During a recent interview with Yahoo Movies, actor Lee Pace gushed more about his role as the main villain in Marvel and James Gunn's forthcoming Guardians of the Galaxy adaptation. "Ive never played a character like Ronan before," admitted Pace. "I like a bombastic villain, and thats what I had a good time doing. It was the most fun playing this character
I was stronger than Ive ever been, doing all this training, and the character is just a beast. Hes just so evil. At first when I started working on him, I was thinking, 'Weve seen so many great performances of villains by very talented actors in superhero movies. Ive got to find something relatable about this guy.' But the more I played him, the more fun I had with just being evil. Evil, evil, evil. Hes an alien theres no kind of human rules. Theres nothing to relate to, actually. It just became, like, the more dark I could conceive of him, the more I understood him."
Lee Pace was then, jokingly, asked if Ronan the Accuser's eyebrows are one of his most evil traits. "You dont even see my eyebrows!" the actor replied. "Its covered up with that black ceremonial paint. Hes like Osama bin Laden hes like a religious fanatic. Its so cool. When in my life did I think Id be playing a character like this? When I got the call about this, I was like, 'What? OK, OK
Im in.' Id auditioned for Star-Lord, and then Chris obviously got the part
and then they called my agent and said, 'We have another part for him!' So I quickly put that on tape and Ronan worked out." In the latest issue of Total Film magazine, Lee Pace offers some other interesting details about Ronan: "He's the Accuser of the Kree; he passes judgement. He's got a code to live by. This is a spiritual mission."
Meanwhile, Guardians director James Gunn has teased the film's post-credits scene(s). "There will be a little something special at the very end of the movie... very special," he said in a Facebook post. "But that's all I can say about it. I'm not sure we're even going to have it at the premiere so it's not spoiled online for everyone seeing the film opening night."