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GRAVITY |OT| - From Director Alfonso Cuarón


Fantastic movie. Great in 3D and in IMAX. I was completly immersed and my heart couldn't stop racing. I gotta see it again.


The kid next to me in theater hated the movie. He was by turns scared and bored and was constantly asking his dad to leave. They took off five minutes before the movie ended.

The movie was good, maybe even great, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped because of the script issues that everyone else has already mentioned. The music did not bother me too much, although I did wonder as I was watching how the experience would have felt without it, given the lack of other sound.

Chris R

3D blows.

I'd see the 3D showing if I could get in for $6.25, but until I can, I'll keep attending the early bird showings in 2D for films I want to see. Maybe I'll watch it in 3D once it hits Redbox since the film is so short I could watch it twice in a night.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
That would be horrible. Forcing me to watch 3D? Yuuuuuuck.

this movie ONLY played in 3D in my city. Theater even had signs apologizing for the lack of a 2D showing (cashier didn't know why when we asked). I hate 3D but it didn't ruin this movie for me, such an amazing film! Only movie this year to bring me to tears.
I want to see the movie again, and I may see it in 3D. Though I've never seen a movie in 3D that has made me want to ever see it again in 3D.


I just watched it.


Probably my favorite Hollywood movie in years. The last time I came out of a theater feeling this excited was after Children of Men, and this movie is probably better.


I'm so glad I have a Pathé Unlimited Gold subscription, I can just watch 3D IMAX movies without paying extra. Will watch the movie Monday morning again. Already reserved the best seats in the middle for maximum viewing pleasure!


Saw it in 3d. Can't imagine watching it without the 3d. Was amazing.

Also I want to fuck Sandra bullock.


Subete no aware
One critic cited the uncanny valley nature of the cinematography as a reason he disliked the film (in addition to the standard ones), and I just thought it was interesting because it never even occured to me that someone would want a "real" camera in this film.


I really loved the cinematography. It really felt like that the cameraman/us were in space the way it moves from action to action. It just works.
Fucking loved it, one of my favorite movies of the year, which has been great for sci-fi.

Pros: Cinematography, special effects, 3D, feeling of being in space

There's never been a movie like this. It was perfectly filmed and nothing looked unrealistic or out-of-place.

Cons: Favors drama over simulation, Matthew was too heroic.

I had no problem with Ryan being the primary character and though Bullock played her really well. Her fear felt real and she had brass balls to survive everything space threw at her. The one thing that keeps this movie from being a 10 is that it was a non-stop disaster film rather than be realistic like Cuaron says. Now from a technical POV it is very realistic, but the plot is simply fantasy. Ryan would have died early on if she didn't have the magical ability to grab anything to keep her from flying into space. The movie does a superb job of making zero-gravity a frightening experience humans can't adapt to.

My favorite 3D touches were the sun's rays and the first-person shots with the HUD over the screen. Both the 3D and the soundtrack are subdued when they need to be and become more intense when drama and eye candy call it for; they were perfectly balanced.

I think it's as good as Children of Men. And now I want an astronaut simulation video game, like Endless Horizon without guns.


I just watched it.


Probably my favorite Hollywood movie in years. The last time I came out of a theater feeling this excited was after Children of Men, and this movie is probably better.
I think it's as good as Children of Men. And now I want an astronaut simulation video game, like Endless Horizon without guns.
I didn't even know these two movies were by the same director until I saw you mention Children of Men as well. I just mentioned it because it really was the last film to come to mind where I felt this blown away.

Kinda funny now that I've learned this.


They really nailed the zero-gravity camerawork in a way I'm not sure has ever been done before.

debris chain reaction
really made zero sense but I guess there wouldn't be a movie without it. At the very least, it was always eerie every time that
debris field
came back around.
This was my first showing with Dolby Atmos, and holy shit.

Children of Men is amazing. This movie is amazing. Needs to be seen in the theater.


Wait you guys were arguing about this being science fiction or not? It's a movie about science(exploring space) that's fictional. You literally can't get any more science fiction than that.


So, excuse what must sound like an anachronism at this point, but is 3D a viable option for someone who wears glasses? I was thinking of going to the 2D showings as usual, but people seem to love the 3D...
So, excuse what must sound like an anachronism at this point, but is 3D a viable option for someone who wears glasses? I was thinking of going to the 2D showings as usual, but people seem to love the 3D...

My wife put her 3D glasses right over her normal ones. And she has fairly thick frames.
So, excuse what must sound like an anachronism at this point, but is 3D a viable option for someone who wears glasses? I was thinking of going to the 2D showings as usual, but people seem to love the 3D...

Gotta wear the glasses over the glasses. It makes it initially disorienting for about 15 minutes but you'll get used to it, the eyestrain will suck if you haven't experienced a 3D movie before, but since this is a short film as is, it won't be too bad. Had no issues today this time around, sometimes though the experience is less than pleasant.


Just saw this morning... (regular 3d)

Man. I want to see it again in Imax 3d...

I mean, I need to see it again in Imax3d...


So, excuse what must sound like an anachronism at this point, but is 3D a viable option for someone who wears glasses? I was thinking of going to the 2D showings as usual, but people seem to love the 3D...

Yes. I wear glasses, the 3D glasses fit over them. It might be a little more cumbersome than otherwise (so if you can wear contacts, I would) but other than that... not a problem.
What was with all the Sandra Bullock dislike before the film? I think this was the first film I have seen her in, and she was fantastic.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I really like Gravity, but I don't think it's up there with Children of Men.

Although I love CoM, I have to say that I like Gravity more. It might just be the setting though, as I'm a space / NASA nut and probably a little biased. There are so many apocalyptic holocaust future Earth films, there isn't a film like Gravity in the history of movies yet, it was just such an awesome achievement.

Yeah, I like Gravity more than CoM. Can't wait to be able to watch them back to back in the near future!


i was just sure there was no way this can match what people were saying about it

nope nope nope, just astonishing

And, I think personally, it had the visual effect scene I now consider the most impressive of any movie I've seen when
the ISS starts getting hit with debris and crumbling apart. The level of detail, the jaw dropping amount of detritus, the perfect audio cut out and image of the destruction behind Sandra Bullock. Amazing.

Also, Sandra Bullock finally surprised me in something. She was good!


What was with all the Sandra Bullock dislike before the film? I think this was the first film I have seen her in, and she was fantastic.

She was typecast for a while as this annoying, quirky type character. Can't really describe it, but it wasn't enjoyable. She still does it (The Heat), but has some great dramatic rolls once in a while.


My wife put her 3D glasses right over her normal ones. And she has fairly thick frames.

Gotta wear the glasses over the glasses. It makes it initially disorienting for about 15 minutes but you'll get used to it, the eyestrain will suck if you haven't experienced a 3D movie before, but since this is a short film as is, it won't be too bad. Had no issues today this time around, sometimes though the experience is less than pleasant.

Yes. I wear glasses, the 3D glasses fit over them. It might be a little more cumbersome than otherwise (so if you can wear contacts, I would) but other than that... not a problem.

Thanks for the responses. I'll give 3D a try.


I just watched this movie. I enjoyed it a lot. Sandra bullock was awesome.

Edit: I am not a fan of 3D but I did watch this one in 3D and wow amazing.
I watched this thursday and was blown away. Great movie. What's bothering me though is that none of my friends or co-workers have heard about this movie.


So, are the trailers just not indicative of the film or what?
Because i was really underwhelmed by them, but seeing this much praise confuses me.


i was just sure there was no way this can match what people were saying about it

nope nope nope, just astonishing

And, I think personally, it had the visual effect scene I now consider the most impressive of any movie I've seen when
the ISS starts getting hit with debris and crumbling apart. The level of detail, the jaw dropping amount of detritus, the perfect audio cut out and image of the destruction behind Sandra Bullock. Amazing.

Also, Sandra Bullock finally surprised me in something. She was good!

For real. I think I was mouthing "holy fuck" nonstop to myself during that scene.


For real. I think I was mouthing "holy fuck" nonstop to myself during that scene.

yeah I think I may have literally said 'holy fuck' as well.

The audience we had was really nice too, letting out a audible yet not overwhelming *gasp* when it started happening. They were really into it. Usually I have such bad luck with movie audiences but this was nice for once.


This might be the most shallow movie I've ever seen. Only redeeming qualities were Clooney's banter, the no-gravity scenes and Bullock's MILF factor (man is she fit for her age).

How is this getting such great reviews? It's garbage depth-wise
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