Gravity Rush 2 turns 8 years old, Playstation Germany celebrates it.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member


The great beauty of Gravity Rush 2 turns 8 years old, personally it marks for me the best game I have ever played along with the original Gravity Rush.

It has many significant things and its entire universe is beautiful.

Kat is the most special thing in the industry.

With this scene the most beautiful of the generation.

Happy birthday My Gravity rush 2.



Buying Gravity Rush 2 limited edition by playasia was like Christmas... The only game that I was excited to play in its first days of release.
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How about they celebrate it by RELEASING A FUCKING NEW GAME.

It won't happen because SIEJ has shifted to development of family oriented games only. I can easily see Ape Escape and LocoRoco coming back, but not Gravity Rush.
They can always outsource it, but I don't think of any studio that could do it, at all. Media Vision and Racjin did additional event design work (it doesn't help that they were generally disliked parts of the game), but I don't see them being able to make a full-fledged sequel.


Rejoice, my friend! Hermen Hulst has listened and wants his redemption arc. Enjoy this awesome footage of the upcoming Gravity Rush movie.

Hulst had nothing to do with the film adaptation and that was test footage of some CGI tech they showed off in that CES presentation. 🥱
Is trolling on every PlayStation thread all you do now?


Gold Member
I really hope they revisit this franchise some day or at least licence it out to someone else.
I was a bit disappointed by the second game but I still love the world and characters and the core gravity shifting mechanic is still awesome.

They should at least make a 60fps port for ps5

yeah it fucking sucks how Sony hasn't gone back and at least enabled a basic 60fps mode for many of their games.
It looks so good with the unofficial 60fps patch on modded consoles.

The only good thing about the movie is that maaaaybe they'll do an update or something to promote it. (probably not though)

RaZoR No1

I am ashamed to tell you, even though I loved GR1 on the Vita, I never had the time or opportunity to play GR2...


That one Spanish leaker that got everything right has filled me with hopium for the GR2 remaster for a while.
Next State of Play for sure...


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I've got both but...yeah I never finished them, I like the premise and the characters but I just don't thing the gameplay was up to par.
They should reboot it, bring the graphics up to FFVII Remake level and get Hayden Panettiere voice her 👍
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I am ashamed to tell you, even though I loved GR1 on the Vita, I never had the time or opportunity to play GR2...
& i never finished it...

not nearly as charming as the first game, terrible opening section, & the game just goes on too damned long. very pretty, tho...


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
I've got both but...yeah I never finished them, I like the premise and the characters but I just don't thing the gameplay was up to par.
They should reboot it, bring the graphics up to FFVII Remake level and get Hayden Panettiere voice her 👍
If is in Mexico... She must dub Kat

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