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Gran Turismo 4 screens (snow course)


Yeah, that's exactly what I like about dark10x as well. With me, I just get a kick that he takes this stuff so seriously. I mean, look at this gem: "The only other complaints I can level at RSC2 are the 30 Hz cubic environment maps used for reflections." Classic shit, right there. I'm more of the "shit looks good or not so good" school, which is fine, but just doesn't make for fun reading.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
JMPovoa said:
"I apologize if I have offended you. But your posts allways have the "I know everything and you know jack shit" vibe."

I am with Shompola here. But that's exactly why i like to discuss this sort of technical stuff with Dark10x. There are times where i disagree with him (i remember discussing with him about Silent hill 2 PC vs PS2) and that's when i like to turn him around :D

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Fun argument, that. I was correct about Silent Hill 2 PC, though, and later discovered that the XBOX version suffers from all of the same flaws (although there are soft shadows on XBOX). ArcadeStickMonk can vouch for me as well, as he owns the XBOX version and was present during the extensive comparison. Heck, after he saw the differences, he ended up buying the Greatest Hits version of SH2 for PS2 as well (which brings him up to 3 different copys of the game).

On the flipside, Silent Hill 3 for the PC is a PERFECT port -AND- looks even better thanks to the fact that it has no framerate lock and runs at a solid 60 fps. All post-processing effects, soft shadows, YOU NAME IT work perfectly and look awesome. If you haven't tried it, I recommend it. Though, even on a very fast PC, you won't get 60 fps at higher resolutions. Due to the filters, however, even 640x480 looks great.

I enjoyed that one, JM. :D

I'm buying SH4 for XBOX, though, believe it or not. 480p support is quite important and is the one area where the PS2 version loses. I'm sure SH4 PC will turn out to be the best once again, but I don't like playing SH via my PC very much.

Yeah, that's exactly what I like about dark10x as well. With me, I just get a kick that he takes this stuff so seriously. I mean, look at this gem: "The only other complaints I can level at RSC2 are the 30 Hz cubic environment maps used for reflections." Classic shit, right there. I'm more of the "shit looks good or not so good" school, which is fine, but just doesn't make for fun reading

You should start reading some Lazy8s and cybamerc, then. You'd probably get a REAL kick out of that. I do take it seriously, though. It's fun to argue about things like this. I do a lot of programming (though only minimal 3D stuff), so it is interesting to me.

Ranger X

bob_arctor said:
Yeah, that's exactly what I like about dark10x as well. With me, I just get a kick that he takes this stuff so seriously. I mean, look at this gem: "The only other complaints I can level at RSC2 are the 30 Hz cubic environment maps used for reflections." Classic shit, right there. I'm more of the "shit looks good or not so good" school, which is fine, but just doesn't make for fun reading.

I never understood why here in America we are the single only fucking country in the world were intellect is seen as a flaw... (don't try too much at understanding this one dude)

Dark10x was just using a correct vocabulary and well he was actually discussing, having a point. We are in the forum to try to share our views and understand each other, discuss, etc. If we were all like "yo dood da shit is goodz yo", there would not be any interest to be here after all.

GT4 look better in general IMO too. I don't know how they can do that but i found that the lightning on the graphics is awesome. Very realistic. More realistic looking than even Forza so far. Less polygons, some small effects missing here and there, trees that don't look as good as RSC2, i don't care. I'm looking or a game that can gimme the closest racing feel as possible as real life and this is the GT4 mission. And it's one of the best game ever at that if not THE best. Those GT4's shittier looking trees will look damn good if i actually was looking at them when i will overtake your car at 120 miles/hour in a curve.


0G M3mbeR
Same argument everytime.

Why do people bash graphics from a game on a system that came out March 2000 compared to a system that came out November 2001? It just makes no sense to me.....

That being said, GT's gameplay is what makes it shine. No other racer has touched it. No matter how hard the others have tried.
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