What u sayin makes sense, but how much improved is the game gonna be by launch? I mean it’s not like we still have a full year for it to release, it is releasing in 4/5 months tops. And it’s not just a matter of improving textures, I didn’t see any next gen destruction, physics, animations/weight, super fast and seamless traversal, and AI seems untouched as well by the looks of it.I was one of the first to point out how bad the textures looked in the gameplay demo, just saying that to preface what I'm about to say as I don't want people to think I'm damage controlling. I'm sure by the time the game launches, the textures will look significantly better, if there's one highlight of next-gen PS5 games (yes even cross-gen) is that the texture resolution in a majority of the games have been pushing is impressive.
I think by the time SM2 launches they would have resolved and refined their texture streaming system, and likewise their asset streaming pipeline. I was not impressed by the amount of geometry pop-in I saw either but again it doesn't concern me too much as I do trust Insomniac will fix this by launch.
Anyways, not long to go for the release.
I agree with you, the Insomniac CM already said that it was not the latest version of the game, but at the moment it is what we have
Man, the arrogance on these lot. Insomniac were hella humble and down to earth what the hell happened to them?
You would think Spidey 2 trumps The Matrix demo and shits all over it with how these guys are responding to people who have the audacity to question their work.