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GTA San Andreas delayed!?



RUMOR #2: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has been delayed for a week.

Source: Comments made by EB Games CEO Jeff Griffiths in an investor's conference call.

The official story: "The title is scheduled to be in-stores on Oct 19 in North America and on Oct 22 in Europe."--Rockstar statement.

What we heard: During the conference call, Griffiths was discussing what the biggest selling games of the year would be. Naturally, the subject of San Andreas was breached. "[It] will do as least as well as Vice City did--and I think that is conservative," was his assessment. While that wasn't surprising, what he said next was. "There have been some rumors about it being pushed back a week." However, EB Games' online actually lists the game as shipping out on October 18--one day before its official release.

Bogus or not bogus?: Bogus. But would anybody care if it was delayed a week?
A week is actually pretty much for me since Halo 2 is out on the 9th :|
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