Agent X
Atari keeps forging on with their "Recharged" series of games that give new twists to their old classics. They've tackled Missile Command, Centipede, Black Widow, Asteroids, and Breakout. Next on the list is one of the most fiendish and challenging games that the world has ever seen...Gravitar!
Here's a blog post from Atari's site with the game announcement.
Here's a trailer for Gravitar: Recharged:
Both the original arcade game and the Atari 2600 adaptation were notoriously difficult. The official site says:
It seems like the difficulty might be toned down somewhat, while the game as a whole will gain some added depth. This should make for a more accessible game.
Some aspects of this game are reminiscent of Gravity Crash on PS3/PSP/Vita, which was featured in this NeoGAF thread, if you need to jog your memory. Of course, Gravity Crash itself was clearly inspired by the original Gravitar. The graphical style also reminds me of forma.8, which you can read about in this NeoGAF thread.
Gravitar: Recharged will be released for PC, Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Atari VCS on May 26, 2022.
Here's a blog post from Atari's site with the game announcement.

The Quiet Classic Gravitar Gets Recharged
The story of the much loved legendary arcade game and how it came to be on the list of classic Atari games to be recharged.

Here's a trailer for Gravitar: Recharged:
Both the original arcade game and the Atari 2600 adaptation were notoriously difficult. The official site says:
Gravitar: Recharged represents a shift from the first five high-score chasing games in the series, offering more depth and a slower pace. The result is an ethereal flying game that involves exploring planets and space stations and the challenge of navigating through varying levels of gravity.
It seems like the difficulty might be toned down somewhat, while the game as a whole will gain some added depth. This should make for a more accessible game.
Some aspects of this game are reminiscent of Gravity Crash on PS3/PSP/Vita, which was featured in this NeoGAF thread, if you need to jog your memory. Of course, Gravity Crash itself was clearly inspired by the original Gravitar. The graphical style also reminds me of forma.8, which you can read about in this NeoGAF thread.
Gravitar: Recharged will be released for PC, Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Atari VCS on May 26, 2022.