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GRAVITY |OT| - From Director Alfonso Cuarón


Gravity was absolutely incredible. I loved it and am very disappointed I didn't see it in IMAX 3D, though I was stuck in the 2nd row, so it was kind of like IMAX. My friends on the other hand, didn't think it was very good at all. They thought it was
cliche and dumb that she lived and all these events just seemed to happen to her. It's a fucking movie, get over it!
I don't think I want these people to be my friends any more.
Just saw it. IMAX 3D.

Any ways, I don't even know what to say. I'm not speechless or anything, but fuck me. That shit was something else.

Obviously we've never seen anything like this. I can't quite wrap my around around what I just saw. The visuals, at that size, we're incredible.

All those never ending shots too, my god.

This movie is gonna cost me an arm and a leg : (


Brilliant fucking movie. I went in expecting something amazing, and it was beyond amazing. Good god what a film.


Just got back from the theater saw it in Imax 3D. All I can say is damn! This is prob the best implementation of 3D that I've seen yet. And this is the first movie since 2001 that gave me the feeling like I'm actually in space. Must see just for the amazing visual alone.


Just seen it. Wonderful cinematography.

What i disliked:
-Her surviving the whole trip was just such a hollywood cliché. Would have been great if at the end she woke up again in the sojus capsule, and died there.

-Right at the beginning of the movie there is this text explaining that sound cant travel in space, yet we hear the debris approaching etc.

-The fabricated drama.
Just seen it. Wonderful cinematography.

What i disliked:
Her surviving the whole trip was just such a hollywood cliché. Would have been great if at the end she woke up again in the sojus capsule, and died there.

The theme Cuaron is trying to potray in the movie is rebirth. And holy hell, why do everyone think when something doesn't end with a death, it's a cliche? It's not like the movie even sets itself up for a sequel.


The theme Cuaron is trying to potray in the movie is rebirth. And holy hell, why do everyone think when something doesn't end with a death, it's a cliche? It's not like the movie even sets itself up for a sequel.

Her surviving THAT is cliche to me, right at the beginning he teaches the audience that space is the most dangerous place a human can go to, only to have a civilian with 6-months of training do the undoable.

I would like to think that the end would have been different if the movie was made in france :D


Man, I don't even get how they pulled some of this stuff off.

I'm just too at a loss for words.



Everything was CGI apart from the actors and the interior of the capsule. Even the inside of the space station was rendered I think.

Still impressive in itself.
Her surviving THAT is cliche to me, right at the beginning he teaches the audience that space is the most dangerous place a human can go to, only to have a civilian with 6-months of training do the undoable.

I would like to think that the end would have been different if the movie was made in france :D

Sorry, but I disagree that an end in death is a cliche. Hell, once when I was studying, our lecturer specifically bans us having anything resulting in death in our short film assignments.

Gets worst in short film competitions. Seriously, you just get sick looking at the amount of short films where either the main character dies, or someone that he loves. Everyone starts out thinking that when the protagonist lives it's a cliche.
Really enjoyed this movie. Only real negative i would say it what happened with Clooney but i guess that's more for the spoiler thread. Can't wait to see his next movie.


Sorry, but I disagree that an end in death is a cliche. Hell, once when I was studying, our lecturer specifically bans us having anything resulting in death in our short film assignments.

Gets worst in short film competitions. Seriously, you just get sick looking at the amount of short films where either the main character dies, or someone that he loves. Everyone starts out thinking that when the protagonist lives it's a cliche.

I guess if you want a movie have at least some grips on reality lots of times people have to die.

The cliché is born from things happening in the movie that make no sense, like the capsule drowning. Thus more artificial drama is created an she overcomes yet another hurdle and survives. That great american mother of a dead child did it, and gets the most cheesy/ tear inducing background music to go along with it.

I may come of as hating on the movie, witch is not true - i liked it very much. I just think i would have liked it better with a more realistic and sadder ending.

edit: I may have misunderstood you here since you wrote " I disagree that an end in death is a cliche". Since i do to :D


The cliché is born from things happening in the movie that make no sense, like the capsule drowning. Thus more artificial drama is created an she overcomes yet another hurdle and survives. That great american mother of a dead child did it, and gets the most cheesy/ tear inducing background music to go along with it.

The Shenzou re-entry capsule is only designed to land on land, not water.
Saw it last night in 3D. I dont like 3D and other than this, the only other movie I've ever enjoyed in 3D was The Hobbit.

What an experience this was, I really enjoyed it. I agree the script had its problems but its so far overshadowed by the experience of everything else.

I dont have a problem with them adding sounds. They couldn't just have NO sounds anywhere. Instead you got slight noices, and even they were unscrewing stuff outside right in the cameras face, you would just hear a light 'rumble' sounds. Awesome.

My fiance hated it. Absolutely hated it. "There was no story", she says.

Wedding canceled.


When Ryan is holding on to Matt and he tells her to just let go... I don't understand. At that point they had stopped moving - the cord held up and she was holding on to him. So what was it that's pulling him away out into space still?

I loved the movie though.
When Ryan is holding on to Matt and he tells her to just let go... I don't understand. At that point they had stopped moving - the cord held up and she was holding on to him. So what was it that's pulling him away out into space still?

I loved the movie though.

In space you never stop moving.
He knew he was still adding a pulling force to her that the ropes could not handle.


When Ryan is holding on to Matt and he tells her to just let go... I don't understand. At that point they had stopped moving - the cord held up and she was holding on to him. So what was it that's pulling him away out into space still?

I watched it for a second time tonight, and I don't think they had stopped moving. In the background you could see that the parachute was being pulled towards them. The tether went taut (twice), but that doesn't necessarily mean that all of their momentum had gone.(


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
When Ryan is holding on to Matt and he tells her to just let go... I don't understand. At that point they had stopped moving - the cord held up and she was holding on to him. So what was it that's pulling him away out into space still?

I loved the movie though.

See my explanation in the spoiler thread, here is a link to my post:


I wish the movie had explained this better,as it's jarring to a lot of people.


Saw it in IMAX 3D last night. I liked it, some of the visuals were stunning but I thought it wasn't the film of the generation or year some in here made it out to be.
This might be the most shallow movie I've ever seen. Only redeeming qualities were Clooney's banter, the no-gravity scenes and Bullock's MILF factor (man is she fit for her age).

How is this getting such great reviews? It's garbage depth-wise

konex gonna konex
Saw it again today. But this time in 2D cause it was only $5.

3D makes such an enormous difference with this movie. Still really neat in 2D, but 3D really takes it to another level.
Watched it a second time in IMAX 3D

It was as breathtaking as the first time. I think its my favorite movie of the year so far, but there is still a lot to see. Fucking damn this movie is a masterpiece in 3D.

There a lot of cool stuff that I caught on the second watch. My favorite was:

*major spoilers*
After Kowalski dies and Ryan is messing with the modules on the space station, there are chess pieces of a Rook, a Queen (?), and a Pawn floating nearby


Finally had the chance to see this and it was incredible. The cinematography was breathtaking and the experience of the movie is what makes you want to see movies in the theater.

Alfonso Cuaron can take however long he needs to do his next movie.


This is the first time I spent 20 bux for a movie. I enjoy the cinematic experience but the story was a tag disappointing.

My lease favorite is the music, too much here is what I want you to feel type score. Clooney's chracter is a bit too one dimensional. The script goes back and fore between serious drama and genre movie. I wasn't sure what it was until Sandra Bullock said two similar "We can going home" type one liners twice in a row. Then I realized it was a Hollywood event movie.



This is the first time I spent 20 bux for a movie. I enjoy the cinematic experience but the story was a tag disappointing.

My lease favorite is the music, too much here is what I want you to feel type score. Clooney's chracter is a bit too one dimensional. The script goes back and fore between serious drama and genre movie. I wasn't sure what it was until Sandra Bullock said two similar "We are going home" type one liners twice in a row. Then I realized it was a Hollywood event movie.



Just seen it. Wonderful cinematography.

What i disliked:
-Right at the beginning of the movie there is this text explaining that sound cant travel in space, yet we hear the debris approaching etc.
No, we don't. I think you are confusing the musical soundtrack to the movie for sound effects. The original music in many ways acted as the "sound" of the action happening on screen.

The only "sounds" we actually heard in space were voices, or objects the astronauts were directly interacting with, whereby the vibrations caused by the interaction traveled through the bone structure of the astronauts to reach their ear drums. Those sounds were recorded using microphones that recorded physical vibrations on the surface instead of sound waves traveling through the air.

We never "hear" the debris approaching.


What's great about the movie is that most of it is completely believable, in the context that an event like this could take place, and they did an amazing job of keeping it real and logical.

I think the least believable part for me was when
Ryan flew the Russian escape pod and jumped out, I don't know why but traveling at that high of a speed and then slowing yourself down pretty much within a few seconds with a fire extinguisher her felt too fast for me.

hallucination part was a bit of a stretch for me as well, I was especially confused at first when the door opened and nothing happened to Ryan when her helmet was off.


Subete no aware
So, I've seen the movie 5 times now, including once in D-Box and once in IMAX.

D-Box is a neat gimmick and I missed not having the motion/rumble in my subsequent screenings, but after watching it in IMAX, I'm convinced that for 3D films, IMAX or I guess even LieMAX is the way to go if ONLY because of the increased brightness of the projector bulb.

Standard theaters probably get away with fucking around with cheaper bulbs, so the first three times I watched the film, it was unnaturally "dim", but when I watched it in IMAX, I was seeing things I just didn't notice the first time around because of how bright everything was (by comparison).

I *almost* want to watch the film in 2D, but I suppose I'll just wait for the BD.
That said, after 5 times, it still holds up. The opening long take is still amazing to behold. And man, the last time I watched a movie this many times in a theater was Saving Private Ryan... here's hoping I don't feel bad about being a Gravity fanboy 10 years from now. lol


I dunno. The screen I watched Gravity was a 4k projection and it was probably brighter than the two LieMAX screens here. It had Atmos to boot. I watched Life of Pi in the same place. Probably one of the best place in the country here to watch 3D films. Brightness is definitely not exclusive to IMAX, but it's probably harder to find a specific cinema which has super bright and awesome digital 3D screenings which aren't IMAX in a larger country. :p


Sandra Bullock looks a bit like an older Bobbi Starr (don't goggle her at work).

Oh and I'm going to see the movie next week, looking forward to it.


Subete no aware
I dunno. The screen I watched Gravity was a 4k projection and it was probably brighter than the two LieMAX screens here. It had Atmos to boot. I watched Life of Pi in the same place. Probably one of the best place in the country here to watch 3D films. Brightness is definitely not exclusive to IMAX, but it's probably harder to find a specific cinema which has super bright and awesome digital 3D screenings which aren't IMAX in a larger country. :p
That's probably true. But it's easier to cheap out on standard theater showings. It's one of the major reasons why I don't like 3d typically, because I know that it's not going to be exhibited well most of the time.


Did you guys think this movie would've been better without
soundtrack playing in space
at all? I kinda enjoy the serenity and the muteness.


Subete no aware
Did you guys think this movie would've been better without
soundtrack playing in space
at all? I kinda enjoy the serenity and the muteness.
Pure silence probably would have made everyone uneasy. That said, I think the movie might be better if it was a true "silent movie" in the old sense and relied only on music to carry it.

You'd instantly get rid of some of the character problems too. lol


I dont have a problem with them adding sounds. They couldn't just have NO sounds anywhere. Instead you got slight noices, and even they were unscrewing stuff outside right in the cameras face, you would just hear a light 'rumble' sounds. Awesome.

Well the slight noises were mostly being portrayed through the suit, which had oxygen in it, no? The rumble/shaking of her hand would carry through there.


Just seen it. Wonderful cinematography.

What i disliked:
-Her surviving the whole trip was just such a hollywood cliché. Would have been great if at the end she woke up again in the sojus capsule, and died there.

-Right at the beginning of the movie there is this text explaining that sound cant travel in space, yet we hear the debris approaching etc.

-The fabricated drama.

The ending facilitated the metaphor of letting go of grief and choosing to live Cuaron was trying to tell. Being in space when disaster struck was simply the backdrop to visually show someone work through the stages of grief. There's a ton of visual cues in there to really dissect as a grief metaphor, from being alone and lost, to finding a distant goal, to overcoming obstacles/setbacks, being born anew, letting it all go, and learning to walk again. Anyway, the ending served the metaphor. The outcome may have been typical, but the marriage of metaphor and survival in space was wholly original.
Gotta chime in here and say that i enjoyed it, and that especially the scenes with the debris approaching were absolutely great! A lot of tension and and uneasiness right there!

However: I really AM disappointed by the director insisting on
the theme of rebirth/evolution as it really felt extremely unnecessary to me and i can't even pinpoint why! Maybe that is the problem, the movie failed to convey to me WHY i should care about this supposed "rebirth" at all? And then the shots of her cuddling up in fetal position took forever! I mean after a quick glimpse i already got what he was trying to show us but it's like he REALLY had to keep the camera there to make every last person understand and it was unnecessarily long and annoying that way! As far as i am concerned the movie would have been better as a pure Sci-Fi/visual movie without these sometimes downright pretentious and forced feeling suggestive elements. Maybe some people got more out of this than i did, but for me it didn't do anything.

In the end, i take what we got though and it was worth it for the visuals alone!


Gotta chime in here and say that i enjoyed it, and that especially the scenes with the debris approaching were absolutely great! A lot of tension and and uneasiness right there!

However: I really AM disappointed by the director insisting on
the theme of rebirth/evolution as it really felt extremely unnecessary to me and i can't even pinpoint why! Maybe that is the problem, the movie failed to convey to me WHY i should care about this supposed "rebirth" at all? And then the shots of her cuddling up in fetal position took forever! I mean after a quick glimpse i already got what he was trying to show us but it's like he REALLY had to keep the camera there to make every last person understand and it was unnecessarily long and annoying that way! As far as i am concerned the movie would have been better as a pure Sci-Fi/visual movie without these sometimes downright pretentious and forced feeling suggestive elements. Maybe some people got more out of this than i did, but for me it didn't do anything.

In the end, i take what we got though and it was worth it for the visuals alone!

Dude, you're basically saying you would prefer a long video of stuff in space blowing up. This is the story/theme they chose to tell, at the pace they wanted to tell it at. It's not going to resonate with everyone, but that's art.
Saw this movie yesterday and I loved it. A bit weird to see people before everyone saw it to wonder whether they preferred it over Children of Men, since they are very hard to compare for me (of course I know it is the same director).

I must have stared with open mouth for a long time during the movie and time flew by. Only my brother had gotten the tickets and even though he said otherwise and I knew it was wrong, we went to a non-IMAX screening, which was such a shame.

Some of my friends might still go so maybe thinking of seeing it another time and this time in IMAX. I also adored the 3D in the movie, even though I am usually still not a fan of it. I was reminded again of that with the 3D trailers before the movie where I had a lot of trouble of seeing everything clearly. Maybe something was wrong, but with the movie itself I had no trouble at all.
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