Gravity Rush movie in the works at PlayStation Productions







I'm not lying, it made me want to cry. I got feeling. someone hug me :messenger_crying::messenger_crying::messenger_crying::messenger_loudly_crying:

I can not believe it
As a fan, i'd be more afraid than excited honestly
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This is a smart approach by Sony, make so much of it the content, that if one or more of them inevitably fail then the one success will overshadow it. In the end they lose nothing, Sony fans will pay to see any or all of this, help I think some people even pretended to like Talentless Tom as Drake in that Uncharted movie.


I'm really surprised by, I hope it gives a chance of the games being released on PC if there's some more new activity around the IP. It's my most wanted PS exclusive on PC.
And if there really is a movie, it better be an animated movie.


On one hand I like the idea of a gravity rush movie, I just don't trust anyone to actually deliver on it. Hope I'm wrong
More movies than games since the Jim and Hermen Leaderchip, and even the games not all are exciting.

It's really weird, you would think devs the more they sell, the more money they get, the better games they will make, but it's actually quite opposite, EA, Acti, Rockstar and now Sony.

It much easier to make a movie than a game these days


I would want them to speak human language, than some weird French-wannabe language. That's one part that's kinda bothering me as I'm playing Gravity Rush 2. It was cute in the beginning, but kinda getting old.


Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.
Sounds too 'sexist', 'racist' and 'homophobic'. I see RuPaul and Queen Latifa starring as Kat and Raven. The movie would be a 5% of stuff from the game and the other 95% about an empowered black lesbian that fights evil straight white males who abuse their children, once she gets tired of being opressed by the heteropatriarchy and racism.

The movie features at least 2 or 3 scenes with she proving she is smarter and more powerful than a white male and minimum 5 or 10 sentences about she saying women are a victim of something or that suffer because of being a women.
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Liked the games well enough...but I probably won't watch this. Happy for those that this is for though, and hopefully it leads to more games.

My big takeaway here is that the first game is over 10 years old. Came out on my 32nd birthday.

Fucking hell.



If this movie is successful, and it spawns a new Gravity Rush game, perhaps this will sell an extra 5 copies and Sony will only lose 95% of the dev costs rather than 99%.


It much easier to make a movie than a game these days
Why are you always defend them and find them excuses? That's because of people like that the companies like Rockstar turned into a big Joke.

Sony has never sold that much games and made as much money than PS4 era, and that was by making games and staying true to their philosophy on consoles exclusives and cie. But now it resulted them on making more....... movies and less exclusives games. Wow that logic i've no comment.
Why are you always defend them and find them excuses? That's because of people like that the companies like Rockstar turned into a big Joke.

Sony has never sold that much games and made as much money than PS4 era, and that was by making games and staying true to their philosophy on consoles exclusives and cie. But now it resulted them on making more....... movies and less exclusives games. Wow that logic i've no comment.

What is there to be upset about? Naughty Dog, GG, Suckerpunch,etc. aren’t making these movies its sony pictures using their IP. Its a fact that it takes less effort to make a movie than it does a AAA game.

A movie takes a year or two to make, a game takes 4-5 years. Theres a reason why sony aren’t making 50 games of all their IP inventory because they dont have the manpower or people willing to do it. For them, its much easier to make a hour 15 minute ape escape movie for netflix than a 15 hour ape escape game.

As far as I know SIE didn’t stop making games to focus on tv and movies


Gold Member
We will see if they take a lot of artistic license with it. If they keep it just like the games, it will be fine.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
I guess every Sony IP is going to be a movie. I'll save you guys the trouble of new threads.

  • Puppeteer is coming to Apple+, directed by Owen Wilson, starring Tom Holland.
  • Warhawk is going straight to DVD, starring Jean Claude Van Damme and Tom Holland.
  • Tom Holland has first viewing rights on the script of Sackboy: Yarn Barn, apparently being written by Amy Hennig, starring Tom Holland.
  • Chris Pratt is set to star in MLB: The Show: The Movie 2025 but they went with Tom Holland.
What if I told you Bluepoint might be working on remaking Gravity Rush 1 for PS5 (with a PC simul-launch in the same veins as the TLoU Part 1 Remake) and there is a port/upgrade plan of the second game for PS5 and PC?

You've heard here first.
More movies than games since the Jim and Hermen Leaderchip, and even the games not all are exciting.

It's really weird, you would think devs the more they sell, the more money they get, the better games they will make, but it's actually quite opposite, EA, Acti, Rockstar and now Sony.
In what world did this series sell?

Sony is simply taking advantage of all the streaming services begging for content. So they are using them to promote their brands. They signed a huge first look deal with Netflix.

• Ghost of Tsushima
• Gravity Rush
• Gran Turismo
• Days Gone
• Jak and Daxter (not confirmed)

• The Last of Us
• God of War
• Horizon
• Twisted Metal


Gold Member
Gravity Rush 2 has one of my Fav intros in gaming ever...

Now if only Sony would turn back on the Network features as much of the games side content is essentially disabled because it required the sharing of player data that Sony switched off after less than 2 years.

I mean come on its on PS Extra with a movie, people will want to play.
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