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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Isn't Abbadon dead as in dead, dead, since Kormir wouldn't even be a god (which she totally did not deserve) if he was still around.

Yeah exactly. That is why I do not believe it is related to Abbadon but I think it might be related to the Underworld.

When people on reddit started saying that is a Margonite I was against it totally because Margonites are gone along with Abbadon.

I think it is way more likely that this will lead to a new Dragon rather than an old Human God. No need to retread the same story from Nightfall.
My vote is this has something to do with the jungle dragon, who has been hinted at since release.

Scarlet trying to bring it's return about could fit a very sons of svanir like angle, giving the nightmare, at last, something equal to the pale tree in influence. IT would also help explain the dragon you see in the slyvari tutorial mission.

Well, at least until they finally get around to continuing the storyline of
the second pale tree, and the second race of slyvari hinted at in the living story.

They did mention earlier this year that the slyvari will play a big part in the next year's storylines.


Dhuum was still around despite Grenth taking his power. I could go replay the Abbadon mission again, but i don't recall if they specifically said "Gone forever!" - Either way the realm of Torment and the Margonites all still continued on.

Come to think of it, there were a lot of factions in the Underworld/Torment floating around. And whats going on with Dhuum now that Grenth is gone and all that? Lots of things available if they wanted to go that route that could tie in.

Its a small desperate hope -- and it'll probably be unrelated or something entirely new -- but I can dream.


This may sound weird, but I'd rather have new ancient threats than old ancient threats.

GW1's in the past. Let's get some new stuff. I did think "The Fall of Abbadon" sounded cool for Fractals, but Fractals are a good conduit for GW1 references.
Yeah exactly. That is why I do not believe it is related to Abbadon but I think it might be related to the Underworld.

When people on reddit started saying that is a Margonite I was against it totally because Margonites are gone along with Abbadon.

I think it is way more likely that this will lead to a new Dragon rather than an old Human God. No need to retread the same story from Nightfall.
I agree that it's likely something new or possibly related to the jungle dragon. However, Abaddon's "Death" did not spell the end of the Margonites or other Torment critters as the Domain of Anguish illustrated.
His powers and knowledge were taken by Kormir, but his identity was not necessarily destroyed, just broken. He could be resurrected or parts of him could be spread around The Mists.
I agree that it's likely something new or possibly related to the jungle dragon. However, Abaddon's "Death" did not spell the end of the Margonites or other Torment critters as the Domain of Anguish illustrated.
His powers and knowledge were taken by Kormir, but his identity was not necessarily destroyed, just broken. He could be resurrected or parts of him could be spread around The Mists.

Collected all the obelisk shards?


We've known for a long time that the concept art often doesn't match up exactly with in-game implementation.

Yes, or need I remind everyone how we thought centaurs were involved in the queen's jubilee because of that wallpaper that turned out to be just Rox.


Just watched Bog Otter's video of Mad King Says, it looks hilarious. Can't believe how many people fuck up spelling the emotes.
Carrying siege golem blueprints makes you feel like a hero sometimes. About 5-6 SBIers were trying to retake one of our towers but were totally stalled by 3-4 Embayers manning arrow carts inside until I built a golem at the nearest supply camp and strode up in my glorious machine to punch the door down for them.


(Golem) Fist of justice!

Forced myself to 500 Artificer. Been blowing gold on everything else, figured I should get it out of the way. Pretty much drained all of my Ancient Wood and Ori. So I'm done with crafting! Woo! And I hope they never take crafting above 500, or at the least they wait a couple of years.

But Ascended armor will probably come next patch. Bleh. Bleh.

Speaking of. They ever said anything about what they're going to do with Jewelcrafting? Wouldn't do me any good now, but being able to craft ascended trinkets would probably please a lot of people. They could always toss something extra into the guild mission rewards.


Neo Member
Devon Carver responded to the Collab thread in WvW

He responded to the question of auto team uping the trailing 2nd and 3rd servers when the 1st place server had a higher score than the other 2 worlds combined
This is an intriguing concept. The original idea behind WvW was that this would happen of its own accord, but I haven’t seen that in practice. I think it could be much more of a part of the game if there were a way to do this. Would it make more sense to provide increased score from this or to increase the individual rewards? I would lean slightly towards the latter. I also wonder if it would work to be really heavy handed about it and actually put the two losing servers on the same team. Of course, that presents numerous problems including score tracking at that juncture. But I would think we can find some sort of system that encourages servers to work together to defeat a bigger server.

A question of timezones
That’s certainly a different direction. My concern here would be that we put too much emphasis on a very specific time of day. It might be the case that we should try and put more emphasis on specific portions of the day, but the more focused it is, the more you encourage everyone to show up at exactly the same time, which makes the queue worse and just lessens the experience for everyone. I think there is something to the idea of PPT being higher during certain times of day, but it has sort of the opposite problem. That’s the balance we haven’t yet struck, in my opinion.

Waypoints in WvW
Waypoints are being evaluated currently. There will be changes to that aspect of WvW that we look at in the upcoming tests. Based on how that works out, we would then move any of those changes into the live game once they had been tested. We aren’t discussing the specifics just yet, until the test is live.
Fuck the clocktower. It's like a nice jumping puzzle by why put it in a format that makes you sit through waits that just add boringness and frustration to the experience. It's dumb. People like staring at gates, right? And then periodically there's a score thing for a goddamn minute. That is an agonizingly long time to stare at a gate for. I don't give a fuck about the scores, let me go jump.


Fuck the clocktower. It's like a nice jumping puzzle by why put it in a format that makes you sit through waits that just add boringness and frustration to the experience. It's dumb. People like staring at gates, right? And then periodically there's a score thing for a goddamn minute. That is an agonizingly long time to stare at a gate for. I don't give a fuck about the scores, let me go jump.

I prefered last years method.
The havoc on the first stage was part of the charm

leng jai

Halloween is an absolute disaster this year. Labyrinth is a ghost town pretty much since pretty much everyone just migrated to Kessex.


Halloween is an absolute disaster this year. Labyrinth is a ghost town pretty much since pretty much everyone just migrated to Kessex.

Labyrinth was god damned boring.
They didnt update the map, the center of it was basically useless. It was just a champ to champ zerg.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I prefered last years method.
The havoc on the first stage was part of the charm
You still had to wait between rounds. I did like the better view of people falling all around me
Halloween is an absolute disaster this year. Labyrinth is a ghost town pretty much since pretty much everyone just migrated to Kessex.
So this is what an absolute disaster looks like. Who knew
Fuckin warriors lol. We'll give them so much passive regen they can't even kill each other when they just stand still! That'll be fun and exciting to fight! WTF Anet, WTF.
Kind of misleading. Neither of those warriors are going to be killing much of anything let alone another running the same build. It's not like any two warriors that run into each other automatically results in a draw.

leng jai

What's your definition of disaster then? Every one lost interest in Halloween after 2 or 3 days because most of the content was either cut and pasted or omitted altogether. The Labyrinth was essentially the same content but vastly less profitable than last year in terms of farming. All the skins they introduced are locked behind BLCs and the recipes introduced for last year's skins require absurd amounts of grinding.

I can't think of a single thing Anet did right for Halloween this year. They've practically killed it by introducing a Scarlett reskin two weeks later.


GAF parliamentarian
I think I've seen three or four people in the Labyrinth at prime time on SBI. And since it's not enough to take down the roaming champion, people often just leave after a few deaths.

I'm just glad he loses aggro when you stealth.
Halloween is an absolute disaster this year. Labyrinth is a ghost town pretty much since pretty much everyone just migrated to Kessex.
Last year for a whole month all you had was Halloween but now we have 2 week updates and people move to new stuff always so that is why labyrinth is empty.

If you really need those achievements try and get a guild group together to go in and take them down.


The Cryptarch's Bane
My definition? Guess I never really formed one, but I've never had trouble identifying them. I'm comfortable calling hurricanes and tornadoes disasters. The healthcare.gov rollout is a pretty solid example too. Maybe if Halloween in GW2 was deleting peoples' characters or the clock tower had been altered to be two jumps with guard railing.

Your read on everyone losing interest after 2 or 3 days notwithstanding (I was still in a large group in the Labyrinth last weekend, but whatever), I had fun leveling alts in the labyrinth, had fun in lunatic inquisition, love the clocktower, like running into doors in the open world. I think LA looks great all decked out. Liked seeing people costume brawling at tequatl and getting knocked out during mad king says yesterday. All that is stuff they did right. I get that it disappointed you in every way and didn't live up to your standards but I know what constitutes a fucking disaster and "collection of fun things" doesn't meet that description just because it isn't as good as the collection of fun things last year. completely your prerogative to not consider that hyperbole but I can consider it ridiculous too.

I'm no fan of having skins obtainable through RNG by any stretch but it's not hard to understand why it happens, and the ticket scraps weren't a part of the game when they had the skins last year. It's not like you couldn't afford to just buy any of them off the TP right now if you wanted one anyway. And you'll never believe my abject shock at people moving en masse to new content when it's released. what does it even matter to you if the labyrinth is a ghost town right now if it's so much less profitable to farm than last year anyway? seems like it should be a wash from your perspective.

Honestly you make me feel guilty for just enjoying myself without complaining all the time.


Were people in the Labrynth last week even? I was overflowed the first few days of that patch when getting the achievements but got into mainflow no problem around prime time east coast last week with no one there. Anyone who showed up didn't stay long either because there wasn't enough to kill the champs. It seemed like once people had their achievements, they didn't bother going back because it wasn't that great for farming.
My thief is taking a part time job as off peak golem pilot. Traveller runes <3. Solo built one to help a small zerg punch through NSPers holding the tower right outside our Embay waypoint, ended up going on a rampage through all of Embay's keeps and their 2 north towers with it.


Saint Titanfall
I really want an expansion all this living story stuff is boring. Palawa Joko practically runs Elona, Canthan is currently ruled by an emperor that's a dictator, these are more interesting story points that can't be put into the game piece meal.
I really want an expansion all this living story stuff is boring. Palawa Joko practically runs Elona, Canthan is currently ruled by an emperor that's a dictator, these are more interesting story points that can't be put into the game piece meal.

Even if we get an expansion I do not want them to stop doing living story. During yesterday's livestream by ANET they kept saying how it is still a very small group of devs working on living story so I hope that means that the rest of the company could work on an expansion.

I wouldn't hold your breath for Cantha or Elona as first expansion if they do one. I bet they would like to expand the current map of tyria before moving to another continent. It goes against what they want to do which is to keep people playing together and not splitting them up too much.


Dunno about during the week last week. I was in main with a commander and enough people to do the Viscount last saturday though. Were there achievements you had to get in there besides killing each of the legendaries once?

Looks like 5 rangers can kill Lupi in 41 seconds

No, I have all the achievements. My necro had been stationed there as I leveled him up a bit doing the LS achievements. I needed to grab stuff out of the bank for her but ended up doing quick Daily Kills on those two doors where the mass mobs come out of. I stuck around a tiny bit longer to see everyone wipe at the viscount. There had been a group of 20ish going around and after that, pretty much everyone left. There was a tag for maybe 5 minutes.


My hype and expectations for Halloween were a little too high.

I've always been a huge fan of Halloween and Wintersday in Guild Wars ever since the first ones back in 2005. Part of me was expecting something on that level, but to be fair most of the quests were introduced over the years, not all at once. So the bareness of the GW2 Halloween was a bit of a reality check.


The Mad King seems really toned down. Mad King Says is basically 'wait to see the prompt on the left.' compared to GW. Rock, paper, scissors seems gone entirely, and I'm not sure if he does the stand up routine any more.

The Labyrinth was a really neat idea and one I enjoyed the first couple of days when people were in it. But afterwards it became absurdly frustrating to the point where trying to do it with a handful of people was probably the worst experience/content i've done in either GW.

Inquisition is really nice. I wouldn't mind if it replaced one of the other activities in the rotation. Maybe up the rewards or lower the time a little. I wouldn't mind the Clocktower either, but guessing they would want these to stay Halloween only.

One bit that does concern me is not reusing some of the old story-content. I don't know if there were any Halloween story/quest last year. I hope not. In GW the old stuff always returned with the new, and after a couple of years the holidays were pretty meaty.
The Mad King seems really toned down. Mad King Says is basically 'wait to see the prompt on the left.' compared to GW. Rock, paper, scissors seems gone entirely, and I'm not sure if he does the stand up routine any more.

He walks around LA and tells jokes just like last year.


Ah. It was hard to be sure. I've been conditioned to get in and out of LA as fast as possible. When he poofed and I couldn't find him again, I bailed out.


Fuckin warriors lol. We'll give them so much passive regen they can't even kill each other when they just stand still! That'll be fun and exciting to fight! WTF Anet, WTF.
The sad part is, they had enough condition damage through burning to kill each other, but the video maker kept wasting their adrenaline on ineffective hammer attacks.

Also, that version of the build doesn't look like it was running Berserker or Soldier's gear. The damage numbers looked way too low.

And I have half the mind to be a smart ass and look up the many past videos of Eles (not so much anymore) and Guardians (just as much still) being unable to kill each other.

What's your definition of disaster then? Every one lost interest in Halloween after 2 or 3 days because most of the content was either cut and pasted or omitted altogether. The Labyrinth was essentially the same content but vastly less profitable than last year in terms of farming. All the skins they introduced are locked behind BLCs and the recipes introduced for last year's skins require absurd amounts of grinding.

I can't think of a single thing Anet did right for Halloween this year. They've practically killed it by introducing a Scarlett reskin two weeks later.

Reaper's Rumble. That's all I wanted back this year. Not the Inquisition, but the game mode that felt better to me than playing actual DotA-likes.

They didn't do a lot of things right, but that was the only thing they did really wrong this year. The problem is really that they didn't seem to try very hard. There weren't even Halloween themed bits in WvW this year (or was that only Christmas?). They also shouldn't have put toxic stuff in WvW if they wanted to make things "more serious" by adding leagues.
People moving on to the next two week thing happened with Queen's Jubilee area too.

I wouldn't mind an expansion, but people are going to have to be aware that there will be others who will blow threw it in a weekend and complain, "This is it?" like they did with GW1 expansions and the current two-week releases.


Well, fuck.

Took my level 17 to Queensdale to do some of the lower level toxic stuff and Halloween doors. Nobody doing them. Ask in map. "no, traintraintrain." Say fuck it, go to the Labyrinth on my own. Low level warrior there killing stuff. Cool, I join in. We kill 2-3 skeletons and then surprise! the horror comes over and murders us both.

* To be fair. The horror does make for a fun "Oh shit, run!" bit of gameplay. Not sure if that was the intent, but I'll take it.
I've actually been enjoying the Halloween content quite a bit....

Me too. I've had fun zerging through the Labyrinth and playing Lunatic Inquisition. I missed most of it last year so maybe that is why.

The only thing I don't like about it is the skins being tied to BL chests but, that has nothing to do with this update specifically.


The Cryptarch's Bane
One bit that does concern me is not reusing some of the old story-content. I don't know if there were any Halloween story/quest last year. I hope not. In GW the old stuff always returned with the new, and after a couple of years the holidays were pretty meaty.
There was a scavenger hunt that was pretty neat, though I kind of like that the reward from it was a "had to be there" kind of thing. What I really miss was this little dungeon with the Mad King. It was simple but really fun, I must have run it like 30+ times.

* To be fair. The horror does make for a fun "Oh shit, run!" bit of gameplay. Not sure if that was the intent, but I'll take it.
Yeah there is absolutely no doubt that that was the intent. It is a chainsaw-wielding legendary that runs through the map at full speed.
But hey that the fuck do I know, I even thought Mad King says was cute.
I saw about a dozen people downed by "shrug" yesterday. this amused me. I just played GW2 for about 30 minutes last night... got my mask MK Says with my baby necro alt, spotted a couple obelisk shards in Mount Maelstrom and unlocked a bit of that map and Timberline on my engi. Was a perfectly nice little play session for me. I enjoy just kind of interspersing the living story stuff with "stuff I'd be doing anyway," and getting the achievements at a leisurely pace.


I saw about a dozen people downed by "shrug" yesterday. this amused me. I just played GW2 for about 30 minutes last night... got my mask MK Says with my baby necro alt, spotted a couple obelisk shards in Mount Maelstrom and unlocked a bit of that map and Timberline on my engi. Was a perfectly nice little play session for me. I enjoy just kind of interspersing the living story stuff with "stuff I'd be doing anyway," and getting the achievements at a leisurely pace.

yes and no seemed to trip up a large number of people when I did it. I had emotes off and just saw tons of say spam of no and yes.


Right now I'm still so focused on getting 100% completion, only about 61% done so far.

I saw about a dozen people downed by "shrug" yesterday. this amused me.

It's amazing how many people screw that up. I wish it was a one hit kill when you mess up Mad King says, that be hilarious.
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