do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Thanks for the post. I voted also, that they don't matter. The big boys can just do Direct Style reveals or State of Play Style reveals. I'd be more down for that, than sittin' through stuff I have no interest in and a bunch of backpatting, cockholstering, company shilling and virtue signalling.
You are likely more informed than the average consumer, so you pretty ,much already know what games are good or not.
I watch the TGAs for the "World Premiere" which sometimes I just wait for the show to be over and watch the trailers on IGN.......but if ive got nothing better to do that day, ill watch the whole show.

But for the industry as a whole the TGAs are massively important as they shine a light on games that could easily have just fallen through the cracks of a heavy year.
Even for me as someone who follows gaming pretty closely the TGAs bring to light some games I might have missed, and with news cycle the way it is, once a game slips out the news cycle its just gone.....without the TGAs I wouldnt know about Neva, Indika, UFO50 or Plucky Squire.
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