This image is from 2014
by the way, that image is photoshoped
This image is from 2014
Lol. I'm not surprised but I know some people are sitting on fort Knox of mystic the way, that image is photoshoped
double post because
Having a stock of hardened leather squares helped a lot, never knew why it went 1g
Also holy shit. Only 2 months gap from my previous Legendary, and this was a fucking HoT grindfest Legendary!
Gratz chief!
I'm on the long slog through Itzel stuff before I can pick things back up and running. The Grindfest continues.
Does it make all the cool 'PewPew' noises one can hope for?
and cool projectiles too!
too bad the only class that really makes the most of it is thief and grenade-engineer
So I guess the update just removed wintersday and upped the shared slot limit then? no secret current events or anything?
I've been pushing into Living Story Season 3 finally, and it is such a relief that walked around and exploring solo isn't a goddamn deathwish anymore. I don't know what it was about the Maguuma zones, but the enemy design seemed to be built to dissolve your health or stunlock you to death. Things seem much more reasonable in Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay. Stuff is still lethal, but I'm not getting hit with the cheap shit anymore.
Been running around them with the crew and having a blast. Being able to strafe and bomb stuff from the glider brings me such glee.
I think it was a mistake to take the difficulty up so much for HoT. Players will always choose path of least resistance, and that is why people skip events in HoT. People cannot be bothered.
Difficult content! Yes please- But it's better confined to isolated content. I think that open world content should focus more on a convenient and pleasent experience. Silverwaste had a really good level of difficulty in a sense-
As a solo player in a dead SW map, I can pop my commander tag and herd incoming players. I pop a tag, and I stand at a fort, and a few players come. I tell them to stay there and defend. Then I go to another fort, and a few other people come. And usually- within 30-45 minutes, a map is going. Things are happening and others are popping tags and taking initiative.
You just don't see that in Verdant Brink. And Verdant Brink is fucking awesome. I never realized how good this map was until I had to map complete it, and boy is it a bitch. HoT is by some of the most difficult content I've encountered in a MMO. It's an expansion pack by its very nature where you get wrecked by a ton of things if you go at it alone.
Rememeber when Orr got a overhaul? Back at launch the mobs in Orr would pull you back, stagger, snare and immobilize you constantly. It was so frustrating to skip mobs. This is my problem with Emberstone Bay. I like it a lot less than the other two new zones, and it comes down to these annoying ass mobs.
It's my own fault really. If I just had some better anti CC skills and used weapons it would be easier, but these mobs are everywhere.
I started playing again just last night. I have just scratched the surface of HoT. Have a few questions.
1. Should I focus on HoT or do the Living World Story?
2. I had to switch to my Mesmer(leveled her up to 80 with the boost) as opposed to my Revenant cause he was getting chewed up too freaking fast in HoT.. Any suggestions on it? I was using the suggested Assasin Demonic Build that I had used in the past to level him up.. Sword/Axe and Staff.. Mesmer on the other hand has huge survivability hehehe.
3. Exp in HoT appears to be slow as fuck to get Masteries.. Is that umm normal? Ive been hitting the Pact encampments and doing most of the quests related to them.
Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I started playing again just last night. I have just scratched the surface of HoT. Have a few questions.
1. Should I focus on HoT or do the Living World Story?
2. I had to switch to my Mesmer(leveled her up to 80 with the boost) as opposed to my Revenant cause he was getting chewed up too freaking fast in HoT.. Any suggestions on it? I was using the suggested Assasin Demonic Build that I had used in the past to level him up.. Sword/Axe and Staff.. Mesmer on the other hand has huge survivability hehehe.
3. Exp in HoT appears to be slow as fuck to get Masteries.. Is that umm normal? Ive been hitting the Pact encampments and doing most of the quests related to them.
Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
You should play HoT first because Living Story season 3 is a continuance of that plot line. I'm guessing you don't have Glint unlocked for your Rev yet? You really need Glint for the Rev to shine. If you don't have it yet, try to jump in with HP trains in each HoT zone as there usually tends to be one or you can try and get one going in map chat. You get 10 HP points a pop from HoT zones so you can unlock Glint quickly that way. I believe the Dwarf would be better than Mallyx for survivability and you should then swap the staff for hammer, the only ranged weapon Rev has. HoT will get easier the more familiar you get with the zones and as you unlock the traversal masteries but especially once you have Glint.
For Experience, they actually doubled the xp from enemies from what it intially was so imagine it back then ;P BY FAR the best and fastest way to level HoT masteries is to do the Auric Basin Meta Event (Octovine). You don't even have to be there for the whole lead up, just get in on killing an octovine. Killing it will get you close to 400k experience I believe. You can also join a multi-server squad for the event which there is always one running to maximize chest collecting opportunities but I bring it up here because if you're lucky, you might kill the octovine on your server quickly enough that you can ask what server is still working on it in squad chat and then jump over to that server and help them finish off one of their octovines to double dip on the XP which is amazing. In general, doing the events but especially the meta events is the best way to get xp in HoT and Auric Basin is king in this regard. Mostly because of how short it is and easy to coordinate a server to beat it and you get a ton of loot to boot. Best place to farm in the game.
Thanks for the tips regarding the Rev.. I might just need to rethink stats on his gear etc to try and make him a bit less squishy. Although right now I am having some good fun with the Mesmer.
So Glint + Shinro you would say? Then Sword/Axe and Hammer?
In regards to HoT, yeah I guess I just need to grind out the traversal a bit to get slightly more mobility. Only have 2 in Glides atm and working on the Bouncing Mushrooms now so I can move the Main story forward.
Ive been playing every night this week and I am in the GAF guild although it appears to be barren for the most parts at night hehehe. I know like no one right now in the game LOL.. My hope is to get decent enough to finish out the stories and start doing WvW pvp again.
Double post. But I got my 20th Legendary. Wasn't planning on making this so fast but a cheap collection and unexpected Dawn drop helped move things along. Plus I saw what the options were for OG shield and HoT shield and decided I like this one better.
It doesn't even look awful with the Aegis effect on itgood thing shield on guard is not great
Back down to zero exploration gifts again, and I've exhausted all my my battle gifts I had stockpiled. So probably won't make another one for a while.
There's a character in there somewhere.
I spent quite some time gathering everything needed for Flameseeker before HoT launch in anticipation of the precursor collections, but when it released I hated it and bought the precursor from the TP instead.
I thought that would be my only Legendary but quite recently I got a sudden craving for Eternity, completely out of the blue. I just needed it for my druid for some reason, so I made it in a week or something. Bought the precursors because I still think the collections are a waste of time.
So I guess I've made four legendaries while only considering them as two, since I don't use Sunrise and Twilight.
I only have 5 and HOPE burned me out lol
I think my next project is gonna be Incinerator. I actually was planning for Juggernaut but then I saw 250 Silver Dubloons, I was like, nope.
ThanksEternity is cool, congrats!
Yeah I'm sure the new legendaries are 50 times more tedious than the launch ones to make.
Once you make one for some reason it becomes way easier to get more afterwards. My first took forever then all the ones after were pretty easy.
Yeah I'm sure the new legendaries are 50 times more tedious than the launch ones to make.
Once you make one for some reason it becomes way easier to get more afterwards. My first took forever then all the ones after were pretty easy.
Should we assign a new guild leader who will choose new officers for GAF guild, in hopes of reviving it?
I hate dragon ball