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Grandia revisited

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Yea it took me upwards 60-70 hours to finish Grandia my first time oh so long ago. I do recall spending an obscene amount of time leveling skills and scouring around every village though which really bumped the gameclock.

Speaking of Growlanser, I have to check, but I may have a copy of G2 around somewhere. If I find it, it's yours. It is possible I sold it a long time ago and can't recall however.


Yeah, the first time through you don`t know how to level stuff but the 2nd time through you get everything leveld up fast. I had Justin`s Mace, Axe and Sword at 60 before I hit J base the first time. =D.

Oh and I played some of Growlanser last night, the battle system ROX.


Brandon F said:
Yea it took me upwards 60-70 hours to finish Grandia my first time oh so long ago. I do recall spending an obscene amount of time leveling skills and scouring around every village though which really bumped the gameclock.

Exactly the same for me my first time. And I would talk to every single person in each village before, during, and after each event, just to hear the different responses (pretty cool that they would say different stuff each time too). Of course, I quickly realized their responses weren't paramount to the plot, but still liked hearing them.

I wish Grandia 2 had allowed the characters to use and level up different weapons though, like the first one.
So i restarted playing this today. Now for the third time. Im still enjoying it as much as I did the first time.

I never did check out Grandia Extreme. It is just a dungeon crawler, is it not? I would probably like it then. I loved Dark Cloud 2 and the like.


It`s a dungeon crawler with light story. VERY good game if you`re not in the mood for heavy amounts of story. I only have a few complaints about the game and that`s mostly in the lack of weapon variety and the darned annoying eggs. I love the character variety though. I also wished the dungeons were a bit more randomly generated or varied for multiple run throughs but there`s the special dungeon itself which is randomly generated (more or less) which sort of sates that.
Like Madara said, it was the sense of exploration and wonder that I loved in Grandia. Grandia 2 was fun and had a the good battle system, but both games were so easy that it was quite difficult to die. I got bored with Grandia 2 and it took me abouta year to win it, even though it was about half as long as part 1.

While I hated many of the characters at first, I ended up liking them all after some time (although the Italian rabbit guy was a little odd). The characters I wanted most were the ones who ended up staying, but I liked the rest, and Gadwin was awesome.

I agree that Lunar is overrated. It has a great deal of anime and some good characters, but I could never bring myself to dredge through the long, repetetive dungeons and poor gameplay so I never played part 2. Part 1 felt like an achievement because of how dull the gameplay became.

Skies of Arcadia was the only game I have ever played that captured some of the wonder of Grandia, but it had what may be the weakest battle system ever, as I read a book through most fights while holding A.
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