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GTA Online PS4/XB1 |OT| Just ignore the bodies (and look forward to heists)

So I just spent over an hour making an emblem for a new crew based on our YouTube channel. Below is the graphic I designed followed by the emblem made in the Rockstar Crew Emblem editor, which is pretty cool even if it was a pain once I had a lot of layers..



Not too shabby for my first attempt, eh? I'm still in the Gaming Age Family crew, but this is currently my active one.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Just went into the options, turned off the deadzone, turned off headbob, FP mode is WAYYYY more enjoyable now.


So I just spent over an hour making an emblem for a new crew based on our YouTube channel. Below is the graphic I designed followed by the emblem made in the Rockstar Crew Emblem editor, which is pretty cool even if it was a pain once I had a lot of layers..

Not too shabby for my first attempt, eh? I'm still in the Gaming Age Family crew, but this is currently my active one.

You can insert SVG elements via Chrome Inspector. So we were able to insert our self drawn cat into the socialclub:



Bla bla PC...

Looks like i get to use my muscle and sports cars for this weekends playlist! Hopefully i get to race with some SERIOUS racers - and not some "press R2 to win"-type racers.
You can insert SVG elements via Chrome Inspector. So we were able to insert our self drawn cat into the socialclub:

WAT. Well... lol, that is how I'll do mine next.

The actual logo and such are all 3D in After Effects but it'd be way easier to use Illustrator or whatnot to make the emblem more detailed. Nice art, by the way!


Almost done filling up my third garage, two more spots left.

Also, for future reference my PSN is OWN1N45 in case you run into me randomly in a public room. I currently also don't have a working mic for my PS4 so... (and I refuse to use the obviously low quality one that came with the system lol) yeah. I really wish I could change my PSN ID but oh well, such is Sony's system.


My buddy Shanko is using the mic that came with the system and I think the sound quality is quite good. The damn thing keeps falling out of his ear all the time but... Yeah.


Almost done filling up my third garage, two more spots left.

Also, for future reference my PSN is OWN1N45 in case you run into me randomly in a public room. I currently also don't have a working mic for my PS4 so... (and I refuse to use the obviously low quality one that came with the system lol) yeah. I really wish I could change my PSN ID but oh well, such is Sony's system.

The low quality one apparently works though for a decent mic and you can actually hear people through the headset. But yes, it makes your ear hurt after a while and it is very obviously cheap. Even Apple's original headsets before the redesign look quality compared to it.


My buddy Shanko is using the mic that came with the system and I think the sound quality is quite good. The damn thing keeps falling out of his ear all the time but... Yeah.

But yes, it makes your ear hurt after a while and it is very obviously cheap.

That's the main thing that irks me about it and makes me not want to use it. When I get the money I'm gonna look into getting a mic for my PS4 that'll be comfortable and good quality for sure.


Neo Member
I feel like the only person in the world that isn't enjoying this game online. I keep trying to get into it but I lose interest within 30 minutes. I'm level 15ish and I just get frustrated by the controls, slow loading times, and clunky interface. I want to upgrade my cars but I have to win a ton of races to get anything good. I try to do races and I get put in lobbies with level 100+ people who absolutely destroy me. Same thing with any kind of death match. Maybe I'll try it again some day.


Been trying to get online for a while... xbox one. Keeps timing out. Been horrible tonight.

I'm 'shermas' if anyone wants to add me.
Is there any way to change the default radio station? Every time I get on my bike, Channel X starts up, even though I don't listen to it anymore. I used to listen to it a lot on PS3, so maybe it auto-selects a radio station based on what your most listened station is?


Is there any way to change the default radio station? Every time I get on my bike, Channel X starts up, even though I don't listen to it anymore. I used to listen to it a lot on PS3, so maybe it auto-selects a radio station based on what your most listened station is?
No you can't change it every vehicle has its own default radio station unfortunately.
Is there any way to change the default radio station? Every time I get on my bike, Channel X starts up, even though I don't listen to it anymore. I used to listen to it a lot on PS3, so maybe it auto-selects a radio station based on what your most listened station is?
If you find some way then pls, spare me from this annoyance too.

One of my favorite cars, without fail, will default to the Spanish station, and 90% of the time that beep beep beep beep beep beep beep song is playing.

No you can't change it every vehicle has its own default radio station unfortunately.
Just as I had feared.


It always puts me into empty lobbies on Xbox One, even trying to do missions is difficult because there is never enough people to join. Then i get connection errors that boot me straight back to single player. Is it like this on PS4?

This... 100%. I spent probably an hour last night, trying to join games, floating in the clouds above the city... I finally did one race, then returned to freeroam (totally empty city), before just getting kicked back to the single player game.
So this double cash / double rp featured playlist weekend...can it only be selected by rebooting the game and pressing triangle during the load window? I can't find another way to id it in the regular playlist menu. If so, that's fucking stupid for an event someone might like to repeat.

I just don't understand how the online half of this game has such bad design when it comes to the UI and matchmaking.

Edit: Guess it doesn't matter, no one is actually playing it or interested in joining when I host the playlist.


I enjoyed the race and that capture mission where one team has to get an RV and drive it to a drop-off and the other team tries to stop them, steal it and take the RV to their drop-off.
So this double cash / double rp featured playlist weekend...can it only be selected by rebooting the game and pressing triangle during the load window? I can't find another way to id it in the regular playlist menu. If so, that's fucking stupid for an event someone might like to repeat.
It's really easy to glance over it in the Rockstar Playlists menu due to its name: "Featured 30 Player Jobs 3" lol


Has anyone encountered an annoying bug where items that can only be bought wearing a specific shirt disappear from the store list when you ARE wearing the required item but are on the list when you are NOT wearing the specific item?
Another thing that pisses me off about the enemy AI in this game is how they magically appear behind you. This has got to be one of the cheapest and laziest ways to make a game more difficult. It's so fucking frustrating. If I clear an area, I shouldn't have to worry about enemies spawning behind me out of thin air who will then shoot me in the head with pin-point accuracy when I'm completely occupied by shooting the pin-point accurate enemies in front of me.

There should be a set amount of enemies per area. If you and your team are good enough to clear everyone out, then you should be able to carry on with the rest of your objective without hassle and not have to worry about enemies materializing out of thin air. And it's not just from behind you, either. I've watched so many enemies spawn in front of me. I was just doing the mission where you have to collect the packages at four locations in a set amount of time, and I was on the last location shooting some triads behind some wooden crates. I finish killing those guys and shift my attention to the guys on the rooftops...and the guys I just killed next to the wooden crates were replaced with a new set of enemies who then proceeded to kill me. Right in front of my eyes. It's fucking bullshit.

I fucking love this game, and it won't put me off from carrying on playing the online, but Rockstar have really disappointed me with the way they've handled their enemy AI. It's an area that really needs an overhaul imo. I should be killed for making stupid decisions and not being on top of my game, not because the game spawns infinite enemies in places I've already cleared.


There should be a set amount of enemies per area. If you and your team are good enough to clear everyone out, then you should be able to carry on with the rest of your objective without hassle and not have to worry about enemies materializing out of thin air.

I agree but I'm coming from the POV of wanting to play missions by myself. And I strongly suspect they do that because they don't want you to be uncontested ever because they're trying to make it so you feel that you have to have friends to do the missions (some one to cover your back while you try to get the package). If you can clear everyone out first, than you really don't need other people. But if they make it so that there is always enemies, other people will be much better cause they can watch your back. I think that's the thinking behind that type mission design.

Not saying that justifies it but I strongly think it's to discourage people like me who would just try to do all missions by ourselves (and I hate it when they do that because damnit, why can't I do it by myself? And why can't they just up the enemy count depending on how many people join the missions if they are worried about making it challenging enough if you have more people?).

At least they have some missions that let you kill everyone before proceeding.


I feel like the only person in the world that isn't enjoying this game online. I keep trying to get into it but I lose interest within 30 minutes. I'm level 15ish and I just get frustrated by the controls, slow loading times, and clunky interface. I want to upgrade my cars but I have to win a ton of races to get anything good. I try to do races and I get put in lobbies with level 100+ people who absolutely destroy me. Same thing with any kind of death match. Maybe I'll try it again some day.
I am only level 15 but regularly beat people 10x my rank.. Maybe it is the types of jobs you are doing? Idk what is up with the slow loading (ps4) but I don't feel overly out matched against higher ranked players.
I have been playing this a lot lately on PS4. Very early in the Online but if you want to add me my PSN is 'skybald'
Let's get you in the crew! Send me a message on the R* Social Club with your Gaf/PSN name. We have a good amount of people playing usually.
I feel like the only person in the world that isn't enjoying this game online. I keep trying to get into it but I lose interest within 30 minutes. I'm level 15ish and I just get frustrated by the controls, slow loading times, and clunky interface. I want to upgrade my cars but I have to win a ton of races to get anything good. I try to do races and I get put in lobbies with level 100+ people who absolutely destroy me. Same thing with any kind of death match. Maybe I'll try it again some day.
If you can, try to find another low level buddy, and trade wins on a race called Criminal Records. Do motorcycles, one lap, and go. Winning races using motorcycles unlocks upgrades across all vehicle classes. Criminal Records is very short too. Alternate wins with a friend, or do a set amount for each. Then...you'll just have to earn some money to buy those upgrades...But try to join with crew members if you can. We are usually doing missions, or things to make money, too, because money makes the world go round!

There will usually be a good bit of tom foolery, too, no doubt.


Anybody on right now? I need about 4-6 people. Hit me up if you want to make some quick cash ;-)

On PS4, PSN: Akuma_818


Yeah..Not to mention it takes like 5 minutes to load the online back up only to be booted back to single player!

Just tried that featured playlist, finally got around 5 players, then it had around 3 players 'Joining' only for them to then leave straight after (booted bug). It's pretty broken right now.

Is there an xbox one clan for GAF? I think I'm in the BritGAF club right now...
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