Granblue Fantasy |OT|
[What is Granblue Fantasy?]
Granblue Fantasy is Mobile J-RPG developed by Cygames and published by Mobage. Notable staff members include artist Hideo Minaba (Final Fantasy/Bravely Default) and composer Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy).
Some examples of the music in the game:
- Magna Bosses OST
- The World's boss battle theme
- Rose Queen
[Is it pay to win?]
No, while spending money will give you an advantage you dont need to do so in order to progress or to do well.
SSR characters (the highest rarity and most powerful characters) are available almost exclusively via the in-game gacha. The in-game gacha uses two currency systems, Mobacoins (which are purchased with real money) and Crystals (a premium currency earned in game for clearing story missions/events/login rewards/etc.). The game is quite generous with crystals so you should easily be able to make one or two ten pulls each month on the Legendary gacha (the Legendary gacha increases the SSR drop rate from 3% to 6% it used to be bi-monthly but has been monthly so far in 2016). You can also obtain some very powerful SSR characters via the in-game guild wars events (though they take a long time and a lot of resources to acquire). SR characters can be earned via the gacha/events/story progression and a lot of them are quite viable for early to mid-game play. The game also has special gachas which you can partake in with Mobacoins (i.e. real money) which allow you to select a specific SSR unit or guarantee that one will drop.
As well as characters your party is made up of Summons and a Weapon's "pool". You can obtain good weapons and summons from the in-game gacha but the most powerful Summons and Weapons are only obtainable in-game and your end-game teams will depend on farming these. As such you can easily be competitive without spending any money (though if you are planning to stay F2P long term re-rolling until you get a SSR is a good idea)
Like several other mobile games Granblue features a stamina system which has two components, your ordinary stamina is used for general activities and increases as you progress in levels. Your "Raid Stamina" starts at (and has a maximum) of five dots and is used to pay for multiplayer battles. The game provides numerous consumables which allow you gain/replenish both types of stamina (though you may want to stockpile these for special events).
There's also the Co-op mode in which you can fight battles with up to four players. Only the host has to spend AP so as long as you can keep joining other rooms you get to play forever. You can even gain stamina potions while playing Co-op that you can use in other game modes.
[Getting Started]
The mobile app is only available in JP appstores
It's worth mentioning that while the game is intended to be played on mobile, there are ways to play it on your PC. Playing it on PC as your primary platform is strongly recommended as the mobile user experience is rather clunky.
This guide will completely help you through the progress of setting up an account.
[Useful Resources]
The Granblue Fantasy Ultimate Guide - Menu translations and basic mechanics, a must read for any new players (really, you should totally read this as it will cover 99% of the beginner questions)
SSR Character data - Features all of the available SSR characters, great for looking up character abilities!
NeoGAF Players Spreadsheet - A place where you can find some other GAF players, feel free to add your own name! (thanks to Kiryogi for making it!)
GBF Data
JP Tierlist
Another Tierlist
Special Gifts from Each Town
Granblue Fantasy SR tier list
Weapon / Summon Optimisation and Progression
How to grind your weapon pool
Official Granblue Twitter
JP Damage calculator
Also join our Discord chat!

[What is Granblue Fantasy?]
Granblue Fantasy is Mobile J-RPG developed by Cygames and published by Mobage. Notable staff members include artist Hideo Minaba (Final Fantasy/Bravely Default) and composer Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy).
Some examples of the music in the game:
- Magna Bosses OST
- The World's boss battle theme
- Rose Queen

Battles are turn based, the main objective is to defeat your enemies with the help of various summons, special attacks and even other players who are battling the same foes in real time!

Your party consists of the main character and a few allies. In order to improve you'll have to level and evolve your units. The game even features a job system that allows you to access various classes, each with a unique skillset!
Aside from that, you can also collect rare weapons and summons. All of which will add to the total strength!

-----------------------------------------------------Besides the main game, there are also various minigames. You can play Bingo and Poker for example, doing well in those minigames will even give you very special items that you can use in the main game!
[Is it pay to win?]
No, while spending money will give you an advantage you dont need to do so in order to progress or to do well.
SSR characters (the highest rarity and most powerful characters) are available almost exclusively via the in-game gacha. The in-game gacha uses two currency systems, Mobacoins (which are purchased with real money) and Crystals (a premium currency earned in game for clearing story missions/events/login rewards/etc.). The game is quite generous with crystals so you should easily be able to make one or two ten pulls each month on the Legendary gacha (the Legendary gacha increases the SSR drop rate from 3% to 6% it used to be bi-monthly but has been monthly so far in 2016). You can also obtain some very powerful SSR characters via the in-game guild wars events (though they take a long time and a lot of resources to acquire). SR characters can be earned via the gacha/events/story progression and a lot of them are quite viable for early to mid-game play. The game also has special gachas which you can partake in with Mobacoins (i.e. real money) which allow you to select a specific SSR unit or guarantee that one will drop.
As well as characters your party is made up of Summons and a Weapon's "pool". You can obtain good weapons and summons from the in-game gacha but the most powerful Summons and Weapons are only obtainable in-game and your end-game teams will depend on farming these. As such you can easily be competitive without spending any money (though if you are planning to stay F2P long term re-rolling until you get a SSR is a good idea)
Like several other mobile games Granblue features a stamina system which has two components, your ordinary stamina is used for general activities and increases as you progress in levels. Your "Raid Stamina" starts at (and has a maximum) of five dots and is used to pay for multiplayer battles. The game provides numerous consumables which allow you gain/replenish both types of stamina (though you may want to stockpile these for special events).
There's also the Co-op mode in which you can fight battles with up to four players. Only the host has to spend AP so as long as you can keep joining other rooms you get to play forever. You can even gain stamina potions while playing Co-op that you can use in other game modes.
[Getting Started]
The mobile app is only available in JP appstores
It's worth mentioning that while the game is intended to be played on mobile, there are ways to play it on your PC. Playing it on PC as your primary platform is strongly recommended as the mobile user experience is rather clunky.
This guide will completely help you through the progress of setting up an account.
[Useful Resources]
The Granblue Fantasy Ultimate Guide - Menu translations and basic mechanics, a must read for any new players (really, you should totally read this as it will cover 99% of the beginner questions)
SSR Character data - Features all of the available SSR characters, great for looking up character abilities!
NeoGAF Players Spreadsheet - A place where you can find some other GAF players, feel free to add your own name! (thanks to Kiryogi for making it!)
GBF Data
JP Tierlist
Another Tierlist
Special Gifts from Each Town
Granblue Fantasy SR tier list
Weapon / Summon Optimisation and Progression
How to grind your weapon pool
Official Granblue Twitter
JP Damage calculator
Also join our Discord chat!