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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen

I was watching some leaked Spider-Man 2 gameplay just an hour ago. I won’t spoil it but you’re fighting with another unrevealed character and it takes place in this interior. Like a smelting chamber. Reminded me of the steel mill from Arkham city. But anyways it’s endless combat and cutscenes but the graphics. The graphics.

Looked. Atrocious. It honestly could’ve easily passed for SP1 gameplay. I’m talking just the flattest lighting and texture work. FF16 level where you go in the volcano looked a gen ahead of what I saw. I almost posted it here under a spoiler tag but the user took the video to private to avoid copy right.


I was watching some leaked Spider-Man 2 gameplay just an hour ago. I won’t spoil it but you’re fighting with another unrevealed character and it takes place in this interior. Like a smelting chamber. Reminded me of the steel mill from Arkham city. But anyways it’s endless combat and cutscenes but the graphics. The graphics.

Looked. Atrocious. It honestly could’ve easily passed for SP1 gameplay. I’m talking just the flattest lighting and texture work. FF16 level where you go in the volcano looked a gen ahead of what I saw. I almost posted it here under a spoiler tag but the user took the video to private to avoid copy right.

You probably watching a shit quality video with heavy artifacts that destroys smaller details. I wouldnt judge anything based off a leaked footage. Just watch the DF video, its a pristine 4k capture and it looks amazing...
You probably watching a shit quality video with heavy artifacts that destroys smaller details. I wouldnt judge anything based off a leaked footage. Just watch the DF video, its a pristine 4k capture and it looks amazing...
The guy uploaded it in 1080p and I was watching it on my laptop.

Not the same as native 4k on my big screen but it won’t jump a graphical generation with that switch


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Looked. Atrocious. It honestly could’ve easily passed for SP1 gameplay. I’m talking just the flattest lighting and texture work. FF16 level where you go in the volcano looked a gen ahead of what I saw. I almost posted it here under a spoiler tag but the user took the video to private to avoid copy right.
Not every game will look next gen at all times. I have made my peace with it after FF16, Starfield and Forza. You take what you can get.

yes, that particular FF16 level looks amazing but we all know FF16 at its worst can look like a PS3 game at times. so spiderman 2 looking like a PS4 game in its worst spots is not too bad. ;p


Interiors looked fine in Spiderman Miles thanks to their liberal use of ray tracing. Modeling was last gen but i dont think it will look atrocious. Meh maybe but not omg this looks like PS3 like starfield's planets and FF16's interiors.

In other news, Fire-Gaf will be pleased with the fire effects in this game.



Flashless at the Golden Globes

What do you mean so? They’re making a war movie. So they needed to nail the scale of a large war. They could have done the lazy thing and went all cgi. Instead? They literally hired THOUSANDS of extras to make it look REAL. That is ambition. There is t a single game dev on earth that would do things the hard way just to make it more epic? Which is the whole point we’re getting at… they lack ambition.

some games like COD have 2000+ people working on them and 250 million dollar budgets and we can’t even get destructive environments in a war game. Even though they are reusing the same base game design every goddamn year

Still better than 95% of games. Or at least on par.

And creativity. I can’t name a single thing game devs are ambitious with. Game design? Lol. Graphics? Lol. Writing? Lol.

There is nothing. There’s zero ambition in the industry

Not at all. War games have no destruction. There’s no such thing as large scale combat (maybe space marine 2), writing is generally generic and awful, game design is stagnant, mission structure, stagnant. Open world formula hasn’t changed since GTA3

I will not stand for TLOU 2 slander. An actually ambitious game that took risks and had a devs go out of their comfort zones. Intense and visually stunning gory combat, best graphics of the gen, etc
Yep. If we are saying games are hard to make because they have 400 devs working on one game well, movies have hundreds of crew members and thousands of extras doing absolutely mind blowingly complex things for weeks if not months on end. They just are better at compartmentalizing and getting shit out. Reshoots in movies have become more common recently but there was no such thing as iteration that we have today where entire levels are scrapped and months worth of work is thrown out because the game director changed their minds. I was watching a breakdown of a level by a naughty dog designer and he said it took 18 months of iteration to finish the Museum level with Ellie and Joel in TLOU2. You know the one with literally no gameplay? Thats insane. Stop touching your drafts every five seconds. This need for perfection has to go. If anything the constant tinkering loses that charm and rawness that something thats gone through a dozen rewrites can never capture.

I think Starfield is the perfect example of a game that is so lacking in ambition that it feels dated despite some stunning visuals. They really thought that they could create some procedurally generated planets and some shitty talking quests with some shooting sections and everyone would hand them GOTYs. At least FF16 tried to do something ambitious with its setpieces. On one hand, I see a 2D mario wonder getting 93 on metacritic and a safe formulaic sequel like spiderman 2 getting 91, and i want to go and defend bethesda for taking the chance and making something new, but did they really? its the same dated design, only worse. it is more dated than Fallout 3 and skyrim. Half of FF16 is PS3 era MMO quest design. You have SSM and GG taking 5 years to make iterative sequels. Meanwhile insomniac made an iterative sequel in half the time. Its fine if thats what you to do, just dont take 5 years to make a copy pasta.


I never checked in my life how accurate shadows or reflections are, i just don't give a fuck.

If i can see a smeared, unclear image of my characters on a reflective surface it's good enough for me, i don't need a luna park mirror house wherever i look.

People who stop playing to check how accurate that shit is, especially in a fast paced game like spidey is never gonna be not funny to me.

I need to "check" the accuracy in lighting as much as you need to "check" bad textures and terrible character models.

Obviously meaning I don't check them, they are just glaringly obvious even when moving at 100mile/hour.
Yep. If we are saying games are hard to make because they have 400 devs working on one game well, movies have hundreds of crew members and thousands of extras doing absolutely mind blowingly complex things for weeks if not months on end. They just are better at compartmentalizing and getting shit out. Reshoots in movies have become more common recently but there was no such thing as iteration that we have today where entire levels are scrapped and months worth of work is thrown out because the game director changed their minds. I was watching a breakdown of a level by a naughty dog designer and he said it took 18 months of iteration to finish the Museum level with Ellie and Joel in TLOU2. You know the one with literally no gameplay? Thats insane. Stop touching your drafts every five seconds. This need for perfection has to go. If anything the constant tinkering loses that charm and rawness that something thats gone through a dozen rewrites can never capture.

I think Starfield is the perfect example of a game that is so lacking in ambition that it feels dated despite some stunning visuals. They really thought that they could create some procedurally generated planets and some shitty talking quests with some shooting sections and everyone would hand them GOTYs. At least FF16 tried to do something ambitious with its setpieces. On one hand, I see a 2D mario wonder getting 93 on metacritic and a safe formulaic sequel like spiderman 2 getting 91, and i want to go and defend bethesda for taking the chance and making something new, but did they really? its the same dated design, only worse. it is more dated than Fallout 3 and skyrim. Half of FF16 is PS3 era MMO quest design. You have SSM and GG taking 5 years to make iterative sequels. Meanwhile insomniac made an iterative sequel in half the time. Its fine if thats what you to do, just dont take 5 years to make a copy pasta.

What I'd like to know ...how did we as gamers get Starfield so wrong? I mean after that big Starfield presentation most of us were so hyped, the game looked like it would be so great, a sure-fire hit ...and it's just lacking in every area except for the graphics. The game seemed to scream ambition ...the power of a good presentation can't be overstated I guess. It was similar to Bungies vidocs that are always good at creating hype.
You probably watching a shit quality video with heavy artifacts that destroys smaller details. I wouldnt judge anything based off a leaked footage. Just watch the DF video, its a pristine 4k capture and it looks amazing...

There are going to be sections where this game looks no better than Spidey 1 remastered tho ..and there are some glaring flaws with textures that have been pointed out by lots of people. Probably due to the nature of them pumping this game out so quickly. That's my guess. I'm keeping my expectations in check. Small upgrade in all areas with slightly worse iq due to some questionable post processing decisions ..


At least FF16 tried to do something ambitious with its setpieces.
They are no more ambitious than those of Bayonetta, Asura's Wrath, or devil may cry, they are just powered by stronger tech.

On one hand, I see a 2D mario wonder getting 93 on metacritic and a safe formulaic sequel like spiderman 2 getting 91, and i want to go and defend bethesda for taking the chance and making something new, but did they really? its the same dated design, only worse.
The design of your movies is as dated as the design of the new mario, being innovative isn't and shouldn't be the goal of either, good execution is.

There is nothing. There’s zero ambition in the industry
Not at all. War games have no destruction.
There are new rendering techniques, actual volume rendering, machine learning powered animations, it just isn't what you personally want

There’s no such thing as large scale combat (maybe space marine 2)
We've been doing combat of that scale in Musou games for a decade.


They are no more ambitious than those of Bayonetta, Asura's Wrath, or devil may cry, they are just powered by stronger tech.

The design of your movies is as dated as the design of the new mario, being innovative isn't and shouldn't be the goal of either, good execution is.

There are new rendering techniques, actual volume rendering, machine learning powered animations, it just isn't what you personally want

We've been doing combat of that scale in Musou games for a decade.
People here are too obsessed with graphics. Movies nowadays are fucking toddler compared to movies from the last century when it comes to artistic direction.



Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen​

Shouldn’t let your obession to say non sense things like how movies are still evolving and full of ambition then? Because clearly old movies shit on contemporary movies in almost every way except CGI.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
They are no more ambitious than those of Bayonetta, Asura's Wrath, or devil may cry, they are just powered by stronger tech.
Sure. Bayonetta 3 had some insane setpieces but was clearly held back by the switch. it looked like a 240p pixelated mess. Arguably the worst looking AAA game ive ever played despite some of the most insane setpieces ever. But DMC and Asura's Wrath pale in comparison to both games.
The design of your movies is as dated as the design of the new mario, being innovative isn't and shouldn't be the goal of either, good execution is.
I dont agree. In terms of the basics, yes, ever since the silent era, movies have largely remained the same format, but you cant watch Oppenheimer and tell me its the same boring biopic as Stephen Hawkins or even Oscar winning ones like the beautiful mind. Nolan shot it like a fast paced thriller defying genre conventions. Same games for Batman. It's a serial killer movie not a super hero one. Id hardly call those movies formulaic.

Point we are trying to make is that movies are far more ambitious than games despite game budgets ballooning to $200 million per iterative sequel if Sonys own figures are to be believed. Nolan chose not to rely upon CG for his war movie. Sam Mendes got 2000 extras on screen at once for 1917 when CG wouldve done just fine. Tom Cruise is continuing to push practical effects and stunts. James Cameron is doing insane things with Avatar. Avatar 2 in 3d at 60 fps was a spellbinding experience. The underwater scenes felt like I was there. If thats not innovative or ambitious i dont know what is. And this is coming from someone who HATED Peter Jackson's 60 fps hobbit movies.

This whole idea that movies were so much better back in the day is hilarious. Compare Dune from the 80s to Dune by Denise Villenvue. It's not even fucking close. And no it's not just because the storytelling had better execution. It's the craftmanship, the ambition to go bigger and push boundries, that is sorely lacking from the video game industry which has $200 million, 500-1000 devs, and 5 years to make anything in the world and then chooses to make generic open world games instead. You can call Marvel and Disney movies generic, but Dune, Batman, Oppenheimer, Top Gun Maverick, Avatar 2 are all your summer popcorn blockbusters that are far more ambitious than your AAA games from first and third party A-tier developers.

I dont know man. You are a zelda fan. They just made arguably the most innovative game in a decade on a hardware that is almost 20 years old while other devs wouldnt even bother implementing the most fucking physics on hardware literally 50x more powerful. If you think devs are ambitious today then you need only compare totk to horizon forbidden west and other generic open world games.
Shouldn’t let your obession to say non sense things like how movies are still evolving then? Because clearly old movies shit on contemporary movies in almost every way except CGI.
see above.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
What I'd like to know ...how did we as gamers get Starfield so wrong? I mean after that big Starfield presentation most of us were so hyped, the game looked like it would be so great, a sure-fire hit ...and it's just lacking in every area except for the graphics. The game seemed to scream ambition ...the power of a good presentation can't be overstated I guess. It was similar to Bungies vidocs that are always good at creating hype.
We fell for the marketing which focused on showing big vistas and planet exploration which is simply not a big part of the game. in fact, 90% of my time so far has been spent indoors talking to people. sorry, 50% of my time has been spent talking to people, 10% shooting people, and 30% fast traveling. i have spent maybe 4 hours actually exploring planets and ive played the game for almost 40 hours. probably because there is nothing to explore.

its the classic case of false advertising. todd howard only after release said that he made the game talking focused because all other rpgs have copied their skyrim and fallout exploration model. well, maybe you shouldve sold it as an adventure game then.

instead of something like this which heavily implies that this game was skyrim in space. literally 100% of the marketing focused on these wide spanning shots of you exploring the planets when the game is literally about talking to people.




Flashless at the Golden Globes
I never checked in my life how accurate shadows or reflections are, i just don't give a fuck.

If i can see a smeared, unclear image of my characters on a reflective surface it's good enough for me, i don't need a luna park mirror house wherever i look.

People who stop playing to check how accurate that shit is, especially in a fast paced game like spidey is never gonna be not funny to me.
I always thought spiderman was the perfect candidate for reflections. Something like horizon, ff16 or even tlou2? fuck no. get that vram and cpu heavy bvh structure bullshit out of those games and use the gpu to push other visual features instead.

But games like cyberpunk, spiderman and watch dogs legion benefit greatly from rt reflections. Apparently, adding screenspace and cubemap reflections is time consuming for devs who have to line them up during dev in order to be accurate so most of the times they dont even bother. You can look at spiderman 1 reflections on buildings which look great and i agree, you wont notice them flying at high speeds but they fall apart in A LOT of different areas where the devs either ran out of time or simply didnt bother. Other linear more traditional games, i agree, no need for rt reflections, rt shadows, or rtgi. devs can bake them in because they dont have to light or reflect an entire open world.



Everyone was posting this gif of forza's reflections as this amazing achievement for ray tracing, but it turns out forza is using cube map + ssr reflections here lol. so im with you. fake it till you make it.

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Sure. Bayonetta 3 had some insane setpieces but was clearly held back by the switch. it looked like a 240p pixelated mess. Arguably the worst looking AAA game ive ever played despite some of the most insane setpieces ever. But DMC and Asura's Wrath pale in comparison to both games.
In what way do they pale? With FF16 it's a few giants fighting in a big landscape with some cuts to shots at people at their feet, sometimes switching to rail shooter gameplay, the impressive thing is the texture and lighting quality which will obviously be better due to being on hardware, not the scale of the fight, there is nothing really impressive about having a fight take place in a 3d large environment and we have other games that are just as good on a technical level.

Like don't get me wrong I like Bayonetta, Utimate Ninja Storm and Asuras wrath but I won't pretend they are mindblowing on a technical level.

I dont agree. In terms of the basics, yes, ever since the silent era, movies have largely remained the same format, but you cant watch Oppenheimer and tell me its the same boring biopic as Stephen Hawkins or even Oscar winning ones like the beautiful mind. Nolan shot it like a fast paced thriller defying genre conventions. Same games for Batman. It's a serial killer movie not a super hero one. Id hardly call those movies formulaic.

It's no more impressive than the new style and gimmicks of Mario wonder or Zelda totk really, both require ridiculous amounts of work and play testing.

There's also achieved with Baldurs gate 3, even ff16 battle system tried unique things by implement FF14 concepts in an action game as will FF7rebirth by implements. Hi Fi rush based the entire game around fighting, platforming and having the entire world move to the beat.

Now there is tons of samey stuff, I won't act like cod is totally different game but if you can't see the ambition in games it's cause you don't know what it takes to make em.

Point we are trying to make is that movies are far more ambitious than games despite game budgets ballooning to $200 million per iterative sequel if Sonys own figures are to be believed. Nolan chose not to rely upon CG for his war movie. Sam Mendes got 2000 extras on screen at once for 1917 when CG wouldve done just fine. Tom Cruise is continuing to push practical effects and stunts. James Cameron is doing insane things with Avatar. Avatar 2 in 3d at 60 fps was a spellbinding experience. The underwater scenes felt like I was there. If thats not innovative or ambitious i dont know what is. And this is coming from someone who HATED Peter Jackson's 60 fps hobbit movies.

And game devs continue to push visuals to their limits on the hardware they have available, Horizon 5 implemented a realtime surfel based GI solution, Returnal continues to improve their in house particle engine, and again tons of devs working to make their own implementation of Raytraced lighting effects, Fifa, Spiderman and Re4 implementing strand based hair solution. Forbidden west has fantastic foliage tech. Spiderman custom system for filling the building with lit interiors.

Again, with tons of developers working to implement and improve extremely new ray traced lighting systems.

I see tons of ambition either gameplay or graphics wise throughout the entire industry, Which is why I laugh when people go "NOW THIS IS NEXT GEN" with spiderman, Matrix or FF16 when they are clearly just taking a small step further than what came before.

You can call Marvel and Disney movies generic, but Dune, Batman, Oppenheimer, Top Gun Maverick, Avatar 2 are all your summer popcorn blockbusters that are far more ambitious than your AAA games from first and third party A-tier developers.

Just not true, tons of ambition in both fields as well as tons of samey stuff, even when it comes to the same work I'd say, Avatar 2 has great visual effect and cool high frame rate scenes but was also incredibly bland story and action wise.
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Yes. It is penumbra/soft shadows.

Take your first pick as an example:


SE also discussed this in their whitepaper; they utilized percentage closer soft shadows as NXGamer predicted and significantly retooled their shadow rendering techniques to drastically improve ability to ground objects/avoid light leak and other traditional shadowmap limitations.

The new shadow system was used specifically for characters I'm pretty sure, not the environement.
I could be wrong on this one, but I think the entire point it getting super detailed shadows on important characters.

read the paper here http://www.jp.square-enix.com/tech/library/pdf/2023_FFXVIShadowTechPaper.pdf


and a nice quick comparison.

"We have implemented a Tiled Deferred Shadow system resulting in performance gains on standard shadows. It also allows support for characters’ High-Quality Shadow for an extra cost thatwe manage by limiting their number based on the available budget."

As always when it comes to realism lighting is everything.
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Gold Member
Haven't played the game yet myself (anxious to do it in the near future), but are we 100% sure there aren't more pre-rendered cutscenes than what they have told us about?
Do special armours/haircuts/weapons/etc carry over to the cutscenes? That would be a sure fire way to see they are indeed rendered realtime.

For the overwhelming majority of cutscenes they do, which as you said suggests/confirms real-time. FFXVI has the best rasterized shadows I've ever seen. Spider-Man 2 does a lot well, but no major improvements with their shadow rendering based on what I've seen so far. Unfortunate

I like seeing offscreen captures sometimes because there's no risk of reduced color transfer. Take a look at this. Stunning
The new shadow system was used specifically for characters I'm pretty sure, not the environement.
I could be wrong on this one, but I think the entire point it getting super detailed shadows on important characters.

read the paper here http://www.jp.square-enix.com/tech/library/pdf/2023_FFXVIShadowTechPaper.pdf


and a nice quick comparison.

"We have implemented a Tiled Deferred Shadow system resulting in performance gains on standard shadows. It also allows support for characters’ High-Quality Shadow for an extra cost thatwe manage by limiting their number based on the available budget."

As always when it comes to realism lighting is everything.

Yeah I saw this paper I even posted in the forum. Their shadow rendering appeard comprehensive. "High Quality Shadow" is their proprietary method for character self shadowing but they discuss other techniques they used in conjunction with one another to render very good looking environmental shadows as well. For example, they describe an "oriented depth bias" vs. "hardware depth bias" to reduce light leak and resolution issues from shadowmaps etc. I dont follow the paper entirely as its very technical but I'm just glad they made shadows such a top priority because it paid off tremendously imo. At the game's best I still consider it's visuals above any other console game to date.
We fell for the marketing which focused on showing big vistas and planet exploration which is simply not a big part of the game. in fact, 90% of my time so far has been spent indoors talking to people. sorry, 50% of my time has been spent talking to people, 10% shooting people, and 30% fast traveling. i have spent maybe 4 hours actually exploring planets and ive played the game for almost 40 hours. probably because there is nothing to explore.

its the classic case of false advertising. todd howard only after release said that he made the game talking focused because all other rpgs have copied their skyrim and fallout exploration model. well, maybe you shouldve sold it as an adventure game then.

instead of something like this which heavily implies that this game was skyrim in space. literally 100% of the marketing focused on these wide spanning shots of you exploring the planets when the game is literally about talking to people.


I’m SHOCKED crowbcat hasn’t gotten on that ass yet. It’s almost a watch dogs 2014 situation. And I say that as someone who has like 60 hours in the game and I like it alright but haven’t played it in like a month. It doesn’t call back to you at all the way elder scrolls and fallout do

If you want to make a talking game that’s fine. But can I ask that you impress me with some good writing and/or acting? (mass effect/Witcher). Or even just decent? Passable perhaps? Starfields acting and writing isssss… well… pitiful. Broadly speaking. So your game is just talking to people in rooms. And the acting is terrible and the writing is as stimulating as an unseasoned plate of long grain white rice. You’re left with a big fat flop
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Gold Member
I need to "check" the accuracy in lighting as much as you need to "check" bad textures and terrible character models.

Obviously meaning I don't check them, they are just glaringly obvious even when moving at 100mile/hour.
Not as obvious and not at any given moment.

We had comparisons of certain zones of in cyberpunk where even pathtracing made a minimal difference, imagine spidey that doesn't even use rtx lights...low res textures and shit models are always visible at any given moment there are no moments where you notice more or less, they are always there.

Now this is not the case with spidey because of course it doesn't have bad textures and models everywhere, but in a general discussion about what you notice first there is not even a contest.

Cyberpunk with rtx lights, shadows and reflections off but everything on ultra is still a good looking game, the same game with rtx on and texture\details on low is gonna look like a ps2 game with realistic lights.


On the positive side, at least ps5/xsx/midrange pc dont make games look like on switch, again proves my point that even talented devs wont be able to do much, graphics wise, if hardware they work with is piece of shit
I mean the switch is essentially an portable Xbox 360 with a lot more RAM. Of course 2005 hardware specs are limiting.


Not as obvious and not at any given moment.

Now this is not the case with spidey because of course it doesn't have bad textures and models everywhere, but in a general discussion about what you notice first there is not even a contest.

You are right there isn't a contest, I notice lighting first, with current games it's almost always glaringly wrong.
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Gold Member
You are right there isn't a contest, I notice lighting first, with current games it's almost always glaringly wrong.
Lol yeah as opposed to textures and models in mdoern games that look like real life :LOL:

I love how you ignored the cyberpunk example tho :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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Lol yeah as opposed to textures and models in mdoern games that look like real life :LOL:

I love how you ignored the cyberpunk example tho :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

I disagreed, we've been through that discussion so didn't feel like rehashing it, Low poly objects lit realistically, still look like physically possible objects, they can exists.
low poly objects with with incorrect lighting is just totally impossible and can never be realistic.

Compared to video game lighting, video game models do look like real life, the gap is huge, for me anyway, I'm not really telling anyone that models don't personally bother them more. But I always notice lighting first.
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Gold Member
I disagreed, as we have before, Low poly objects lit realistically, still look like physically possible objects, they can exists.
low poly objects with with incorrect lighting is just totally impossible and can never be realistic.
Lol true we had this discussion already.

In cyberpunk that aim for a realistic graphic, low settings for textures and details would look terrible, cmon dude, you can't spin this.

We can open a topic with a poll on what looks worse between:

Cp with all rtx on and textures and details on low
Cp with rtx off and everything else on ultra

Believe me, you don't want this smoke because raster still look decent, low settings cp would look like the switch version in high definition.
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We can open a topic with a poll on what looks worse between:
Cp with all rtx on and textures and details on low
Cp with rtx off and everything else on ultra
Believe me, you don't want this smoke.

lol, "smoke". Oh no I'm so afraid of people telling me how dumb they are on neogaf.
I don't care about poll results, all they do is let me know how many people are wrong.

Regardless of what people like, it's just objectively true that a game with super low poly models and texture but realistic lighting is closer to realism.
But I'm fine with putting that objective proof aside and just saying that it's what bothers me more, I don't mind that others have their own personal wants.

All we can agree on is that even with their pathtracing implimentation Cyberpunk's lighting has lots to improve upon.

In cyberpunk that aim for a realistic graphic, low settings for textures and details would look terrible, cmon dude, you can't spin this.
You said it's funny that people stop and check accuracy, I'm saying that I notice innacurate lighting as easily as someone you can see a pixelated texture, there is no way you can challenge that.
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Gold Member
Lol yeah you know the absolute truth and everyone else is wrong even if a poll would show you otherwise.

dude there is a reason why majority of player on pc (if not all of them) turn down rtx effect before turning down textures and character details, you can check literally any topic of any pc game in existence and you are not gonna find more than 5 people in this planet that sacrifice raw details for rtx effects, turning down shadows and shit to get performance is basically a meme for how common it is.

People only turn down textures and shit when youtubers make settings comparisons and we know that from ultra to high or medium there is no difference, otherwise texture remain maxed out.

This is not a random behaviour, it's because people know their priorities.

Agree to disagree as usual, let's chat again about the same thing in a months or 2 :messenger_blowing_kiss:
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Lol yeah you know the absolute truth and everyone else is wrong even if a poll would show you otherwise.

Well yeah, it's an undeniable fact, an object that looks pixelated with correct lighting can exist, an object without correct lighting cannot exist under any circumstance, but that's just me talking about what's technically more realistic, a boring argument sure.

Putting that aside, I just subjectively prefer correct lighting over more detailed texture and I will absolutely notice them easier

but the people do XY and Z.
This is not a random behaviour.

How is those people's behavior relevant to the fact that I notice bad lighting as easily as I notice less detailed textures. That's the point that I was making, it's not a matter of trying to look for it, to me it jumps out instantly and at all times.
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Gold Member
Well yeah, it's an undeniable fact, an object that looks pixelated with correct lighting can exist, an object without correct lighting cannot exist under any circumstance, but that's just me talking about what's technically more realistic, a boring argument sure.

Putting that aside, I just subjectively prefer correct lighting over more detailed texture and I will absolutely notice them easier

How is those people's behavior relevant to the fact that I notice bad lighting as easily as I notice less detailed textures. That's the point that I was making, it's not a matter of trying to look for it, to me it jumps out instantly and at all times.
We are not discussing about our personal taste, but what people would notice in general, it was already abundantly clear that i'm a texture dude and you are an rtx dude.

And i'm pretty sure they would notice low res textures and low details before noticing uncorrect lighting, because we played and we still play with uncorrect lights even today, people are used to that.

But they are also used to a certain level of texturization and details, so you can't just put ps2 graphic on a ps5 title and expect people to notice lights and shadows before that.


ive been watching the 5h gameplay video from MKIceAndFire and the game doesnt look anything special , its looks bland , maybe its because of youtube compression


We are not discussing about our personal taste, but what people would notice in general, it was already abundantly clear that i'm a texture dude and you are an rtx dude.

I was never talking about what people would notice in general. I did talk about what is actually more realistic but even that wasn't really my point.

I commented on you saying that people stop and notice bad lighting, especially in fast paced games to say it isn't really something I need to stop and notice, it's as clear to me as a super pixelated texture, some others feel similar, that's all.

It doesn't matter if I'm going 100miles per hour I clears see missing shadows, and a lack of light bounce and reflections..
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I never checked in my life how accurate shadows or reflections are, i just don't give a fuck.

If i can see a smeared, unclear image of my characters on a reflective surface it's good enough for me, i don't need a luna park mirror house wherever i look.

People who stop playing to check how accurate that shit is, especially in a fast paced game like spidey is never gonna be not funny to me.
100% this. Im sorry but SSR was way to effient and high quality of a Hack to throw away for this "processor hungry graphics and framerate crippling" RTwe have now....we gave up glossy relections for this?

Id also say no one would care nearly as much about ssr artifacts if places like DF didnt put a massive magnifying glass on it at all time. Mirror reflections on ground surfaces should be a crime. Give me ssr anyday over that.

Ive been using 3DS Max since the mid 90s and even back then I didnt use RT and vastly preffered cubemaps because in 90% cases it was more than good enough.
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100% this. Im sorry but SSR was way to effient and high quality of a Hack to throw away for this "processor hungry graphics and framerate crippling" RTwe have now....we gave up glossy relections for this?

Id also say no one would care nearly as much about ssr artifacts if places like DF didnt put a massive magnifying glass on it at all time. Mirror reflections on ground surfaces should be a crime. Give me ssr anyday over that.

Ive been using 3DS Max since the mid 90s and even back then I didnt use RT and vastly preffered cubemaps because in 90% cases it was more than good enough.
but sometimes good enough isn't good enough, you know? pushing settings to the maximum @4k or 8k, even if your framerate is shit, can be satisfying.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
100% this. Im sorry but SSR was way to effient and high quality of a Hack to throw away for this "processor hungry graphics and framerate crippling" RTwe have now....we gave up glossy relections for this?

Id also say no one would care nearly as much about ssr artifacts if places like DF didnt put a massive magnifying glass on it at all time. Mirror reflections on ground surfaces should be a crime. Give me ssr anyday over that.

Ive been using 3DS Max since the mid 90s and even back then I didnt use RT and vastly preffered cubemaps because in 90% cases it was more than good enough.
I wouldnt call SSR reflections efficient or high quality. Good quality SSD is very expensive which is why we dont even get it on consoles. You can see it in cyberpunk where psycho ssr is heavier than RT reflections. The regular medium quality SSR we get on consoles isnt as heavy as RT reflections but is no where near as high quality.

Cyberpunk has the best example of this.


In most games you wont need ray traced reflections but games like cyberpunk, spiderman and other games set in urban city environments, rt reflections are the way to go.

Go check out Spiderman Miles. Most of the story missions take place indoors and the non-RT versions feature ssr that comes nowhere even close to the ray traced lighting. It adds almost a new dimension to most scenes which is why ive never minded mirror like reflections. You get more depth and a striking difference instantly. Is it worth the massive cost to performance? When its impacting 40% of the screen? sure, why not?



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