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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


Gold Member
I was not moving any goalpost, it was just an observation.

The only way to show physics in starfield is with an editor that spawn one million objects, you could do the same in oblivion, i think we already had this argument, during the normal gameplay you barely see any of it except for the physics glitches, otherwise the game is very static and with very little to no destruction, zero-gravity stuff is nothing new in videogames neither, and the game was severely toned down in IA, npcs behaviour, freedom of approach and other simulation aspects compared to even skyrirm (that was already toned down from oblivion and morrowind).

Horizon maybe doens't have all the movable objects in the scenario (that have little to no use during the normal gameplay because you can''t actually use a wrench as a wrench, you can just sold it as junk) but it has pound per pound more destruction in the scenery that actually matter when you fight the big dinobots because they are temporary covers that get destroyed, in the meantime you can't even break a fucking glass in starfield, there are literal comparisons on yt with games like gta san andreas or old ass games that do better than starfield.

Building a mining colony has nothing to do with complex physics, at best it's a feature of the game, like building the spaceship.

Sorry, me and a large amount of people online don't see this incredible physics\simulation achivement in starfield like other people do.

Even the scope doens't feel that large when it's mostly barren lands not even completely explorable, copied content everywhere and just a couple of big cities, they managed to make a space game that doens't feel like a space game.

P.s. before you answer with a wall of text, i just don't care enough about starfield to start yet another long discussion about it, you can have your opinion and i have mine, i'm not trying to have the last word, i REALLY don't care about that game anymore (and it's 2:43am in italy so i'm going to bed now) :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Starfield does some things right when it comes to graphics and pretty much everything wrong when it comes to gameplay and level design but posting comparisons with Silent Hill 3 is retarded. Lets drop the trolling, and realize that it does do some great things.

I am playing TLOU2 No Return which reuses the interiors from the main game and its shocking how poor it looks at times. Asset quality, lighting, AO, shadows, reflections. It's clear that the game has been topped but the way people talk about it here, it feels like its still the greatest looking game of all gen when starfield is leagues ahead when it comes to interior level of detail, asset quality and lighting. TLOU2 has better art direction and lighting outdoors because the engine was designed to render foliage covered cities, but while they look amazing, most of the interiors clearly suffered. Its the opposite with Starfield with open world looking like shit, but the game's missions are set mostly in indoor bases where their game looks best.

Every game has a give or take. Using NPCs to shit on a game's graphics when they are in like 3 hub worlds is bizarre when we dont even do that for cyberpunk, rdr2 and spiderman 2 which are literally set in an open world with thousands of NPCs. We focus on the amazing vistas and art direction of RDR2, and the incredible lighting of cyberpunk when discussing their graphics. No harm in bringing up their worst case scenarios but if thats the starting point of the discussion then it simply wont result in a decent discussion.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Here are those TLOU2 interiors i was talking about. Look at the asset quality and even the texture details. At first I thought the no return mode was using lower textures but then i went back to the main campaign and its the same there. this is in the 60 fps mode. All shots except for the tommy one are from the campaign levels.

Now imagine if we used these screenshots to show that TLOU2 looks worse than Silent Hill 3. Nah, we celebrate the exteriors and the incredible art work there. I dont know why we cant apply the same logic towards starfield or star wars, only the other way around since they do interiors so well.






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Here are those TLOU2 interiors i was talking about. Look at the asset quality and even the texture details. At first I thought the no return mode was using lower textures but then i went back to the main campaign and its the same there. this is in the 60 fps mode. All shots except for the tommy one are from the campaign levels.

Now imagine if we used these screenshots to show that TLOU2 looks worse than Silent Hill 3. Nah, we celebrate the exteriors and the incredible art work there. I dont know why we cant apply the same logic towards starfield or star wars, only the other way around since they do interiors so well.






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You're missing the forest for the trees brah. Need to look at the whole picture. Visual presentation in Part II is still unrivaled. Starfield doesn't show anywhere near the same level of production quality or attention to detail. Looks like a generic AI generated space game. Star Wars, looks cool and everything, but it lacks that ND aura. It doesn't subvert shit, plays it safe in every single aspect. Part II has all the spice.

Team Abby baby.
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Here are those TLOU2 interiors i was talking about. Look at the asset quality and even the texture details. At first I thought the no return mode was using lower textures but then i went back to the main campaign and its the same there. this is in the 60 fps mode. All shots except for the tommy one are from the campaign levels.

Now imagine if we used these screenshots to show that TLOU2 looks worse than Silent Hill 3. Nah, we celebrate the exteriors and the incredible art work there. I dont know why we cant apply the same logic towards starfield or star wars, only the other way around since they do interiors so well.






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What am I looking for? Those cabinets aren't supposed to have anything on it outside of color,gloss and the metal handles. Maybe a sticker or some scratches.


Here are those TLOU2 interiors i was talking about. Look at the asset quality and even the texture details. At first I thought the no return mode was using lower textures but then i went back to the main campaign and its the same there. this is in the 60 fps mode. All shots except for the tommy one are from the campaign levels.

Now imagine if we used these screenshots to show that TLOU2 looks worse than Silent Hill 3. Nah, we celebrate the exteriors and the incredible art work there. I dont know why we cant apply the same logic towards starfield or star wars, only the other way around since they do interiors so well.






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looks incredibly flat at times, nice captures lol
the worst one is with Tommy, rasterization failed horribly there, some of the stuff literally look like floating
im going between tlou2 and alan wake 2 back and forth (one on ps5 and one on PC, i literally can switch between them within seconds, both devices connected to the same screen) and damn the gen leap is there. idk why some people can't see it
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Meanwhile Callisto, Alan Wake 2, Starfield interiors, as well as Spiderman 2 and Jedi's linear levels.

We have seen a massive increase in lighting, asset quality, material quality, reflection quality, textures and shadows grounding everything in ways TLOU2's baked lighting just couldnt. Not their fault, given how they were stuck on a 1.8 tflops machine, and had to light large outdoors exteriors, but I think it's important to keep this in mind when shitting on these modern games.







Flashless at the Golden Globes
What am I looking for? Those cabinets aren't supposed to have anything on it outside of color,gloss and the metal handles. Maybe a sticker or some scratches.
If you cant see it then count your blessings. You have a gift few posses. You will see beauty in anything.

You're missing the forest for the trees brah. Need to look at the whole picture.
On the contrary, I am actually asking people to look at the overall picture for these other games, and i am using the last gen benchmark as an example. A benchmark that is still used in this thread to downplay other more modern games with far better lighting, asset quality and textures.

looks incredibly flat at times, nice captures lol
the worst one is with Tommy, rasterization failed horribly there, some of the stuff literally look like floating
im going between tlou2 and alan wake 2 back and forth (one on ps5 and one on PC, i literally can switch between them within seconds, both devices connected to the same screen) and damn the gen leap is there. idk why some people can't see it
Im convinced most people here dont go back and actually play last gen games. I have always liked the combat in TLOU2 and GOW so i play these games all the time through out the year. I love just roaming around in Horizon FW, RDR2 and Cyberpunk. Again, play them throughout the year. every year. I know exactly when they look amazing and when they start to fall apart.
looks incredibly flat at times, nice captures lol
the worst one is with Tommy, rasterization failed horribly there, some of the stuff literally look like floating
im going between tlou2 and alan wake 2 back and forth (one on ps5 and one on PC, i literally can switch between them within seconds, both devices connected to the same screen) and damn the gen leap is there. idk why some people can't see it
i agree - im playing LOU 2 now. It’s GREAT what they were able to accomplish on that hardware - every bit of it just is filled with quality, hand designed shit. But it is so flat at times - there’s a marked difference in what this generations games have been able to do. It actually weirdly made me appreciate what Spider Man 2’s graphics were doing. I’m excited to see what ND does this gen.
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Im convinced most people here dont go back and actually play last gen games. I have always liked the combat in TLOU2 and GOW so i play these games all the time through out the year. I love just roaming around in Horizon FW, RDR2 and Cyberpunk. Again, play them throughout the year. every year. I know exactly when they look amazing and when they start to fall apart.

This is the thing. People have gradually become accustomed to a whole new standard. It doesn't feel like it because cross gen has been such a drawn out period, but a lot of actual last gen games really do look rough at this point. One that really shocked me was Horizon ZD. It looks so rough nowadays - so basic compared to FW. The geometry's so blocky - I never noticed it at the time but if you go back to it now it's pretty blatant. In general that low poly look and bad textures are what I notice most when going back- and just the sparseness of the environments.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
the game doesn't have any gameplay!11

this section: ...

you know sometimes less is more. and this unique section in alan wake 2 will forever live rent free in my head
As visually pleasing as that section is, that one shootout in the entire 20 minute sequence is nothing to write home about. It also follows a very long chapter where you do nothing but rearranage some scenes on the caseboard and watch Alan Wake talk over it. Thats not gameplay.

I made the huge mistake of playing through saga's story before moving on to Wake's so i had to go through like five chapters back to back where he did nothing but go into an area and talk over it. With a few tiny 30 second combat sequences sprinkled in between hours of gameplay.

And honestly, I wouldnt have minded it because i do agree that less is more and its not like the combat was great anyway, but the other non-combatty parts were good either. You go into a room and select a different plot line on a board and the lighting changes and all you get is a voice over from Alan. Thats not gameplay.

I dont want every survivor horror game to be like RE4 and TLOU2, but if you are not action focused then you need to make the non-action parts more compelling. RE7 is a great example of this.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
All this terrible Sony new today. We are fucked. It sounds like this new CEO doesnt give a shit about Single Player AAA games.
Whole bunch of multiplatform talk, margins and forecasts, profitability. expect a whole bunch of cheaper games. AA looking games.
we are fucked.

You all better get used to shorter games if you want them to be graphically intense. The era of 30+ hour TLOU 2 style visual masterpieces is dead.

they are too expensive to make, and dont bring in as much money as they should - because fucking little kids have ruined gaming with their love of GAAS trash. the good stuff DOESNT SELL
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All this terrible Sony new today. We are fucked. It sounds like this new CEO doesnt give a shit about Single Player AAA games.
Whole bunch of multiplatform talk, margins and forecasts, profitability. expect a whole bunch of cheaper games. AA looking games.
we are fucked.

You all better get used to shorter games if you want them to be graphically intense. The era of 30+ hour TLOU 2 style visual masterpieces is dead.

they are too expensive to make, and dont bring in as much money as they should - because fucking little kids have ruined gaming with their love of GAAS trash. the good stuff DOESNT SELL
We’ll see
Theres no we'll see to me. This guys quotes paint it clear as day. Multiplatform first platform games, more live service, profitability over unit sales as the focus. Thats all I need to hear to know "big AAA games are not our focus anymore"
There’s talk on an investor call, and then there’s seeing these things realized/come to fruition


Am I the only one who realized AW2 uses hero lighting ingame?

Like he has both a lore friendly one via Tom's lamp lighting him from below and an even more effective subtle Top Down one from above that fades in in the darkest moments to keep him always covered in some directional light.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Am I the only one who realized AW2 uses hero lighting ingame?

Like he has both a lore friendly one via Tom's lamp lighting him from below and an even more effective subtle Top Down one from above that fades in in the darkest moments to keep him always covered in some directional light.
I noticed the character models looked stunning but the problem is that they dont let you turn the camera around. I was able to glitch it during some dialogue scenes and character faces were very highly detailed.

Every time Alan goes into an elevator, the ceiling lights bounce off of his hair and the game looks damn near photorealistic despite the camera being right up there next to his hair. Sadly, i cant jerk off to photorealistic hair.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
All this terrible Sony new today. We are fucked. It sounds like this new CEO doesnt give a shit about Single Player AAA games.
Whole bunch of multiplatform talk, margins and forecasts, profitability. expect a whole bunch of cheaper games. AA looking games.
we are fucked.
It's literally the worst case scenario. They have no first party games for the next 2 years. At least not the ones we care about. They are going all in on PC day 1 releases which means they will end up going third party just like Microsoft is about to. That means fewer next gen consoles. Fewer generational leaps.

Im pushing 40 and frankly, I am tired of the industry refusing to evolve and get better. Gaming has become too big and the soulless corporate takeover is complete. We will have one game from Rockstar and ND every 7 years. I have maybe 3 GTAs left in my lifetime and I am not going to waste my life looking forward to 3 games for the rest of my life. Might be time to move on and finally spend some time with the wife and kids. A fate worse than playing Starfield.
You all better get used to shorter games if you want them to be graphically intense. The era of 30+ hour TLOU 2 style visual masterpieces is dead.
I think TLOU2's 30 hour run is what caused its 2 year delay. ND was targeting spring 2018 for its release but it kept getting bigger and bigger and they missed their internal release by 2 fucking years. Sorry but thats ridiculous. It didnt need to be 30 hours long. GOW didnt have to be 40 hours long. HFW didnt need to be 50 hours long. With the way cutscenes are done now, you are doubling and tripling the amount of hand animated facial expressions let alone all the extra design work to accommodate a 30 hour campaign. I just finished Alan Wake 2 and jedi surivor. One was 25 hours and way too long for a game with little to no combat or puzzles. The other was 40 hours with fantastic combat and level design, but fails to keep the player engaged with the story because the story beats occur once every 5 hours. I think spiderman 2 was perfect. 15 hours long with maybe 5-10 hours of side content you can ignore and tackle post game if you wish. Mass Effect 2 was 20 hours long RPG, one of the best games ever made and it was done in 2 years.

Longer games like TLOU2 just destroy its pacing and reduce the consistency of its visual fidelity as you can see from the screenshots above. Not all indoor areas look that bad but quite a few of them do. And why? why do we need 30 hours of gameplay? I can replay these games if i wanted to replay them.
It's literally the worst case scenario. They have no first party games for the next 2 years. At least not the ones we care about. They are going all in on PC day 1 releases which means they will end up going third party just like Microsoft is about to. That means fewer next gen consoles. Fewer generational leaps.

Im pushing 40 and frankly, I am tired of the industry refusing to evolve and get better. Gaming has become too big and the soulless corporate takeover is complete. We will have one game from Rockstar and ND every 7 years. I have maybe 3 GTAs left in my lifetime and I am not going to waste my life looking forward to 3 games for the rest of my life. Might be time to move on and finally spend some time with the wife and kids. A fate worse than playing Starfield.

I think TLOU2's 30 hour run is what caused its 2 year delay. ND was targeting spring 2018 for its release but it kept getting bigger and bigger and they missed their internal release by 2 fucking years. Sorry but thats ridiculous. It didnt need to be 30 hours long. GOW didnt have to be 40 hours long. HFW didnt need to be 50 hours long. With the way cutscenes are done now, you are doubling and tripling the amount of hand animated facial expressions let alone all the extra design work to accommodate a 30 hour campaign. I just finished Alan Wake 2 and jedi surivor. One was 25 hours and way too long for a game with little to no combat or puzzles. The other was 40 hours with fantastic combat and level design, but fails to keep the player engaged with the story because the story beats occur once every 5 hours. I think spiderman 2 was perfect. 15 hours long with maybe 5-10 hours of side content you can ignore and tackle post game if you wish. Mass Effect 2 was 20 hours long RPG, one of the best games ever made and it was done in 2 years.

Longer games like TLOU2 just destroy its pacing and reduce the consistency of its visual fidelity as you can see from the screenshots above. Not all indoor areas look that bad but quite a few of them do. And why? why do we need 30 hours of gameplay? I can replay these games if i wanted to replay them.
Nah not quite. We could still see Bend new IP, Bluepoint new IP, ND New IP, Santa Monica New IP, firesprite new IP, stuff like that


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Nah not quite. We could still see Bend new IP, Bluepoint new IP, ND New IP, Santa Monica New IP, firesprite new IP, stuff like that
Lets hope so, but frankly seeing as how Bend lost 90 of its 100 odd developers after releasing Days Gone, their rebuild would prevent them from releasing a game by the end of 2025. Also, they didnt stop making their uncharted game until like April of 2021 so they are only 3 years into their next game. i dont think its coming out before 2026 at best.

BP should be there with DS2 but i thought they were working on an existing franchise like Demon Souls 2, MGS or SOTC. We shall see.
Lets hope so, but frankly seeing as how Bend lost 90 of its 100 odd developers after releasing Days Gone, their rebuild would prevent them from releasing a game by the end of 2025. Also, they didnt stop making their uncharted game until like April of 2021 so they are only 3 years into their next game. i dont think its coming out before 2026 at best.

BP should be there with DS2 but i thought they were working on an existing franchise like Demon Souls 2, MGS or SOTC. We shall see.
No it’s a new IP. Something about fairy looking people with staffs in these ancient looking floating mountains.

We saw concept art in the insomniac leaks


Flashless at the Golden Globes
yep and I even side character models impressive as well

this must be the hair thing u've been talking about. i noticed it too. looks great. it looks like that on raster too? seems like some raster magic they've got going on there too (funny enough i took this pic because of bad reflections that Rofif hate)
Yep played the whole game with RT off. It's like that in any high contrast room. Saga doesnt always get this unless you go into the save rooms with bright white lights, but with Alan its far more noticeable. Just look at that gorgeous head of hair.


It's literally the worst case scenario. They have no first party games for the next 2 years. At least not the ones we care about. They are going all in on PC day 1 releases which means they will end up going third party just like Microsoft is about to. That means fewer next gen consoles. Fewer generational leaps.

Im pushing 40 and frankly, I am tired of the industry refusing to evolve and get better. Gaming has become too big and the soulless corporate takeover is complete. We will have one game from Rockstar and ND every 7 years. I have maybe 3 GTAs left in my lifetime and I am not going to waste my life looking forward to 3 games for the rest of my life. Might be time to move on and finally spend some time with the wife and kids. A fate worse than playing Starfield.

I think TLOU2's 30 hour run is what caused its 2 year delay. ND was targeting spring 2018 for its release but it kept getting bigger and bigger and they missed their internal release by 2 fucking years. Sorry but thats ridiculous. It didnt need to be 30 hours long. GOW didnt have to be 40 hours long. HFW didnt need to be 50 hours long. With the way cutscenes are done now, you are doubling and tripling the amount of hand animated facial expressions let alone all the extra design work to accommodate a 30 hour campaign. I just finished Alan Wake 2 and jedi surivor. One was 25 hours and way too long for a game with little to no combat or puzzles. The other was 40 hours with fantastic combat and level design, but fails to keep the player engaged with the story because the story beats occur once every 5 hours. I think spiderman 2 was perfect. 15 hours long with maybe 5-10 hours of side content you can ignore and tackle post game if you wish. Mass Effect 2 was 20 hours long RPG, one of the best games ever made and it was done in 2 years.

Longer games like TLOU2 just destroy its pacing and reduce the consistency of its visual fidelity as you can see from the screenshots above. Not all indoor areas look that bad but quite a few of them do. And why? why do we need 30 hours of gameplay? I can replay these games if i wanted to replay them.

Yeah I think the sheer length of games is a totally underappreciated part of why games take so long to develop now. TLOU2 was just ridiculous - the whole Abby part literally felt like starting a new game. And I could hardly believe it when the final act started and the game STILL wasn't over.

So yeah it took them 4+ years compared to a couple for the first game, but it's literally twice as long.

As for PC day one: hey at least I can just sell my PS5 and get a PC at that point. It's the only thing I've been waiting for - cos I wasn't paying thousands to NOT be able to play the best looking games on it, like the current situation.


Gold Member
The space simulation in hd2 is kinda crazy, when you call a missile barrage it comes from different angles depends on where you are on the map compared to the spaceship that send the attack (that you can see in the sky).

And you can see the other spaceships of other players releasing people on the same planet as you, the game really make you feel like you are in an integalactic war, very impressive for a budget AA game.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
And you can see the other spaceships of other players releasing people on the same planet as you, the game really make you feel like you are in an integalactic war, very impressive for a budget AA game.
Wait so you are on the ground and you see people being dropped off on the other side of the map? But clearly, you cant see them actually fighting right? because they are on another map instance?

how do you even know they are real players?


Gold Member
Wait so you are on the ground and you see people being dropped off on the other side of the map? But clearly, you cant see them actually fighting right? because they are on another map instance?

how do you even know they are real players?
I think i readed on reee that someone asked to the devs about that.

I don't think it's that difficult to achieve but not many games do this and it's a little thing that add to the atmosphere.

You should play the game, the enemy damage system and the destruction are great, and the game on the right conditions can look incredible when you are surrounded by enemies, explosions, debris, fog etc.

It achieve filmic scene composition without even trying and without huge graphic fidelity.

I'm more impressed by arrowhead achieving this with a small budget than the entirety of panderman 2.
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I noticed the character models looked stunning but the problem is that they dont let you turn the camera around. I was able to glitch it during some dialogue scenes and character faces were very highly detailed.

Every time Alan goes into an elevator, the ceiling lights bounce off of his hair and the game looks damn near photorealistic despite the camera being right up there next to his hair. Sadly, i cant jerk off to photorealistic hair.
Thats cause your not trying hard enough ;)


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think i readed on reee that someone asked to the devs about that.

I don't think it's that difficult to achieve but not many games do this and it's a little thing that add to the atmosphere.

You should play the game, the enemy damage system and the destruction are great, and the game on the right conditions can look incredible when you are surrounded by enemies, explosions, debris, fog etc.

It achieve filmic scene composition without even trying and without huge graphic fidelity.

I'm more impressed by arrowhead achieving this with a small budget than the entirety of panderman 2.
Nah, I cant do anymore GaaS games. It's a matter of principle.

But I wouldnt mind seeing some of your footage. Get to work on those gifs and screenshots. The game looked rather unimpressive to me in youtube videos but i do know that youtube compression kills all the volumetric effects in these new gen titles.


Gold Member
Nah, I cant do anymore GaaS games. It's a matter of principle.

But I wouldnt mind seeing some of your footage. Get to work on those gifs and screenshots. The game looked rather unimpressive to me in youtube videos but i do know that youtube compression kills all the volumetric effects in these new gen titles.
Dude i'm lazy enough to take pics with my phone and you think i'm ever gonna record a video? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I'm sure @drusilla and other people are gonna post some shit.


Went back and looked at some high quality Death Stranding (1) footage. Seems Death Stranding 2 is a bigger leap than I thought when it comes to gameplay; that 4yr gap muddied my memory.

Also, I wonder if part of it was I originally played at 30fps in 2160CB on a PS4 Pro. The relative softness of the spatial res and the blurriness of the temporal res probably made the game assets look more cohesive. Whereas the 2160p/30 & 2160CB/60 of PS5 footage and the 4K Ultra 60fps+ of PC footage reveals the flaws more.

Goes back to where I said DS1 was very efficient visually with every part of the frame being balanced. It was very clearly a PS4/PS4 Pro title and the assets were perfectly balanced for those resolutions and the overall presentation on those machines. I legitimately find something is lost on some games when resolutions are increased and assets stay the same; things can take on a more rudimentary, hard-edged appearance.

This is a more extreme example, but I've been looking into going back and playing the first three silent hill games as I never played them. I went through a whole retrospective which covers all the main versions and I frankly find the original PS1/PS2 versions to be the most appealing. The softer image is just so and helps blend everything together, whereas the PC ports [and the hideous HD collection] just look coarse, bland and lifeless.
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This is the thing. People have gradually become accustomed to a whole new standard. It doesn't feel like it because cross gen has been such a drawn out period, but a lot of actual last gen games really do look rough at this point. One that really shocked me was Horizon ZD. It looks so rough nowadays - so basic compared to FW. The geometry's so blocky - I never noticed it at the time but if you go back to it now it's pretty blatant. In general that low poly look and bad textures are what I notice most when going back- and just the sparseness of the environments.
Yah they look " a little rough" in the way Gears of War 1 looks a little rough when compared to Gears of War 2. Not a generational distance of roughness though.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Went back and looked at some high quality Death Stranding (1) footage. Seems Death Stranding 2 is a bigger leap than I thought when it comes to gameplay; that 4yr gap muddied my memory.

Also, I wonder if part of it was I originally played at 30fps in 2160CB on a PS4 Pro. The relative softness of the spatial res and the blurriness of the temporal res probably made the game assets look more cohesive. Whereas the 2160p/30 & 2160CB/60 of PS5 footage and the 4K Ultra 60fps+ of PC footage reveals the flaws more.

Goes back to where I said DS1 was very efficient visually with every part of the frame being balanced. It was very clearly a PS4/PS4 Pro title and the assets were perfectly balanced for those resolutions and the overall presentation on those machines. I legitimately find something is lost on some games when resolutions are increased and assets stay the same; things can take on a more rudimentary, hard-edged appearance.

This is a more extreme example, but I've been looking into going back and playing the first three silent hill games as I never played them. I went through a whole retrospective which covers all the main versions and I frankly find the original PS1/PS2 versions to be the most appealing. The softer image is just so and helps blend everything together, whereas the PC ports [and the hideous HD collection] just look coarse, bland and lifeless.
Uncharted 4. I have never seen a muddier looking native 4k game.
What do you guys think of Skull and Bones? As the CEO of Ubisoft says this is a quadruple A game I'm thinking of a game that has significant better graphics and production values than TLOU 1&2, Horizon, FF16, AW2 (on PC), Hellblade 2,...
Do you think this is the max we can achieve this generation?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Yah they look " a little rough" in the way Gears of War 1 looks a little rough when compared to Gears of War 2. Not a generational distance of roughness though.
HFW is an uncharted 1 to uncharted 2, and AC1 to AC2 level of leap for sure. Not generational but a massive one nonetheless. Many people said that those kind of PS3 era leaps would never happen again, but look at the massive leap we got going from Uncharted 4 to TLOU2 and HZD to HFW. Its why GOW Ragnorak disappointed me so much. It's like they didnt even try to improve the visuals just because they didnt want to give PS4 gamers an inferior experience. Ok fine, then do what GG did and reduce the PS4 resolution to 900p, get an extra 40% GPU resources and give them the same level of fidelity just at a lower resolution.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The upgrade from Star Wars Fallen order just 4 years ago is massive. They made Survivor in 3.5 years and had a bigger upgrade than Ragnorak which was made in 4.5 years. DF did some really good comparisons here. I wish they did this with more games.



The lighting and asset quality is so nice here. I am going to capture these areas on my PC to see just how much youtube compression destroys IQ.




The upgrade from Star Wars Fallen order just 4 years ago is massive. They made Survivor in 3.5 years and had a bigger upgrade than Ragnorak which was made in 4.5 years. DF did some really good comparisons here. I wish they did this with more games.



The lighting and asset quality is so nice here. I am going to capture these areas on my PC to see just how much youtube compression destroys IQ.


to be fair fallen order looked much much worse than god of war in terms of texture work

fallen order is a game that is actually designed to run well on 2 gb gpus so its texture work is probably worse than uncharted 4 / horizon zero dawn etc. i know this because it was the last game i played with my 2 gb r7 265. and it performed decently within that buffer. it just had early ps4 era textures where games were still tailored for 2-3 GB GPUs on PC (yep)

not to knock fallen order though. it had fantastic set pieces and clever world design that somewhat hide those deficits
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Finally tried Forspoken (bought for 9.99€ couple of months ago). Visually the first impression is VERY bad, I mean Bayonetta 3 on Switch bad, but with terrible art direction. Finished the prologue, it gets better. Anyway, the worst thing I've noticed by now is the input lag, that is simply insane for an action game. In 60fps mode is better tho, but visually is even worst obv.

Quality and Ray tracing mode looks basically the same to me, didn't noticed any difference switching between these two.

Luckily, gameplay after the first big fight starts to click in and I guess I'll have some fun. But I was expecting something "close" to FFXVI graphically, instead this looks bad even for a PS4 game (considering I'm coming from TLOU2 that looks a generation ahead).


HFW is an uncharted 1 to uncharted 2, and AC1 to AC2 level of leap for sure. Not generational but a massive one nonetheless. Many people said that those kind of PS3 era leaps would never happen again, but look at the massive leap we got going from Uncharted 4 to TLOU2 and HZD to HFW. Its why GOW Ragnorak disappointed me so much. It's like they didnt even try to improve the visuals just because they didnt want to give PS4 gamers an inferior experience. Ok fine, then do what GG did and reduce the PS4 resolution to 900p, get an extra 40% GPU resources and give them the same level of fidelity just at a lower resolution.

I know what you mean.

GOW: R gameplay was amazing but I wanted more graphically. And that’s inescapably apparent to me when I see gameplay clips of Black Myth. The geometry and detail look insane. Now, technically Black Myth hasn’t shipped yet so they haven’t proven they can ship that level of fidelity on consoles. But if they do, I will be thoroughly impressed. And yes, I will be pained to admit that we still haven’t seen a true next-gen God of War.

On the flip side, I want Black Myth to succeed if only to shame Santa Monica and Naughty Dog into stepping their shit up again. If UE5’s promise of virtualized geometry super charges smaller dev teams to the extent we expect, yeah, the devs of PlayStation Studios will need to overhaul their tools. They cannot accept second-rate output. They exist to launch the showcase titles. They need to be graphically superior.

I hope Hellblade 2 makes them uncomfortable. Yeah, it’ll be a short, AA title with black bars helping to cut the fill rate budget, but the faces are looking amazing. Naughty Dog and Santa Monica need to exceed that the next time they show us anything. It’s good pressure.


Here are those TLOU2 interiors i was talking about. Look at the asset quality and even the texture details. At first I thought the no return mode was using lower textures but then i went back to the main campaign and its the same there. this is in the 60 fps mode. All shots except for the tommy one are from the campaign levels.

Now imagine if we used these screenshots to show that TLOU2 looks worse than Silent Hill 3. Nah, we celebrate the exteriors and the incredible art work there. I dont know why we cant apply the same logic towards starfield or star wars, only the other way around since they do interiors so well.






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The focus on Last of Us is animation...
They showed since de first game!

I was talking about art style and diferent consequences visually, I mean, Last of Us is not about realism, but about how the world express it's own stories and emotions...
We see the same colors in many moments, same kind of textures...

But sure, we need another graphical jump! Don't know if now on PS5 or even on PS6...
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