I wasn't being sarcastic. There are people here who argue graphics of a particular game are good/bad but they can't articulate what makes for good graphics in their opinion. You are on record saying you don't value lighting nearly as much as other aspects so I understood your position of ranking Horizon over DD2 more than I would someone else's
If you segracate "graphics" into categories it's easier to compare games:
- lighting quality (GI)
- shadows quality (shadow maps or rt shadows)
- model quality (polygons, characters)
- foliage quality
- animations quality
- environment quality (polygons, environment)
- textures quality
- reflections quality
- water quality
- art quality (very subjective...)
- performance
- image quality (resolution, AA)
And probably some other important things that I forgot at the moment.
With that you can see that horizon would win majority of sections only truly loosing in lighting quality, we could debate animations and art but from pure technical perspective horizon is way ahead what Capcom can achieve with their engine in open world game (at the moment).
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