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Gran Turismo 4 screens (snow course)


works for Gamestop (lol)







jenov4 said:
Oh the sweet SNOW!!! I didn't even realize there was going to be a snow course. Looks great.

Deka posted a vid of a hacked snowcourse in Prologue, i'm not sure if he still has it thought. It looked really nice even though it wasn't complete.
u_neek said:
Because it's not official, photoshopped screens..

Except they're, nice try though. Why do you think they're so clean?

"hat pic made me think of Sega Rally 2! "

Only if they could capture that feel. The main thing would be coming up with the proper course design, which no rally game since SR2 has done.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Looks terrible. The best graphics for a snow course have already been developed, and four months ago to boot!

How convincing. I saw those pics before reading your post and thought they were from GT4 (and was about to comment on the rainbow artifacts in the textures). RSC2 looks great, but GT4 looks much better in motion...even if the world around the cars isn't as detailed.
dark10x said:
How convincing. I saw those pics before reading your post and thought they were from GT4 (and was about to comment on the rainbow artifacts in the textures). RSC2 looks great, but GT4 looks much better in motion...even if the world around the cars isn't as detailed.

is this a joke post?
HalfPastNoon said:
is this a joke post?

Not if you've actually seen GT4 in motion. But considering your other posts about the PS2, i'm not surprised by your responses. Still think San Andreas is just a rehash of Vice City?
ok. i'm done. if people can state with a straigh face that this course, in the snow, looks better than rsc2, then i'm simply out of my league. i haven't reached that stage of fanboyism, yet.

no, the gt series just plain sux.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
HalfPastNoon said:
is this a joke post?

You obviously haven't seen GT4 in motion then. The physics and motion of the cars absolutely CRUSHES RSC2. I was playing RSC2 last night, and it looks amazing at times (love the over-bright effects used on the sky at various points), but I hate the way the cars actually move. They feel like plastic match-box cars or something.

RSC2 is technically superior, I'm not trying to deny that. However, I think GT4 looks superior in motion. It has nothing to do with the damn hardware either. I never said that this GT4 snow course looks better, you twat (it doesn't).

Perhaps you should learn to read before flying off the handle?

GT4 also smokes RSC2 in terms of replays. Not only do the superior car physics shine during these segments, but they also run at 60 fps with tons of post-filtering effects applied (such as the motion blur you see there).

You can't just flat out declare a victor in terms of visuals, because they both do certain things better than the other.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
The backgrounds are what I was referring to when I said these are the worst GT4 screens I've seen, I wish they were more like RSC2's. And I don't care which one looks better in motion, if it's GT4 then great, but it'd look better still with those trees.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Shompola said:
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.

What the f*ck is your problem? I'm sitting here rationally discussing things with someone who clearly is not capable of doing so and I'M the joke character? You've got a serious attitude problem.


dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.


dark10x said:
You can't just flat out declare a victor in terms of visuals, because they both do certain things better than the other.

The biggest edge is that RSC2 is progressive scan, which is a huge advantage imo.

edit: dark10x ain't so bad, he's just real, um, informed. Which is both good and bad. :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
HalfPastNoon said:
i'm beginning to sense that, shompola.

Why not attempt to address my points rather than act like a child? This IS a GT4 thread, afterall.

Where exactly was I incorrect?

The biggest edge is that RSC2 is progressive scan, which is a huge advantage imo.

I can't disagree there, 480p is a huge deal to me now. RSC2 also features vastly superior environments (well, at least natural environments) with excellent vegitation. GT3 and 4 both have suffered from absolutely pathetic attempts at rendering vegitiation for quite some time. They attempt to mimic photos and videos when they design their tracks, but using sprites for that purpose is a terrible idea.

dark10x ain't so bad, he's just real, um, informed.

That's the thing, though, I DO know what I'm talking about...whereas everyone who has disagreed clearly does not. They are making it sound as if I said RSC2 looks technically worse than GT4 or something, which isn't the case at all.


Regardless, RSC2 was done in half the time (at least) and definitely on way less a budget, so any comparison at all to GT4 will always make it look good. And GT4, not as good, unfortunately.


You're truley a joke character or just ignorant and arrogant. HalfPastNoon was clearly talking about the snow courses in both games as he implied in the first post he made and then you commented his post with useless crap that had nothing to do with the snow course.


Unconfirmed Member
Shompola said:
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.
dark10x = joke character. Ignore him.

Somebody needs to fix the Shampola post-bot code.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
bob_arctor said:
Regardless, RSC2 was done in half the time (at least) and definitely on way less a budget, so any comparison at all to GT4 will always make it look good. And GT4, not as good, unfortunately.

You should consider the scope of each game before bringing development time into this, however. You should also realize that one of my complaints with RSC2's visuals directly ties into the time frame given to development. The appearance of the physics in GT4 are better than RSC2 simply due to the extensive amount of time and effort PD put into creating them. The RSC2 team didn't have the time or budge to pull that off.

RSC2 is, overall, technically superior to GT4. More geometry (for both cars and environments), much higher resolution textures, more advanced lighting techniques, and plenty of DX8-class special effects that the PS2 is not even capable of performing.

However, GT4 shines in motion due to the artistic attention to detail the game was given. One should not have expected a small team on a low budget to match that, though. If you can't accept this about GT4, then you truly are biased. The only other complaints I can level at RSC2 are the 30 Hz cubic environment maps used for reflections (which is quite common in XBOX games) and the 30 fps limitation found in the replays (which I believe was done in order to avoid slowdown, which WAS present during replays in RSC1). Everything else about the game is fantastic from a technical standpoint.

I honestly do not see what is so factually incorrect about this nor can I understand what the big uproar is about. I mean, we have posters who rarely contribute anything to board in here now (Shompola, for example). If you would be so kind as to glance at the title of this thread, however, you would realize that this is a GT4 thread...so expecting a circle jerk for RSC2 is just foolish. I'm shocked at how childish some of you are acting. It makes me long for Lazy8s and cybamerc, to be quite honest...

You're truley a joke character or just ignorant and arrogant. HalfPastNoon was clearly talking about the snow courses in both games as he implied in the first post he made and then you commented his post with useless crap that had nothing to do with the snow course.

BOTH of you trolled a GT4 thread with nonsense, but HPN in particular is guilty. I shall report your mis-guided post to various mods in the hopes of banning you, however. You have violated the TOS several times in this thread (and have done so on previous occasions). Regardless of whether you think my post was relevant in this discussion, you can be sure that INSULTS are most certainly not.


Shompola said:
You're truley a joke character or just ignorant and arrogant. HalfPastNoon was clearly talking about the snow courses in both games as he implied in the first post he made and then you commented his post with useless crap that had nothing to do with the snow course.

Oh come on, he's not that bad. I actually like dark for his stick-to-his-guns-ness. He reminds me of Border in that way, but not as funny/sarcastic/mean.


Deepthroat said:

That pic made me think of Sega Rally 2! Good stuff :)

That car was in the NTSC version of Gran Turismo 3, has was the Porsche GT3 along with many other secret cars to hack with a cheat disc.


The first Porsche in a GT Game, a nice easter egg from Mr. Yamauchi. :D


BOTH of you trolled a GT4 thread with nonsense, but HPN in particular is guilty. I shall report your mis-guided post to various mods in the hopes of banning you, however.

christ. are you serious? how many threads concerning rsc2 and pgr2 have been sent off track? you didn't see me crying to the mods back then, did you?

i simply stated that the snow courses in RCS2 look better than what have been shown for gt4. if you don't like it, get over it.

but if snitching me to a mod makes you feel better, then please, by all means, do it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
HalfPastNoon said:
christ. are you serious? how many threads concerning rsc2 and pgr2 have been sent off track? you didn't see me crying to the mods back then, did you?

i simply stated that the snow courses in RCS2 look better than what have been shown for gt4. if you don't like it, get over it.

but if snitching me to a mod makes you feel better, then please, by all means, do it.


I was not referring to you at all. I was referring to Shompola who has been guilty of posting insults in many different threads prior to this one.

Your post was perfectly acceptable and I was hoping that you would be willing to argue. In fact, I'm curious as to why you have not even attempted. I just explained my stance on the two games above. Why not comment on that? If I mis-judged you as someone willing to argue over these things, forgive me...
...but HPN in particular is guilty. I shall report your mis-guided post to various mods in the hopes of banning you, however.

?what other way is there to take that comment. anyway, i won't discuss this, anymore. i think both games look good in their own rights.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
HalfPastNoon said:
?what other way is there to take that comment. anyway, i won't discuss this, anymore. i think both games look good in their own rights.

Ha ha, sorry, it seems as if I was talking to you when that post is taken out of context. If you notice, I had quoted Shompola and was directly talking to him. I referred to you in the 3rd person because you were not the body I was addressing.

I don't understand why you flew off the hook, though. What did you EXPECT in this thread?


The cars looks fabulous, nothing touches them. The backgrounds and environment are pretty simple but that`s because PS2`s hardware limitations ofcourse. I don`t mind the "shortcuts" they are taking with the gfx as long as it looks real. And it does. No other game looks as photorealistic and that`s what matters most to me.


I am with Dark10x here. GT4 is way behind in technical terms. Just take a look at the tracks. Nowhere near the detail RSC2 is showing. And even the cars have more detail in RSC2. But the replays in RSC2 do really suck. I don't understand why they went with the 30fps in the replays (and i don't really believe it was due to slowdown). The fact is that the camera placement in RSC2 is horrible on replays, and it is true that the car movement feels a bit clunky during them, even if when you play you don't feel it that way.
During real play though, i absolutely believe RSC2 gives a huge slap in the face on GT4 as was already the case when comparing RSC1 to GT3.


JMPovoa said:
I am with Dark10x here. GT4 is way behind in technical terms. Just take a look at the tracks. Nowhere near the detail RSC2 is showing. And even the cars have more detail in RSC2. But the replays in RSC2 do really suck. I don't understand why they went with the 30fps in the replays (and i don't really believe it was due to slowdown). The fact is that the camera placement in RSC2 is horrible on replays, and it is true that the car movement feels a bit clunky during them, even if when you play you don't feel it that way.
During real play though, i absolutely believe RSC2 gives a huge slap in the face on GT4 as was already the case when comparing RSC1 to GT3.

Absolutely correct.


I apologize if I have offended you. But your posts allways have the "I know everything and you know jack shit" vibe.


"I apologize if I have offended you. But your posts allways have the "I know everything and you know jack shit" vibe."

I am with Shompola here. But that's exactly why i like to discuss this sort of technical stuff with Dark10x. There are times where i disagree with him (i remember discussing with him about Silent hill 2 PC vs PS2) and that's when i like to turn him around :D
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