Yeah it's a custom method made by Guerrilla for the Zero Dawn remaster -
Digital Foundry article
"Developers Guerrilla Games are famous for their use of checkerboard rendering on PS4 and PS5, and they've now moved onto something new - but it's
not PSSR, the upscaler introduced on PS5 Pro that has been used in so many other PS5 Pro enhanced games. Instead, it's its own solution - a kind of 'Guerilla Super Resolution', if you will, and it represents some of the cleanest reconstructed image quality we've seen on consoles."
"Based on side-by-side comparisons, it has managed to deliver something extremely similar to DLSS on PC, though the chances are that machine learning is not involved (such a solution already exists - PSSR - and we have doubts that Guerrilla would have trained its own neural network). Nvidia's solution handles particle trails better, but Guerrilla's better handles reflections in water, with smoother and less aliased results. The Guerrilla upscaler also fares marginally better in terms of motion, though the tiny amount of motion blur forced on in the PS5 version does confound the comparison somewhat. The FSR versus 'GSR' comparison is more heavily in favour of what Guerrilla has managed on PS5, with FSR tending to over-accumulate, leading to blurry grass when the camera is stationary and softer results in general - but still a perfectly acceptable resolve overall."