TBH, thinking about Italian politicians, VIPs, entrepreneurs and gangsters, I would say that it would be the perfect country for a GTA game: you start in Sicily, then you move to Naples, another stop in Rome, crossing Tuscany, and finally ending up in the North (Turin and Milan), thus visiting most kinds of criminalities and settings (beaches, plains, hills, mountains and snow).
Not only that, Italy is becoming more and more a melting pot of many races, and we know how R* likes to be savage on ethnicities.
But that's almost impossible. The uproar from Italy would be immense. Please mind that cities in Italy with high criminality rates are mostly populated by honest people anyway.... Even if many of those are criminals' relatives or
That's the way Italy works: lots of corruption, tax evasion, black work,
drug trafficking, smuggling and stealing..... But no one knows a thing about it

Jezz, I live in real life GTA. Even worse, since 99% of the cars (at least in my big city) are always speeding, and I'm the only one respecting speed limits.
But, anyway, there's no criminality in Italy. It wouldn't fit GTA.