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Grand Knights History (JP) |OT| - No, this hasn't been translated yet.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Keiician said:
Happened to me only once, I still don't know if it was just my poor judgement of character's gender based on their looks.
iirc, the three armor types are grouped by gender as well. There are a few that look like women, but are grouped with the men because they're actually male.

Chev said:
This is the OT. We moved from that topic.

Lissar said:
You don't read novels and/or comics to keep up your reading skills? That's what I do, and I find I can at least keep improving in that area even when I'm not in Japan. Listening/speaking isn't great of course, but it doesn't take too long to get back into that.
I haven't had a chance in a while. I've been super lazy about it. I need to start studying again.


Woo, got an update from NCSX. They didn't get a full shipment. Next week it is! I knew I should have ordered earlier. At least I know I did ToX pretty early on the other hand.
Music is God Tier, intriguing character building like WHOA, and the art's got that neat heraldric crest motif going on. SO HYPED.

The only thing that's worried me (other than Hopelessness Springs Eternal) is word from some that's played it saying all random battles are cannon fodder, but the bosses are for no joke. It's a minor thing for me personally, but I could see that getting out of control if it happened thruout the game.

shidoshi said:
That's giving me too many ideas for characters.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I think I'd be a lot more worried about fighting 2-3 bosses in a row if

1) party members didn't heal at the end of the battle


2) AP didn't just fill right back up every turn.

I can see it being annoying beyond belief regardless, though.

Also, hitting X to skip animations is quite helpful, but I haven't gotten sick of the beautiful animation just yet. :p


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Fought my first relatively hard match. It was a pretty strong Goblin team, represented by a goat like chess piece on the map (rather than a random battle).

I got 40 brave out of it. Anyone know what Brave is for, besides training?


_dementia said:
Did you get a working PSP?

No. I'm going to see what reports are for the screen on that new Euro PSP, and if it sounds fixed over the PSP-3000, I'm also going to hope for some TGS announcement of a white (or pink!) version of it coming to Japan.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Interesting, there are crystals all over the map very similar to the secret levels in Muramasa, where you can optionally fight very strong enemies.

There's one in the first map with a recommended level of 46. O_O


Nice. Still waiting on my copy. D:


Love the art for this game:

shidoshi said:
No. I'm going to see what reports are for the screen on that new Euro PSP, and if it sounds fixed over the PSP-3000, I'm also going to hope for some TGS announcement of a white (or pink!) version of it coming to Japan.
Oh man, a matte pink or white PSP would be cool.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Ken said:
Nice. Still waiting on my copy. D:

Much appreciated for the last one! Though, if you have one of the older knight archetype with the gray hair, I'll take that instead. :D


thetrin said:
Much appreciated for the last one! Though, if you have one of the older knight archetype with the gray hair, I'll take that instead. :D

Can't find any official art online for the archetypes with different hair colors or styles. Sorry. D:


Just popping in to say thanks for making an official thread. I won't be able to play until the game gets a fan translation, so the explicit reminder in the title is a nice touch to drum up attention and get the community interested. The game seems to have incredibly low mindshare on the internet by Vanillaware standards, so every bit of attention helps.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Ken said:
Can't find any official art online for the archetypes with different hair colors or styles. Sorry. D:
Shame, the old grizzled knight is my front row right now.

Also, i just realized my formation is trash. My archer and wizard are sitting in line, allowing birds to swoop in and hit both. Time to switch back t the default formation!

Still haven't figured out how to unlock new formations.

randomkid said:
Just popping in to say thanks for making an official thread. I won't be able to play until the game gets a fan translation, so the explicit reminder in the title is a nice touch to drum up attention and get the community interested. The game seems to have incredibly low mindshare on the internet by Vanillaware standards, so every bit of attention helps.
I also think this game is getting no mindshare at all. I love the game so far, so this is a shame.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Something else interesting: You have a total amount you're allowed to travel per game day, and when you're out of travel points (which, strangely are called "Cost"), you automatically rest, go back to the castle, can buy stuff, and then rest. The game automatically saves here. You can also do an interim save to switch modes (between single and multi), but afaik, this is the only way to permanently save. If you just want to play a bit and then save, you can rest wherever you are, and you return to the castle.

You can use a tent if you want, but it looks like if you don't, your teammates don't heal when they rest. That doesn't really make sense to me since you're returning to the kingdom anyway, but whatever.

It'll be interesting to see how other people travel around, and what they see, based on the kingdom they choose.

Also, wow, this game is murdering my PSP battery.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So last night, my team all qualified for knighting, and conscription. This basically means that at any time, you can send your team to the war, where you play online.

What I DIDN'T know, is that once you send a unit to the war, THEY CAN'T COME BACK! (this is what I get for not reading the fucking manual)

Oh god, now I can't bring my team back to play the single player. :( Now I have to make a new level 1 team and level up all over again to do more of the questing.

This is poor design, imo. You should be able to get some sort of leave from the war to do single player quests. It's really a shame.

It's pretty obvious from this point that the single player is just training to get you into the online game.
The connection between the single and multiplayer modes sounds kinda neat. I could see how they sorta compliment each other being fun as well as frustrating though.

I don't really want to think about a fan translation at this point since I still hope there's some publisher interest out there.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I do like the idea of single player being training for multiplayer, but I really do wish I could bring my team back to single player to do some of the quests, as I still haven't seen some of the monster and boss types.

Maybe I'm missing something.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I've been playing the multiplayer for a bit, and FUCK, is it ever fun. Fuck the single player. Despite the story or whatever, it just isn't the same as the multiplayer.

I've been waiting a long time for decent JRPG PvP, and this game has it in spades.

I'm playing online, and I can definitely see other players moving to battles around the map, but I'm still unsure whether I'm fighting AI teams created by other players, or actual players.

Also, I'm not entirely sure how the game is balancing character levels. I don't know if I'm getting matchmade with teams of the same level, or if everyone really is just 12 (which I highly doubt).

All the same, the game is a blast, and I'm definitely going to stick to multiplayer from here on in. I'm already having more fun with it than I was with the single player.

Btw, whoever decides to join Avalon, good luck with the uphill battle. Avalon has been losing to Union and Logres pretty much all of yesterday and today.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
devastatorprime said:
So how's the artbook that came with the game?
Haven't opened it yet. I'll do so today some time, and take some pics. I'll also post some impressions on the multiplayer as well.
Doesn't the war end at some point? I figured that they would have intervals where there is no fighting and you can get your party back. Can you even watch them fight or interact with them at all once you send them out?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
PoorFate said:
Doesn't the war end at some point? I figured that they would have intervals where there is no fighting and you can get your party back. Can you even watch them fight or interact with them at all once you send them out?
I don't know about ending. There are phases, but I don't know when the war ends. This war just began, so we'll see.

You can set AI for two of your parties, and then control the third through the battlefield. You march your team to a war zone, where there is a meter showing who is currently winning that node.

I'll have to check war progress when I have a second. Maybe that will show how many phases are left in the current war.

If you can get your team back after the war ends, that would be pretty fantastic. I do want to check out more of the single player along with the multi.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Decided to restart. I learned so much in the 8 hours I played yesterday, but also made some mistakes.

Things are already going swimmingly!

I'll have to remember not to conscript my team until after I've gotten to a relatively high level.


Great impressions so far. But I am starting to worry about my ability to get through the game since my Japanese isn't all that great these days. This game sounds a lot more complicated than I was expecting.


I played about 12 hours of this game, and it has been very addicting to my surprise. The battle system is a lot of fun, and character animations are top-notch. At first I thought to myself, this game ain't going to last very long for me since it seems like all the development resources have gone to the battle system. Indeed, the story is kind of generic so far and there is basically no exploration, but they did a very good job with character growth and the loots. These elements have kept me glued to my psp for the last 2 days so that I can get enough points to learn my next skill, or to be able to equip those shiny new gears.

However I don't really get the multi-player mode or played it enough to decide whether it was a good design decision. The main story (or quest line) can only be advanced in single player, so whenever I conscribe a character to multiplayer, I have to create a new character in its place and train him from lv 1.

This would be okay if there were more stuff to do in multiplayer mode than strictly fighting other players' AI controlled parties. You don't find treasure chests, fight monster type enemies or follow a story line. Alhough participating in multiplayer earns you contribution points which allows you to buy high level equipments that are not available in single player. That seems to be only appeal to MP besides the inherent competitive factor against other players.

If you just want to play through the single player, you can just use the same party of characters throughout the whole story. There are enough contents to last you for at least 30 hours or so. I finished around 1/3 of the plot-related quests and am at the 12 hour mark. Right now I just don't know how much time I should spend on training characters just for the purpose of sending them to MP, or if its even worth it.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
fionel said:
I played about 12 hours of this game, and it has been very addicting to my surprise. The battle system is a lot of fun, and character animations are top-notch. At first I thought to myself, this game ain't going to last very long for me since it seems like all the development resources have gone to the battle system. Indeed, the story is kind of generic so far and there is basically no exploration, but they did a very good job with character growth and the loots. These elements have kept me glued to my psp for the last 2 days so that I can get enough points to learn my next skill, or to be able to equip those shiny new gears.

However I don't really get the multi-player mode or played it enough to decide whether it was a good design decision. The main story (or quest line) can only be advanced in single player, so whenever I conscribe a character to multiplayer, I have to create a new character in its place and train him from lv 1.

This would be okay if there were more stuff to do in multiplayer mode than strictly fighting other players' AI controlled parties. You don't find treasure chests, fight monster type enemies or follow a story line. Alhough participating in multiplayer earns you contribution points which allows you to buy high level equipments that are not available in single player. That seems to be only appeal to MP besides the inherent competitive factor against other players.

If you just want to play through the single player, you can just use the same party of characters throughout the whole story. There are enough contents to last you for at least 30 hours or so. I finished around 1/3 of the plot-related quests and am at the 12 hour mark. Right now I just don't know how much time I should spend on training characters just for the purpose of sending them to MP, or if its even worth it.

This is pretty much my issue with the multiplayer. While it's a LOT of fun, I really wish you could continue questing while taking on multiplayer battles. Either that, or allow conscripted units to return to the single player campaign. It's really unfortunate that they don't allow that.

I'm still unsure if the game matches you with people around your level in multiplayer battles, or if you just face random people queued up in the battle. I imagine if you push your characters into multiplayer at level 45, you still face whoever has level 45 units.

commanderdeek said:
Great impressions so far. But I am starting to worry about my ability to get through the game since my Japanese isn't all that great these days. This game sounds a lot more complicated than I was expecting.
There are translations for the abilities, and a lot of the menus (Which are in kanji), but I would highly recommend at least a working knowledge of katakana to enjoy the battle system. AT LEAST.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
From what other people have posted on other forums, it looks like the game does scale your multiplayer matches to you (which makes a lot of sense), but you still end up getting your ass handed to you if you're not up on your armor and weapons heading into NPC battles.


The more I play the war mode, the more confused I become.

Dispatching your parties to auto-battle gives you way more contribution points than fighting the battles yourself. Every time you win a battle "manually" you gain 1 pt, and then you can "double-up" by fighting consecutive battles. I admit my party is not loaded with optimal skills/gears but the max chain I have so far is only 3. It's not easy to keep all your parties alive with decent amount of HP when you're fighting enemies of the same level. OTOH, dispatching them to auto-battle gives me anywhere from 20 to 70 in a few hours time. (I believe the longer u sent them away the more battles they would've fought and won).

Because of the above observation I have mostly been only dispatching my units to auto-battle. It just seems a lot more efficient that way if I just want enough contribution points to buy stuff. That makes the PvP (actually its not even REAL PvP) aspect even weaker to me.

I also notice that it's very hard to get exp compared to single-player, however in contrary to that you get mastery much faster.


thetrin said:
I've been playing the multiplayer for a bit, and FUCK, is it ever fun. Fuck the single player. Despite the story or whatever, it just isn't the same as the multiplayer.

I've been waiting a long time for decent JRPG PvP, and this game has it in spades.

I'm playing online, and I can definitely see other players moving to battles around the map, but I'm still unsure whether I'm fighting AI teams created by other players, or actual players.

Also, I'm not entirely sure how the game is balancing character levels. I don't know if I'm getting matchmade with teams of the same level, or if everyone really is just 12 (which I highly doubt).

All the same, the game is a blast, and I'm definitely going to stick to multiplayer from here on in. I'm already having more fun with it than I was with the single player.

Btw, whoever decides to join Avalon, good luck with the uphill battle. Avalon has been losing to Union and Logres pretty much all of yesterday and today.

Sweet Lord this sounds to amazing
Ravage said:
Wow all the talk about the multiplayer has got me really pumped up...shame it's never coming over T.T
Where was it said it's never coming over?


I've gotta play this soon but I'm finishing my second playthroughs of DXHR and Growlanser IV and Tales of Xillia is coming this week too. So many games. =(
Earlier, I asked Kanazawa if they were considering a PSP remaster version of Grand Knights History and their thoughts about Sony’s program. Kanazawa continued, "It is something we want to think about and something I think at a later date we will put more thought into."

Toshinori Aoki, Executive Managing Director of Digital Contents, said, "We’ll do our best!"


And Muramasa HD isn't happening. :/
I just played the first hour of the game and I've to say it...I like the game A LOT.

The battle's animation and the character desings are beautiful..really brilliant work there by Vanillaware.

The music for now is good too.. tough I suppose every kingdom has his own music tracks. (I chose Avalon)..so I'm looking foward to the other two ones. ^_^

BTW Here are some pics of the group I made: ^_-.





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