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[GS] Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower preview/video interview



n the wake of Sony's jaw-droppingly good news with regard to the PSP's retail price in Japan (well, it's good for some, anyway, because we can't imagine anyone high-fiving over at Nintendo) and in the spirit of Halloween, we've decided to take another look at Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower. The game is a 2D figher from Capcom that's shaping up to be a historic moment in gaming for both Capcom and portable. While this may sound like a load of hot air, consider this: Capcom's Vampire franchise will be celebrating its tenth anniversary this year in Japan, and it will be the first 2D fighter for Sony's new handheld platform, as well.

Oh...and Vampire Chronicle happens to support Wi-Fi multiplayer, which is hardly a common occurrence. While some gamers may be familiar with the series, which, while not achieving the mainstream success of Capcom's other fighting franchises--such as Street Fighter and the Vs. series--it has gained a loyal following in the US nonetheless. To bring everyone up to speed on the franchise and to offer a bit more insight into the slick, upcoming PSP game, we offer the following primer.

Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower is an original title that, while drawing on many elements from the Dreamcast Vampire Chronicle, isn't a port; it's far from it, in fact. From what Capcom has revealed so far, Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower will include the core elements from the DC game, such as the selectable fighting styles for each entry, as well as all the characters from the series. For those unfamiliar with the colorful cast that has appeared in the series, the roster in Vampire arguably features some of the best character designs ever seen in a Capcom fighting game. The varied roster features a healthy dose of personality that's provided by the unique designs and the plentiful frames of animation that still impress us today. In addition, the game will offer original features, such as mutltiplayer functionality, that will use the PSP's Wi-Fi capabilities.

Furthermore, an all-new Tower mode, which Capcom wasn't saying much about at the time, will be implemented. Fortunately, a recent update to the game's Japanese Web site revealed some choice bits of info on the game that have us intrigued. You'll apparently pick three characters from the roster of 18 fighters that comprise the team you'll take on a journey through a mysterious tower. Your ascent through each floor will revolve around defeating the enemies you encounter in one-on-one battles, The route you take will hinge on how you defeat your enemies and on how you can apparently go off on a tangent. While the mode sounds straightforward, it appears to offer a fat challenge, because if one of your fighters is defeated, he or she is out of the competition for good, forcing you to both fight carefully and pick a good team. Fortunately, in keeping with the arcade game's compilation quality, you'll be able to pick fighers from the four different games in the series--Vampire, Vampire Hunter, Vampire Hunter 2, and Vampire Saviour--depending on which game's handling you prefer.

Ah, has it been ten years already? You haven't aged a day my love.

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