While I miss the MOBA minigame, I think this year is better. I liked having some story instances to set the scene, and endcap the whole thing. I don't really miss the dungeon, because people just farmed it like crazy and got super-upset when they couldn't get their skins.
I always enjoy seeing how much fun people have with the Mad King Says, especially the new people this year who didn't do it last year.
While chilling, waiting for a champ to spawn yesterday for the Tower daily, a random Guardian walked up and sat down next to me, and we started chatting about stuff. Good guy. Sometimes I forget that not everyone that plays GW2 is a perpetually unhappy, dissatisfied, entitled, whiny, Queensdale-train-worshipping, WvW-is-all-that-matters-and-PvE-people-should-die-in-a-fire, wet blanket.
I know that the whining on the official forums constitutes a vocal minority, but sometimes it's nice to be reminded that it's okay to like the game, faults and all, and liking it doesn't mean you're somehow brain-damaged (as someone on Reddit politely told me).
But that's the nature of the beast isn't it. If you like it, you're a "sheeple apologist", no matter what. Kinda wish people who didn't enjoy playing a game, would just stop playing it.
EDIT: Sure, you can love a game and still be frustrated with it. I'm constantly frustrated by the framerate, lack of DX11, poor guild management tools, lack of proper tutorials to teach people how field effects work, how to dodge, etc, etc. There's like a million things I could find fault with - but the point is I don't spend hours and hours on the official forums calling Anet staff all sorts of names and incompetent, as if that'll magically make things better. The way some people act, it really does seem like they encounter one thing that bugs them, and thus the entire game is ruined beyond repair unless that one issue is address immediately. And it's that attitude that's really cancerous.