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Group project group from hell.

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I do, they read it, say it's complete shit, then rewrite it to fucking drek.

I'm then saddled with making all of the decisions in 30 minutes, and we wind up with 2nd place in the class in score in the sim.

This week:

They second guess and ignore everything I do, do their own thing, and completely fuck over the company with 2 hours of pissing around details I try describing to them and then make decisions that'll run a sim score of around 600 to probably around 400 (out of 1,000).

And then when I ask about a project due next week, they bitch me out.

oh boy oh boy oh boy

In addition, they take offense to my liberal use of "fuck," but that's another story altogether.

So what do I do here? Sit back, be nice and quiet, and don't say anything while they fuck the project over--or take the damn project over myself and do it behind their backs to make us do well and also piss them off?

Decisions, decisions.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I hate group projects.... they are fucking worthless! I wish that people could see that students don't learn anything from group projects besides how to hate group projects


Neither, you lay out what you are thinking, show them what worked in the past, tell them that you all should communicate better for the next time.

And then you bust out your glock.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Even idiots get to vote. You might have to just submit to what "the group" wants.

I also hate group projects. I would always get into a fight with someone or everyone. Especially in English classes. But to be fair, I always wanted things done my way. You might be one of those people that just assumes another person will just fuck everything up.

And I hate how they gang up on you when you disagree. It's very difficult to argue with 4 or 5 other people at once. I've just learned to say my little speech and then back down. Then chime in with "I told you so" when the shit hits the fan.


Heh, I like your ideas Grizz and Well...

I'm just afraid that I'm going to have to take over this project like every other group project I had in college.

I'm serious, I seem to ever be the only person to understand the material enough to push out a decent report/presentation on anything in any group I'm in. Third grade level writing is all too common, sadly, and when I look at the group scores--well...

When the sections I take over score 20% higher than anything else in the project, something's fucking wrong.

Of course, I've also got the bad habit of putting off until the last seconds, but I get A+ results no matter when I do them. 10 page paper in 2 hours? Bitches, please. Complete business strategy in an hour? I know what the teacher wants.

But hey, it's cool if you want to eschew anything I say and run my performance into the ground to have your way.


Matlock said:
Heh, I like your ideas Grizz and Well...

I'm just afraid that I'm going to have to take over this project like every other group project I had in college.

I'm serious, I seem to ever be the only person to understand the material enough to push out a decent report/presentation on anything in any group I'm in. Third grade level writing is all too common, sadly, and when I look at the group scores--well...

I used to be the same way into my senior year of college. Finally had a project which I couldn't feasibly do myself and just had to rely on a team. We all met and shared ideas twice a week for the semester long project. It was ridiculously constructive, and a fantastic learning experience. Applied the same ideas and ideals the next semester and locked up the highest grade in the class.

Granted, I seem hypocritical with what happened in my workplace not long ago, but, since then I've been working with the guy that was supposed to take over my stuff and it's just been a lot easier for both of us and we're knocking shit out even faster than I was doing it by myself. We just got together and discussed our goals and ideas before moving forward, and meet everyday at the end of the day.

Team work... works. :|

Outline that you are the better writer, and have them give you ideas and make one joint paper.


The writing's not the concern now, but running a business simulation is. ^_^

Teamwork should work, but alas it doesn't in this situation. When you've got two pairs of guys and dolls making googoo eyes at each other and ignoring the rules completely, a random guy, and me...well, that's fun stuff right now.

And of course, this sim is easy. It's like Kohan* with whole-round stats and build orders presented to you beforehand. Almost no variables at all. And when I try explaining what things on there mean when they state ignorance, they ignore and second guess.

*(oh shit)


No wonder you're not good at it. ;)

Well, if it's like Kohan, just do a goon rush er uh just remember that the team with Evilore didn't always win, but the team with the best dynamics.



Let's put it this way. It's a FFA, and I've got instructions-per-mouseclick through the entire match typed out. Just short of having BrokenSword one of the awesome pubbies holding my hand and doing it for me.


Matlock said:
I'm just afraid that I'm going to have to take over this project like every other group project I had in college.
Is this a "company" sim? If so, run the "company" like a company.

Ask your instructor for advice, one-on-one. Pitch it to him as kind of an internal coup - you'd like to become the CEO/group leader, since the group is currently under ineffectual leadership.

Or just ask to get moved to a different group. If he's going with the company sort of sim, then it might amuse him to have someone quit one of the companies and get hired by another.

My business capstone course in college was a 5-week summer term. We had to deliver a profile of a company constructed by talking to people within the company and charting their strategy. Out of the seven people in my group, only four were capable of doing actual work and/or writing anything in English. I ended up taking leadership of the group, which entailed rewriting mostly everything two students did, picking up the slack entirely for one student, and making sure one of the students who was actually competent didn't get too pissed off at how I was steamrolling over half of the group's agenda (or lack thereof). We didn't have enough time to debate how to do everything, but thankfully they all mostly realized I had the plan and followed accordingly. :D
Blackace said:
I hate group projects.... they are fucking worthless! I wish that people could see that students don't learn anything from group projects besides how to hate group projects

Get use to it son. In the real world people don't work by themselves.


I think its a ploy to let weaker student gets easy marks :p Really tires you out. The last group i had didnt do much work. I had to rewrite everything and push them. Many sleepless nights.

Yeah you do learn. My first was the worst. Second less so. And so on. You learn.


Group projects piss me off, especially when my group will make me come in on my day off for a meeting and we just end up sitting around doing nothing at all.

Deleted member 4784

Unconfirmed Member
The reason they give you shitty group projects in school is because they want you to learn to deal with lazy, incompetent and hostile people since you will need to deal with them in any future career and have your jobs depend on it. I can understand the logic behind it, but it pisses me off since you end up carrying total losers through a course on your back as a result. Sorrie to hear that you’re stuck with such jerks, though. I totally feel your pain. ><

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Group Projects are only good when

1. They are randomly picked and you have hot chicks in your group.

2. You can do them with your friends.

Otherwise they suck royal cock.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Blackace said:
I hate group projects.... they are fucking worthless! I wish that people could see that students don't learn anything from group projects besides how to hate group projects
rubbish. you learn lots of valuable lessons from group projects and i've suffered from some terrible group projects


Matlock said:

I do, they read it, say it's complete shit, then rewrite it to fucking drek.

I'm then saddled with making all of the decisions in 30 minutes, and we wind up with 2nd place in the class in score in the sim.

This week:

They second guess and ignore everything I do, do their own thing, and completely fuck over the company with 2 hours of pissing around details I try describing to them and then make decisions that'll run a sim score of around 600 to probably around 400 (out of 1,000).

And then when I ask about a project due next week, they bitch me out.

oh boy oh boy oh boy

In addition, they take offense to my liberal use of "fuck," but that's another story altogether.

So what do I do here? Sit back, be nice and quiet, and don't say anything while they fuck the project over--or take the damn project over myself and do it behind their backs to make us do well and also piss them off?

Decisions, decisions.

they vs you? Why aren't you a people person
At least they show up. I'm used to figuring out projects, handing everyone their share to get done and then I'm one of the two people in the group (out of six or more) to show up the week of the presentation.

Happens a lot. The fact that this still happens in fucking college really bothers me.


I had a similar situation with a group business strategy sim. I just did everything myself before the group met, then told them how I tried every scenario and what I chose was best. We crushed the competition, even after falling to last place when our disc was erased in week #3.


Just as a sort of update, I just got the grade report back. Look at participation, which is 8% of the grade--

Seems the entire group tried to sabotage each other--nobody over 80%.

And gee, I'm 1% away from an A.

Thanks, group.

Justin Bailey

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Damn sounds like you guys are trying to kill each other. I've never had a group that bad. The only problems I really encountered were with people like Sir popopop :D One time I had to fucking re-do this shithead's entire section of a project a day before it was due because he had no friggin clue what he was doing. During the meetings he would always say "yeah, its coming along great." Fucker.


Chili Con Carnage!
I always do great in my group projects, guess ive mainly been lucky with team members (theres always a couple of duds, but the rest are cool).
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