. It never gets too cheap, unlike Ikaruga, which is great for me. :p
If you don't like most shooters you might not like this.
But it's done so well that you might like it anyways.
I find a lot of the enemies come at you in easy to dodge formations.
It gets tricky when there are loarger objects floating around you have to avoid, intricate patterns to navigate etc. Also the bosses require some thinking and may frustrate you.
I haven't gotten very far in it though. I just played through the first two levels.
It does have a "very easy" level of difficulty, btw.
It feels very much like Treasure's other shooters. But visually it's far more advanced. That's another bonus.

Kumiko Nikaido

If you love horizontal-scrolling shooters (i.e. Darius, R-Type, Einhander, etc.), then you'll definitely get into Gradius V. Another Treasure gem for sure. :)
Looks like I'll be picking it up tomorrow. ZOE2/Suiko3 are hard to find/expensive now, and I'm getting the same vibe from this Konami game. In the long run it's probably better to pick it up now instead of going mad trying to find it later.
From reading reviews/watching movies, it does look to have all the gameplay aspects that makes Strikers 1945 Plus such a fun game for me. Can't wait to pick this up tomorrow.


Without a doubt.

I've actually come to really like it. The more I began to understand the design and develop patience, the better I became, and the more I appreciated the game. If I were to put a number on it, I'd give it an 8.5 tops. For everything it does so well, it's still held back by an inherently unambitious genre. You can only get so much out of a game like this. Still, worth a buy. And definitely better than I initially thought. I think I said that I preferred RTF, which I definitely don't feel anymore. Especially since GV has co-op.

I can nearly beat the game on Hard now. I make it to Stage 7, having only used a couple credits, but then get destroyed. I should try practicing because I'm finding it so impossible.

Type 3 is definitely my favourite. I'm trying to get stronger with the other ones, but I keep coming back to it.

Edit mode has regrettably been useless to me, besides the E-Laser (I think that's what it's called -- the one that shoots vertical halos) which is so effective.


Socreges said:
For everything it does so well, it's still held back by an inherently unambitious genre. You can only get so much out of a game like this.

ah, so that's the reason most mainstream publications put an unspoken cap on 2D game review scores - it belongs to an inherently unambitious genre!

I've gotten more fun and replay value out of this genre than from several other genres combined.

Try sharing your high-score sometime. It feels pretty good, and it encourages you to do better.. (you'll find competition on konami's g5 site or on the high score boards at TNL (the-nextlevel.com))


john2kx said:
ah, so that's the reason most mainstream publications put an unspoken cap on 2D game review scores - it belongs to an inherently unambitious genre!

I've gotten more fun and replay value out of this genre than from several other genres combined.
I don't know if that's the case, but it would make sense to me. I get a rush out of Gradius V. I really enjoy the challenge and the ability required. But it's never the same fun as other games - I suspect because it's a very straight-forward game where the progression comes from you being 'trained', so to speak. And I never feel rewarded as much as I feel relieved.

I understand that a lot of people get off on games such as this, unlike any other genre. But that's not me. Nor, obviously, a lot of other people.
Try sharing your high-score sometime. It feels pretty good, and it encourages you to do better.. (you'll find competition on konami's g5 site or on the high score boards at TNL (the-nextlevel.com))
Considering that I can't even do a single loop on Hard, I'd better not. ;) I could probably do really well on Normal. Is that the difficulty most people use for high scores or do they like to challenge themselves more?
john2kx said:
ah, so that's the reason most mainstream publications put an unspoken cap on 2D game review scores - it belongs to an inherently unambitious genre!

I've gotten more fun and replay value out of this genre than from several other genres combined.

Try sharing your high-score sometime. It feels pretty good, and it encourages you to do better.. (you'll find competition on konami's g5 site or on the high score boards at TNL (the-nextlevel.com))

I agree, I've had more fun with shooters like Metal Slug and 1945 Plus than most games this gen. Fun is fun, 'ambtious genres' BS has nothing to do with it...and review should reflect the fact that these games aren't handicapped bceuase of their genres, but rather moving forward like every genre has over time. These kinds of games should be celebrated for still being around.


Pedigree Chum said:
I agree, I've had more fun with shooters like Metal Slug and 1945 Plus than most games this gen. Fun is fun, 'ambtious genres' BS has nothing to do with it...and review should reflect the fact that these games aren't handicapped bceuase of their genres, but rather moving forward like every genre has over time. These kinds of games should be celebrated for still being around.
You don't understand what I said. First off, my post above may give you more perspective. But to begin with, I followed the "inherently unambitious" comment with: "You can only get so much out of a game like this". Despite the fact that I should be safer not to make a general comment like that, it dismisses the whole "fun is fun" notion. If I were enjoying the game as much as one that I felt deserved a 9.5, then Gradius would automatically get a 9.5, no questions asked. But that's not the case. For what it sets out to do, Gradius is flawless. But I don't consider each game perfect and then begin regressing with each shortcoming, unless it directly pertains to the overall experience.
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