Glad to hear you're enjoying it. I just recently came back after about a year off and had to make a few adjustments, but I have to imagine jumping back in after all this time has been crazy for you. If you have any questions we'll try to help.
Welcome back to you too in that case! :3 I think I was a little too optimistic hoping that I would just need to make a few adjustments, but yeah, figured I can find my feet by levelling a new char and then pick up my Guardian at a later date if I feel like slipping back into an old pair of boots.
Regarding servers, everything is region based. So technically you can be in a guild based on a different server and play with all those guild members regardless of what server you're playing on. Heck, all the maps you normally play on are filled with people from various different servers. Unfortunately I believe Desolation is an EU server and GAF guild is US based. Also GAF guild is currently pretty dead. It's possible to transfer servers either by deleting all your characters (I think this still works, might want to verify before trying) or buying a server transfer. Given how dead the guild is, it may be better to find an active EU guild. Still, if you did decide to transfer I'm sure one of the still active GAF officers would add you.
Ahhh, I thought that was the case but wasn't quite sure if I was just making that up while explaining it to a friend, glad to hear that is actually how it is!
I had a feeling someone would say that the GAF guild is US based, so I guess that confirms it >.< think I'll try my luck with an EU guild for now. Not ready to give up on trying to convince my friends and colleagues to come back just yet, and since they were mostly on Desolation as well I'll likely have an easier time persuading them if I'm still on the same server.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to me, I really appreciate it
Indeed- and Vanethyr if you do decide that and the funding for the transfer over to NA is an issue, we can help out with an in-game gold donation. But it is certainly pretty quiet these days- wouldn't blame you if you want to seek out an active guild on EU you can jump into. We'll be here if and when things pick up again if you feel like transferring in the future
Aww! Thank you so much for the thought ^ ^ as touching as the offer is, I think I'm going to see what I can find in regards to an EU guild first. I'll bear in mind that you guys are on the US server in case I change my mind later, but will no doubt see you around in the OT as I intend to frequent it going forwards
You aren't truly a Revenant until you have the glory that is Glint so if anything, you should love it even more later on

Welcome back and glad you're enjoying the game! You're one of a handful of new posters recently so perhaps if enough new blood collects the guild will become more active again. I think plenty still keep an eye on the thread at least. FFXV is dominating my gaming time but I'll definitely be back when I finish.
I just had a look at that stance on the Wiki and eeep! I need to get levelling because I want it bad! Was a bit worried I might lose interest in the class (especially since I have yet to see anyone else playing a Revenant so I wasn't sure if there was something wrong with it in the endgame) but to say that has lit the fire is an understatement xD
Thanks! It's good to be back

I'm sure there's a lot for me to catch up on but I'm having an absolute blast with it so at least it won't be a chore.
I'm delighted to hear I'm not alone in returning to the game (and to see just how densely populated it still is), so if it turns out that the US guild becomes more active as a result, or I don't get anywhere with convincing people to give the game another try, I'll seriously consider just biting the bullet on a transfer ^ ^ one of my friends and fellow GAFers decided to give the game a try last night, so I'll see how he fares with it before making a decision as well.
Hehe, I know the feeling with FFXV! I only just managed to tear myself away from it after completing it since my colleague who also bought it received a dodgy copy that won't work, so I lent him mine for the time being while the retailer sorts out his replacement. Probably worked out well in the end or I'd still be playing that instead of this!