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GTA V redux (pc mod) is out now and I said wow!


This pc mod for GTA V is a complete overall of basically everything visual and lots of gameplay changes as well.
You can pick and chose what ever part of the mod you want to enable and it look incredible.

– Brand new, real life, company textures for billboards, commercial vehicles, trailers, bus stops, and taxi ads.

– Roads! – (mostly) All road textures are being replaced, with 100% custom normal and specular map textures. Including road damages, cross walks, sidewalks, curbs, barriers, and more.

– Brand new damage overlay texture.

– New textures for all ground debris, including pop bottles/cans, newspapers, letter scraps etc.

– Muzzle flash, tracers, debris and other destructive/weapon related textures.

– Greatly increased particle count for all related effects.

– All environmental particle effects are now active.

– Ground debris blows with natural force.

– Leaves fall from tree’s, bushes, shrubs, and palms with much more consistency.

– Paper and garbage blow from trash trucks at a higher rate and density.

– Water splash effects manipulated for more realistic reactions.

you can check out some other parts of the mod over on the website (if it loads atm)

Free download
out now but servers of the mod are getting hammered as of its release last night so it takes a while to download.


Official site: https://gta5redux.com

wccftech piece on it

Download links (keep in mind super slow at the moment) File size is 3.3 GIG

Some img from the website:

Gifs from the tailer:



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	READ THE REQUIREMENTS HERE:    https://www.gta5redux.com/requirements/
	VIEW THE DETAILED INSTALL GUIDE HERE: https://www.gta5redux.com/installation/ 
	Game Files Installation: 
	1) Open up your Gta V main directory, and remove any previous ReShade, SweetFX, ENB files, or "mods" folders you have previously installed. (100% original game is recommended for a clean install process)
	2) Create a folder titled "mods"(no quotation marks) inside your Gta 5 main directory, and copy and paste the folder/files; update, x64, common.rpf,and x64a.rpf - x64w.rpf - from your GtaV main directory, into the mods folder. 
	(make sure these files/folders are 100% original, clean, unmodded)
	3) Download and install OpenIV: http://openiv.com/webiv/guest.php?get=0 (make sure to install all the plug-ins that the OpenIV will prompt you with)
	4) After fully completing the OpenIV installation, click on Tools ---> Package Installer, then find the extracted Folder from the Redux download, and select REDUX_INSTALLER.oiv.
	5) Select install, then choose "Game Folder". (Make sure you have set up the mods folder properly in order for this to work correctly)
	ReShade & ENB Installation:
	1) Choose your desired ReShade options from the folder titled "ReShadePresets".  (GTA5_REDUX/RESHADE OPTIONS)
	2) Copy and paste all the files from your choice folder, into the Gta 5 main directory.
	3) When you want to try a different preset, delete the entire "ReShade" folder from your directory, and overwrite all existing files with your new choice.
	*******IMPORTANT NOTE*********
	There is a very likely chance that you will receive a crash during loading when using any of the ReShade presets other than the Redux (default). DO NOT WORRY! 
	This is a bug with the version of ReShade, and can be easily fixed by simply closing every/any single application and window that you do not need to be running.
	Sometimes things as simple as a notepad, or file explorer can cause a crash. So close what you can, and try again. 
	Things like Photoshop, and certain web plug-ins are the majority of the cause, but many other programs can produce the same crashes. Simply reseting the game will eventually provide a stable launch.
	Running Steam in offline mode, as well as being disconnected from the internet, also seems to help prevent the loading crashes. 
	-Josh Romito
	 JR Productions

	1) Game crashing while loading? Try the following...
	- Close any and all open background processes and applications that are not essential(including recording and editing programs) and try launching again.(repeatedly)
	- Remove all Reshade and ENB files, and try again.
	[Files to remove - ReShade(folder),ReShade64.dll, ReShade.fx, SweetFX.fx, dxgi.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll, enblocal.ini, enbseries.ini, enblightsprite.fx (DELETE THEM ALL!)]


	If the problem persists;
	Rename the dxgi.dll *file* to ReShade64.dll (Gtav Main Directory)
	Open your enblocal.ini file, (Gtav Main directory)
	locate the line - 
	And rename it to - 

(make sure you save the file after your changes) 

CONTACT ME @ www.gta5redux.com if you require assistance!! :)

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NOTE: since the official website is getting hammered I have no idea what kind of machine you need to get this running decently and how to install it I'm still downloading the mod because the site is slow.
That kind of information is probably in a readme file in the .zip from the download.


Most important thing here are the Euphoria improvements.
Yup, same opinion. I think vanilla GTAV PC looks fantastic already I don't want to touch that look apart from removing CA; I only wish for some faithful high resolution textures in some places like the outback or mountains.

That being said, fantastic launch trailer for a fan-made mod.


I hope I can disable the gameplay modifiers and just use the technical enhancements. I'm due for a replay soon.

I'm not a fan at all of these high contrast, colour dialled up to 11 visual mods, imho most of them including this one go really overboard with trying to create a look at the expense of the game makers original visual intent.

Can you use the mod with out all the reshape business? I would definitely try it of all the improvements to gameplay can be enabled separately.


Gold Member
Why would anyone want real-life advertisements in their game?

What a bizarre addition to an overall super impressive overhaul.
It's impressive, but I just don't think it looks all that great when compared to the original; It loses some of its appeal. The best mods are usually the ones that remain most faithful to the original and only subtly change the tone, if that.


Gold Member
it looks good but don't like the sound of more punishing police, changes to driving, or physics. i just want a better looking game. might try it out.



I'm not a fan at all of these high contrast, colour dialled up to 11 visual mods, imho most of them including this one go really overboard with trying to create a look at the expense of the game makers original visual intent.

Can you use the mod with out all the reshape business? I would definitely try it of all the improvements to gameplay can be enabled separately.

But then ReShade alone is worth it for GTAV. Vanilla game is very washed out and samey in its color space. Maybe "original view" is to try communicate grayness of every day life, how it's basically same and gray mass day after day. It still makes meh color space for game. Just like "dark and realistic" dudebro shooters use too much way too dark tones of colors.


Does this (or any mod or ini edit) address the tiny shadow rendering "box" around the player? Could be super glaring to see at times.
The usual main problem with reshade presets is that they tend to make everything darker.

The sky, for example, looks worse and unnatural compared to vanilla.


I wish they didn't change the ingame branding to real-world branding

i dunno about immersion , since the fake ads where tied to the fake audio ads on the radio that were tied to the fake economy.

Putting real ads kinda misses the point of "immersion"

I hope he went through and changed all the textures for food products and restaurants if that was the intent.
It says right in the OP that you can choose which elements of the mod to enable........


– Brand new, real life, company textures for billboards, commercial vehicles, trailers, bus stops, and taxi ads.

– New textures for all ground debris, including pop bottles/cans, newspapers, letter scraps etc.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
everything looks highquality but not the fan of the colors, looks very artificial. Rockstar has done incredible job making GTA V look what it is


Looks like the colors have been dialed up, and I'm not really interested in real life products on display in my game. I enjoy the satirical stuff.
It says right in the OP that you can choose which elements of the mod to enable........


– Brand new, real life, company textures for billboards, commercial vehicles, trailers, bus stops, and taxi ads.

– New textures for all ground debris, including pop bottles/cans, newspapers, letter scraps etc.

What i'm saying is that , even if you want to change the ads , it goes against "immersion" since the world is built around it , there are ads for those fake companies on the radio , on the theaters , on the fake websites.

Sure you can choose to enable the change or not , but i don't see how it matters regarding to the immersion factor ( as good as this mod , is did they also change the radio ads ? the websites ? the fake economy ? )
Those euphoria enhancements look like they've been taken straight from this mod.

And this mod already does a great job with enhancing the wanted levels, except with more features. 3.0 is coming soon, which has a shit-ton of improvements.

And I don't get why almost every visual mod for GTA V removes the distant fog, it looks better with it on.
Because a lot of people don't understand that the fog is there to hide LOD transitions in the distance. Early versions of VisualV were guilty of this. Fortunately, it's a lot better now.
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