Flashless at the Golden Globes
It looks atrocious. Downgrade hit this one pretty hard., the game was downgraded way too many times.Finally tried Forspoken (bought for 9.99€ couple of months ago). Visually the first impression is VERY bad, I mean Bayonetta 3 on Switch bad, but with terrible art direction. Finished the prologue, it gets better. Anyway, the worst thing I've noticed by now is the input lag, that is simply insane for an action game. In 60fps mode is better tho, but visually is even worst obv.
Quality and Ray tracing mode looks basically the same to me, didn't noticed any difference switching between these two.
Luckily, gameplay after the first big fight starts to click in and I guess I'll have some fun. But I was expecting something "close" to FFXVI graphically, instead this looks bad even for a PS4 game (considering I'm coming from TLOU2 that looks a generation ahead).
Game is fun though.
to be fair fallen order looked much much worse than god of war in terms of texture work
fallen order is a game that is actually designed to run well on 2 gb gpus so its texture work is probably worse than uncharted 4 / horizon zero dawn etc. i know this because it was the last game i played with my 2 gb r7 265. and it performed decently within that buffer. it just had early ps4 era textures where games were still tailored for 2-3 GB GPUs on PC (yep)
not to knock fallen order though. it had fantastic set pieces and clever world design that somewhat hide those deficits
Very interesting. I wonder why they did that. I played it on my RTX 2080 at native 4k 60 fps and had no issues all the other PC users were having because at the time it was the 2nd best card on the market lol. But this explains why.
That said, the texture budget on the GOW games is probably 3.0 GB just like it was for KZSF so its not like a huge jump. SSM didnt even try.
Some more very cool slides here that show just how much of the vram is wasted on the CPU and how the GPU vram budget is split between various different tasks and instructions.