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GRAVITY |OT| - From Director Alfonso Cuarón

Angry Fork

Just got out, good movie. Doesn't beat Children of Men but not many films can, and they're wildly different anyway so you can't really compare them. Still, it lived up to my expectations which makes me happy after the disappointment of Elysium.

I didn't like the
prayer/heaven/talking to the audience speech
stuff and thought that was an easy crowd pleaser for the general public
who are mostly believers
but it didn't ruin those scenes for me, I just sort of rolled my eyes and wished
there could be a science movie without shoehorning religion, especially out of the mouth of a scientist/astronaut

My favorite scene
besides the ending, which was really satisfying
is when
she's trying to loosen the bolts and you see all the shit start crashing behind her and she doesn't know it.
Very cool/tense.

I was surprised that
Clooney didn't get much screentime, I thought this was going to be a duo team movie based on the trailer
. Also this has changed me on Sandra Bullock, I didn't care much for her before and felt she was annoying but I thought she was great and it's hard to imagine someone else in that role now.

I want to see it again, imax 3d was 100% worth it and I'd recommend that to everyone on their first viewing.
Just saying I've been a fan of the Sandy Bull since '98.

But it's nice to see her put in a great performance in a live action film too.


So from this, the implication is you do believe those films have no merit, is that correct? Or at least, not enough merit to be considered 'good films'?

I don't want to speak on films I haven't seen. In this case, Gravity is not a good movie IMO but I can see why people think otherwise


This may have been said already, but I thought the sound design in this movie is also very well done, specifically how they portray how stuff "sounds" in space (anything that isn't a comm link transmission sounds like a dull vibration traveling through materials)

Also, see this in D-Box if you can. The seat movement REALLY adds a heightened sense floating in space and disorientation (when stuff goes bad). It wont be the same without it.


Saw it and enjoyed it. Such a tense film... The 3d was pretty on the same level as Avatar for me which was great. I feel like IMAX 3D is the proper way to do it though.
Okay I'll bite. I'd have shown how things happened in Ryan's life to give them more impact to the viewer. This is because I feel a movie fails if you don't care about the characters (this can be a positive or negative caring).

I didn't care about Ryan because I wasn't made to and thus was indifferent to her fate. This is what I mean by a lack of substance...

I disagree with this notion entirely. Showing her life on Earth would have bogged down the movie as well as clash aesthetically with the style in which the film was shot as well as the ending of the film.

Film, as a visual medium, makes it so that aesthetics mean a hell of a lot more than what most people give it credit for. Depending on the style of the movie, it CAN mean more than the story and dialogue (and characters).


One other thing I forgot to mention, about Sandra Bullock:

As a straight male I certainly wasn't complaining, but all the leg/butt camera time with the space hotpants seemed pretty shoehorned in for audience appeal. :p Maybe female astronauts wear that under their suits though?

Also I hated that they did the horror movie thing at least twice with BANG LOUD MUSIC TO GO WITH SUDDEN SCARY IMAGERY, since presumably the sudden scary/horror imagery would not be enough.
Just saw it at the Cinerama Dome. By itself, this movie ALMOST justifies the existence of this shitty 3D age. It's a total cinematic experience. Not perfect, but an absolute must-see on a huge 3D screen. And if you were hoping for a kickass spacey soundtrack to go with the visuals, you will not be disappointed.
Amazing movie. This movie made absolutely great use out of 3D. I would say that if you're going to watch it, you MUST watch it in 3D.


Just came back from imax 3D, I'm still speechless. Literally held my breath more than a handful of times during the film, it was really intense. It is probably the most immersive film I've seen in my life. Was slightly reminiscent of The Life of Pi, which is great since I loved that movie as well.

some points l felt like making out of after-hype:

-the film is roughly 90mins, it does not drag itself on like many, many other movies, just straight to the point

-several themes/thematic archetypes brilliantly showcased. spoilers:
acceptance of death, overcoming impossibilities

-several symbols also displayed. spoilers:
rebirth scene

-the acting was superb from both individuals

-no complex storyline, just simple and very, very effective
on the surface, its about surviving, but internally, its about the watcher facing the ordeals through Stone's eyes..."what would/could you do"

-the cg is beautiful, space enthusiasts/nerds, prepare your bodies

god. so. good.


Gravity is not as good as Man of Steel?????? o_O

Okay, wow, holy shit man, lol. That's just plain ridiculous.

I loved Man of Steel, but I felt it dragged on for too long. This one had the right pacing and I felt like the length of the movie was perfect and they didn't stretch the movie out needlessly.

When it comes to what people think is better, it's just a matter od opinion I guess. But this year, I have to say definitely top three for me. In no particular order, I enjoyed this movie, Star Trek and Pacific Rim (sans the damn scientists) the most out of all the movies I've seen this year.


So, Gravity for all the technical Oscars and 12 Years A Slave for all the acting ones I guess?
Ejiofor's the only person in 12 Years that deserves an acting award... and even then I liked McConaughey's performance in Dallas Buyers Club more. (Wouldn't feel bad about Ejiofor winning, though.)
Just saw it tonight. I seriously didn't know what to think. I thought the trailers were horrible and would always chuckle when they would air before other movies I saw. I was reminded by a friend that it was from the same director as Children of Men, so I decided to give it a chance.

Incredible. This movie seriously moved me. I won't say what scene in particular to avoid spoilers but holy shit, I teared up. I can't remember the last time something effected me like that. I'm not really a fan of Sandra Bullock either, but her performance is amazing. Great direction and cinematography. I know that movie was really CG heavy, but still all of those master shots blew me away.

Go see this movie. Don't go and sit with your arms crossed and think "okay, lets see what all the fuss is about". Just watch it for what it is and enjoy.


I'm sad that I'll never see Gravity in the same setting as I did tonight. Huge LieMAX screen, amazing sound and wonderful 3D. My 27 inch will not be enough.


It's very enjoyable, but I would caution that it probably won't meet any super hyped expectations -- just go and enjoy the ride, and be prepared to hold your breath at key moments.

Mr. West

It's very enjoyable, but I would caution that it probably won't meet any super hyped expectations -- just go and enjoy the ride, and be prepared to hold your breath at key moments.
It met mine. One of the most incredible experiences ever.


It'd be pretty funny to watch this as an astronaut currently aboard the real space station. They stream movies to them quite often, this probably wouldn't be one of the choices tho D:
There is no overriding theme and there's no point to the movie till it's almost done. They should have tabled this until they actually had a story to tell. So disappointing.

Forget Inception, I would compare this to Life of Pi. That's how you do this genre IMO
I thought this too when I saw the movie, but you have to think about it.
The movie is about Ryan being reborn, hence the fetal position in space and her learning to walk again on Earth.


G***n S**n*bi
Saw it today. What an amazing experience! Gotta see it in Imax next time. I just have to.

Alfonso is officially one of my top 5 directors of all time after this one. Take a motherfucking bow, good sir. *applauds*

And I will also echo the sentiment of Sandra having dem sexy legs. soooo good.
Just got back 5 minutes ago. Dem special effects....I can't.



Unconfirmed Member
I just got back from seeing it as well. Man, two of the scenes were some of the best movie sequences I think I've ever seen. So impressive.
Didn't care much for the story or drama but I can't stop blabbing about how great the experience was.


Saw it last night with the wife and kids. Amazing. I haven't been so tuned into a movie in a long while. I shut out the audience entirely, I never took my eyes off the screen. I was out there in space with Ryan. Goddamn.
This might be the most shallow movie I've ever seen. Only redeeming qualities were Clooney's banter, the no-gravity scenes and Bullock's MILF factor (man is she fit for her age).

How is this getting such great reviews? It's garbage depth-wise

Just wait for Thor 2
Fuck crash. All this hate for her since. I feel vindicated for liking her so much in miss congeniality. She delivered a fantastic performance in here. She deserves mad recognition for it

And here I was thinking I was the only one who found that to be a guilty pleasure. Even Benjamin Bratt was kind of amusing in that movie.


Incredible movie but those boring scenes were unbearable...that dog barking scene should have ended after the first bark.


Can we please stop talking about how attractive you guys find Sandra Bullock? :/

It is pretty lame. I love the empowerment she represented. But people want to talk about her in them undergarments. is what it is i guess. i'm guilty of it too sometimes, women are beautiful.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
This was just a beautiful, beautiful movie. Best visuals in a long time.
It was also a very exhausting movie. I left the theater very tired and very hungry, but also very satisfied.
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