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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Neo Member
Another dataminer on reddit found these strings
109814_0211 Anytime players loot coins, 5%% is deposited into the guild stash. (Requires Architecture - Guild Stash)
109628_0225 %str1% rolls %num1% on a %num2%-sided die.
109628_0740 Your party has too many players to travel there. Do you wish to leave your party and travel separately?
109628_0879 Closed parties only allow members that the leader has invited to join. The leader will never receive a request to join this party, and it will not show in the party search.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Another dataminer on reddit found these strings
109814_0211 Anytime players loot coins, 5%% is deposited into the guild stash. (Requires Architecture - Guild Stash)
109628_0225 %str1% rolls %num1% on a %num2%-sided die.
109628_0740 Your party has too many players to travel there. Do you wish to leave your party and travel separately?
109628_0879 Closed parties only allow members that the leader has invited to join. The leader will never receive a request to join this party, and it will not show in the party search.
Taxes be comin' yo

It's bizarre to me that the meat-and-potatoes permanent rewards/items added with this patch weren't part of the release page... new set of armor and weapon skins, and minutiae like new sigils, recipes and runes. All are pretty interesting. But the mined skins we can't get yet are the most awesome. I guess if they follow the Braham/Rox example, they will just be in the gemstone which is fine with me... definitely feeling the dagger for my necro.


Taxes be comin' yo

It's bizarre to me that the meat-and-potatoes permanent rewards/items added with this patch weren't part of the release page... new set of armor and weapon skins, and minutiae like new sigils, recipes and runes. All are pretty interesting. But the mined skins we can't get yet are the most awesome. I guess if they follow the Braham/Rox example, they will just be in the gemstone which is fine with me... definitely feeling the dagger for my necro.

Like most or all updates, they'll be added to the release page after the fact...which they have already been added.


I'm thinking that female Heavy armor is wrong; bits of it look too much like the Medium armor and I can't believe that, even though male/female armor differs somewhat, it would be THAT different.

I wonder why guilds would want to raise money hmmmmmm?

At the very least, it's a way to set aside money for the Transfer fund or build up prizes for guild events.


I'm thinking that female Heavy armor is wrong; bits of it look too much like the Medium armor and I can't believe that, even though male/female armor differs somewhat, it would be THAT different.

At the very least, it's a way to set aside money for the Transfer fund or build up prizes for guild events.

Yea the undergarment part looks like carbon fiber and it's missing a lot of the intricacies of the male version(all the little winged figures on the shoulders, boots, and gloves).

Disappointing, but it gives me something to level(male).




Some sylvari cultural armors have been upgraded to glow as was originally intended and has been highly requested. To give the most flexibility in the armor design, the dye masks have also been altered so that players will have more control over the results of the armor glow. This currently affects Medium Tier 2 (legs will be re-addressed for glow and dye alignment) and Tier 3, Light Tier 1 (female only), and Light Tier 3. The other weights and tiers will be assessed for a similar pass to give glow or upgrade glow results when possible.


Fixed a bug preventing the PvP Daily Top Stats achievement from being advanced.
Fixed a rare crash involving the “Toxic Pollen” debuff.
Fixed a bug which prevented players below level 26 to enter the “Nightmare Unveiled” story instance.
Fixed a bug that could cause the new Kessex Hills escort event “Protect Jun Brightclaw as he resupplies Ireko Tradecamp” to restart incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that could cause the new Kessex Hills escort event “Escort Lionguard Daan to supply Overlake Haven against the Toxic Alliance“ to restart incorrectly.
Fixed a crash related to completion of the Frozen Maw event.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Sorry to those I was supposed to run TA with in a little bit, totally forgot I had plans... will probably be back on later tonight if anybody is still around!


So there were these changes:

I actually don't think that "nearest target" thing should have been affected so that might be a bug.

Weirdly, ESC (well, "start") has always worked for me to clear target.
The nearest target thing IS a bug. Make no mistake, I'm not saying it was suddenly on purpose. It seems like Champions/Legendaries/etc. had higher priority already or maybe they were added in for a different reason. But certain mobs getting on that priority queue is not what people wanted. I just didn't throw up a stink because I was sure someone threw a stink on the official forums already.

Kessex Map

Colours are slightly dark/more vibrant due to my SweetFX settings
This... is what I wanted from the Living Story (I'm going to be mad when I log in and not have the colors the same). Experiments with completely changed zones is what they need to do to lead up to changes in Orr.

I love the fact that mobs are going into the downed state and try to res each other in this update. Gives the otherwise easy combat a little more depth and makes you think about how to stomp them and/or prevent them from ressing each other. Hopefully it gets included more in the future.

Might be kind of neat if mobs tried to stomp you as well when you went down as well...

I know an ANet developer posted on reddit a long time ago how they wanted to include SMAA in the game, so hopefully this is something that will happen now.
I'm happy at any point I see PvE combat acting closer to PvP combat. I don't know why they didn't have that as a design focus other than the fact that it's harder.


Scarlet is a Jungle Dragon Champ, or she is working with a Jungle Dragon Champ!!!!

Scarlet to become a protagonist or to share a common enemy with us, 50% confirmed.


Scarlet to become a protagonist or to share a common enemy with us, 50% confirmed.

Nah. The Sylvari awaken to fight the Elder Dragons, but we've seen that they can be corrupted by the Nightmare, which itself could be the influence of an elder Dragon.

Scarlet is roaming the land, gathering up the various races to form an alliance to combat her enemies, which is exactly what Trahearne did with the Pact. Is the "Toxic Alliance" any more unbelievable than the peace between the Humans and Charr, sworn enemies for hundreds of years?

The Sylvari sprout up in times of dire need to unite the races of Tyria. Scarlet is merely the corruption of that racial destiny, and is running around getting all of these 'evil' races together in the same way Trahearne did with the 'good' ones. And whereas he's all obnoxious Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes, she's obnoxious Mrs. Manic Pixie Psycho Girl.

In other words, Scarlet is "Shehearne," Mary and Larry Sue.


GAF parliamentarian
This patch doesn't have much content (and what's there is typical zerg fare), but I like how pricey these toxic spores are on the TP. Easy money!

I also like that they're adding home instance stuff. I almost forgot we had that.


Today there were some changes to how glory and rank points are handed out at the end of a match. First off, instead of being based on personal score they are now based on win or loss. Secondly, rewards are now interpolated based on the duration of the match up to a time we have determined to be a little shorter than the typical match.

Laying the Groundwork for New Game Types
There are several reasons for these changes. The biggest reason is to lay the groundwork for new game types and map mechanics. By normalizing rewards we can be much more flexible with map layouts, game types and mechanics. Game modes will need to reward players equally without directing players to one mode or another based on perceived differences in rewards or encouraging players to play a specific way in order to maximize rewards. As an added benefit, we can also begin to be more flexible with Custom Arena settings.

Time interpolation falls into this category as well. If we introduce a mechanic that leaves the potential for the match to be over very quickly, such as regicide, we need to ensure that doesn’t lead to collaboration to farm rewards or encourage players to play this mode simply to maximize their rewards.

Team Based Rewards
The second big reason for this change is that we have seen that certain builds are much more effective at scoring points than other builds. For example, we see that typical bunker builds score lower than all other types of builds because they serve a vital role of point defense. All members of a team should share in the rewards equally. Again, this lays the foundation for new game modes. We don’t want to limit ideas for new modes because it creates one role that is potentially more or less lucrative than another role.

The numbers chosen for the rewards are based on the data we have collected. On average players who earn the most glory earn about 120 glory per match. We therefore set the minimum numbers to be on par with this number and scaled up from there. Along with this change you will see that Solo Arena and Team Arena both reward significantly more glory and rank points for winning. This is both to compensate for the queue times as well as to reward the higher risk that is taken in these areas.

As an added anti-AFK and botting measure players will need to score at least some points to get rewards. The standard AFK detection continues to be in place and players detected as AFK will receive no rewards.

Also, as before, players will continue to earn a small bonus for having the highest score personal score in each of the game stats.



Bobby Stein -

I’d like to say thanks to everyone who posted constructive and/or detailed feedback regarding the Living World story and characters in this thread. While I can’t post spoilers about future content, I would like to address some of the opinions that have been brought up. Bear in mind I may have touched upon these topics in other threads that were tied to previous releases (or mentioned within interviews on external Web sites) but I’ll put my most recent thoughts here for discussion.

Story Pacing & Continuity

There are some folks who feel that the Living World story is moving too slowly and/or that the themes and plots feel disjointed between releases. I somewhat agree with this sentiment.

We took a long time to build up the various alliances before we revealed Scarlet’s involvement. Some of this was due to factors external to the team, but some was by design. We first wanted to show changes in the open world with “teaser” content like in the Flame & Frost releases and then add the bigger content later once the teams and development pipelines were up to speed.

One of the challenges of the semi-monthly release cycle is that we’re limited in how much content we can put inside each one. This can be a good thing if the story is very focused and doesn’t have a lot of moving parts. The problem we ran into is that we needed to develop a larger cast of non-player characters to account for every playable race, and then create the content in which to put them. That sort of build up takes time and incurs an amount of long-term development debt.

The end goal was to have multiple arcs going simultaneously like on more modern television shows, but where a weekly drama might have 20 – 40 minutes of character time to get things moving, we have maybe half that (or less). So after a few releases it started to feel like there were a lot of unresolved plot threads out there and you (the player) had no way of knowing which ones would be resumed.

Perhaps a better approach would have been to start and resolve each arc before introducing another.

The upside to all of this is that we are aware of the items that we introduced but haven’t finished yet. We’re planning on resolving as much as we can by the time the Scarlet arc concludes. (Yes, there will be a conclusion.)


If memory serves me, we foreshadowed Scarlet’s existence through a comment Mai Trin made during one of the summer releases. This got some folks speculating on who she was, her part in all the attacks, etc. Scarlet debuted in August during the Queen’s Jubilee and has continued to make appearances here and there that slowly reveal her role in the overall plot.

The operative word here is “slowly” and judging from all the responses, many feel that the plot is moving ahead at a glacial pace. That Scarlet is nothing more than a cardboard cutout villain.

I will readily acknowledge that her presentation has elicited some strong reactions in the community. Some people love her. Others hate her. While that kind of polarizing view can sometimes be an asset, it brings some polarizing baggage to the conversation every time her name is brought up. Here’s where I think we could have done a better job with her.

Tone: Scarlet is crazy, but she sometimes comes off as over-the-top and madcap. While that works in a lot of scenarios, it’s not something that’s been extensively explored inside of Guild Wars 2 before. There is a reason to her madness but we haven’t revealed it yet. Perhaps it would have suited her character better to have shown that somewhere alongside her introduction. Scope had something to do with it in her debut, but honestly we knew she would be featured in multiple future releases so…

Pacing: …we made the conscious decision to pace out her character development over multiple game builds. In other words, we haven’t gotten to that part of her story yet, but since nobody outside the building has an idea of what’s to come I can understand the reactions that she’s “one-dimensional” or conveniently powerful. We’re aware of the perception and feel that future releases will have content that develops her character.


Guild Wars 2 has a dragon on the box cover. The primary motivation for players on their 80-level journey is to kill a dragon. So yeah, giant, winged beasts are a part of Tyria, they’re core to the game, and we haven’t forgotten about them. That stated, I can’t say when we’ll return to them—only that we will. There is a plan in place.

Player Agency

For many players, their feelings of “playing second fiddle” likely began with Trahearne’s introduction in the Personal Story and have persisted somewhat with the Living World releases. This is partially by design and partially due to constraints both budgetary and technical. The quote below is from a forum response I posted after launch.

“Q:What do you guys think about the incredible negative feedback you got for Trahearne?

A:Narrative Designer Scott McGough and I talked about this very topic some time ago. In short, Trahearne was intended to fill a very specific role that, in terms of both gameplay and story, the PC could not fill—an order-neutral character with extensive knowledge about Orr and the magic of undeath who could coordinate a global war effort and make the necessary plans, thus leaving the actual gameplay up to the player. Further, Trahearne’s character design was intentional in that he would be a reluctant hero who, through interacting with the player, evolved into someone who could step up to lead the Pact.

This didn’t resonate well with some players for a variety of reasons. We’re comparing external feedback with our own, since we have plans for Trahearne and other existing characters in future live updates and expansion content. We won’t spoil what we’re discussing, other than to say we’re looking at many different options for his current implementation and beyond.”

In regards to the Living World constraints, there are a few factors at play that prevent the player from speaking:

With our current tech, the PC cannot speak outside of a cinematic conversation (which were featured inside the Personal Story at ship) or contextual chatter (crippled = “My leg!”). We intend to explore possible solutions in the somewhat near future.

Our revised cinematic technology does not currently support player voice variants (i.e. 10 different PC voices).

The text of every player line has to be translated 10 times per language to account for each player race/gender combination.

The VO of every player line has to then be recorded 10 times per voiced language. (In other words, it’s freakishly expensive to voice the PC as 1 PC line in English = 10 English voiced lines + 10 German voiced lines, etc.).
That stated, the player doesn’t need VO in order to have agency in the story but we are limited in what we can track since it gets added to the player’s record, which is already large.

We have a few things planned for upcoming releases that should make the player feel like more of a driver and less of a passenger, but please remember that it takes upwards of four months for content to go from concept to completion. Nothing I say here will happen immediately due to the nature of how we build things.

Thanks much


For the first post, they should have considered doing this earlier because of all the Glory farming in the past, rather than just a build up to new game modes. Still, they could have also been too busy.

Bobby Stein -

"We may have screwed up a little. We're sorry. But we have a plan and we'll do better in the future." And, eh, the fact that they brought back Marjory is a solid step in doing things better.


They do realize you can have a silent protagonist and still make it the center of a conflict, right? Games have done this for years.

Also, while I understand they wanted to have Trahearne act as the leader of the army who could do all the logistics while you fought, yeah that could have been handled in hundreds of different ways. Not giving him the magical sword of wonder would have helped.


They do realize you can have a silent protagonist and still make it the center of a conflict, right? Games have done this for years.

They've set up an expectation with the Personal Story. Your character has a voice and stuff. They're reluctant to just blatantly ignore that.

Edit: If they do a cutscene, they want it voiced. And they don't want characters talking around or past you as it might invoke memories of Trahearne. The best option would be to have a cutscene where you can make choices without having to wait for the cutscene to end. Or have something else entirely.

For now, it looks like they're just going to have the NPCs be the protagonists and antagonists as much as possible. You do the heavy lifting, but the NPCs are not as in your face about it. The big problem with the pacing is just how long it took to introduce all of these characters, and it doesn't feel like there's enough. If they had just used the Vigil/Priory/Whispers NPCs more...


They've set up an expectation with the Personal Story. Your character has a voice and stuff. They're reluctant to just blatantly ignore that.

Edit: If they do a cutscene, they want it voiced. And they don't want characters talking around or past you as it might invoke memories of Trahearne. The best option would be to have a cutscene where you can make choices without having to wait for the cutscene to end. Or have something else entirely.

For now, it looks like they're just going to have the NPCs be the protagonists and antagonists as much as possible. You do the heavy lifting, but the NPCs are not as in your face about it. The big problem with the pacing is just how long it took to introduce all of these characters, and it doesn't feel like there's enough. If they had just used the Vigil/Priory/Whispers NPCs more...

But our characters haven't had a voice in all of the living world updates. The voice isn't the issue here, it's more that there's actually plenty of ways to make a "passive" character the driving force of a story, even if he or she isn't the one doing most of the talking. Their issue is that they don't have the budget to have player characters do a lot of talking. That's fine! It's ok to have NPC's do all the talking, but your character can still personally drive the action. Games have done this since the beginning.


Love the Sylvari changes. The medium T3 look is just incredible.

The new skins were disappointment. Male stuff looks okay. Female is just predictable at this point. Oh well.

But our characters haven't had a voice in all of the living world updates. The voice isn't the issue here, it's more that there's actually plenty of ways to make a "passive" character the driving force of a story, even if he or she isn't the one doing most of the talking. Their issue is that they don't have the budget to have player characters do a lot of talking. That's fine! It's ok to have NPC's do all the talking, but your character can still personally drive the action. Games have done this since the beginning.

GW1 did it. There were NPCs to help drive the plot, but everything still went through the player. In GW2, its all Destiny's Edge and Trahearne. Just seemed like one big case of Writer-on-board to me, but I've not given it much thought.


Bobby Stein -

So. They stuffed it, and contiune to plan to keep it stuffed, cause they dont know how to do it better?


But when your characters are worse then something out of warcraft, your story telling takes 10 steps back for the mmo genre, then you cant just 'ride it out'.

Traherne wasnt broken cause he was set up as the hero, his character was missing all character. "Reluctant hero"? Reluctant carboard cut out with no emotion, terrible writing and awful plot points.

You have decent writers at ANET, but none of them seem to be involved in writing the major stuff, theyre. Fire the people at the top and put people competent in.


Also, they want to bring Trahearne back. I find this amusing.

To make a player feel agency, you have to give them a reason to play. The reason Trahearne didn't resonate is because it felt like we were fulfilling his quest, not our own. Nothing said that we had a reason to fight the dragons other than the fact that they were maybe not so nice. Weirdly, they pulled it off with the Order quests, as the "guide" character was actually very supportive without taking the lead. They felt like a sidekick, and appropriately became very popular.

They are adding in characters with arcs and that's good stuff, but at the end of the day, players want it to be about them. You have to give the player a story reason to fight.

Finally, it wouldn't surprise me if they rush through Scarlet's arc. From what he said in an earlier post, they realize they need to speed up this arc quickly.


But our characters haven't had a voice in all of the living world updates. The voice isn't the issue here, it's more that there's actually plenty of ways to make a "passive" character the driving force of a story, even if he or she isn't the one doing most of the talking. Their issue is that they don't have the budget to have player characters do a lot of talking. That's fine! It's ok to have NPC's do all the talking, but your character can still personally drive the action. Games have done this since the beginning.

I'm not saying that there aren't ways to make a silent protagonist the force of the story. My comment was more that the systems they have in place to give you agency aren't great. So they're using the NPCs to skip over us while writing them to be less obnoxious about it like they did with Trahearne.

Either they need to alter their current storytelling systems and methods, or they need to throw them out completely and insert a new system for the future.


This patch doesn't have much content (and what's there is typical zerg fare), but I like how pricey these toxic spores are on the TP. Easy money!

I also like that they're adding home instance stuff. I almost forgot we had that.

yeah, felt a little underwhelmed too. but the new stuff sure does look cool.

leng jai

The patch is definitely disappointing - it's like a 10 minute instance followed by another boring champ zerg. The name Zerg Wars 2 is becoming more apt with each update. Hopefully it'll improve in two weeks.

On the plus side the Dreamthistle skins are mostly great. The less said about the gem store armours the better...


5 mintues of a story instance... without story in it really.

Rest of the patch? A grind for.... something. Im still not sure, just followed the zerg for abit and picked some flowers.

If you cant make content in 2 weeks, stop trying.

Does every event and patch have to be a new grind? Is that all you are capabable of 'creating'? New currencies and things to grind every 2 weeks! Woooo!

I like how characters randomly pop up.

Pavillion? Norn guy and cat girl! This? Whatsherface and whosits!

And the dialogue and voice acting is so bad...
To people that are interested in lore, I saw something interesting in-game yesterday and it kinda made me join the Mergonite theory/resurrecting Abbadon.

In south part of Kessex at the portal that takes you to Caledon there will be an escort mission where you escort 5 Tengu to the Tengu camp at the southern part of viathan lake.

When I did this Underworld portals (green ones like the ones at SB) showed up and Toxic Sylvari members came out of them.

Saw this only at that escort, nowhere else is kessex.

Sometimes the escort is of lion guard which you have to take to the tower east near the destroyers but toxic alliance do not use portals when they show up.

Would scarlet really be trying to go to the realm of torment to bring Abbadon back of atleast use his power for her gain?

Once you find all obelisk shards,
the npc that told you to collect them tells you that they are very similar to bloodstones which were used to seal magic!


leng jai

I love how they take the time to update icons for trivial shit like worn rags and experience scrolls but somehow Infinite Light is still rocking the default sword one.


Hey at least two of your skills don't trigger your own conditions when they hit you.

(I just discovered earlier the hard way that using certain skills as an Ele with a condition triggering glyph active hits ME with the condition. well played anet, well played.)

(and after some googling, this bug has been present for something like 8+ months)
I still think that overall ANet has done a really good work with GW2.

The problem here is that GW1, in my opinion, was SO good, comparing with the rest MMO out there, that GW2 is yet to reach the same quality.

IMO the only real changes need are:

Combat revision - Need more and different skills (example: each weapon, not just weapon type, having a different set of skills), Cross profession OR something in the likes of it!

Personal Story - The writing lacks in comparison to GW1 AND the lack of waypoints (like mission outposts, etc). In GW1 I knew exactly which were the missions. In GW2 they are all the same to me.


Just so it's not all negativity, there have been good things in the writing in the personal story. I think we all have high standards for the story because the world they've created is extremely interesting. It's one of the best fantasy worlds I've ever seen.

I think that's why it's been disappointing, just because we want to see more done with that potential.

The return of Abbadon is interesting. I still think the should have focused on a Dragon over Abbadon, given that Abbadon is somewhat of a retread. However, I don't want to be hypocritcal: I've been asking for a larger threat to be introduced, and Abbadon would fit the bill. We'll see how they handle it and if the plotlines converge. I want to see them do well.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm having a lot of trouble understanding why anyone legitimately suspects Abbadon has anything to do with this. I certainly do not think it should be treated as confirmed :-/

Isn't the thing standing behind Scarlet likely just a Krait/Nightmare boss? It seemed to me like the Mini Toxic Hybrid (chat code [&AgHtvgAA]) seemed to unambiguously be that thing from the icon, and I can't imagine "toxic hybrid" meaning all that much more than that. But try the chat code out, maybe they aren't as close as I thought.
Man, this update looks so great.

I had a blast doing the first (instanced) leg of the story last night with my little Asura Spirit Weapons build guardian - so much fun!

The main problem is that I'm so knackered at the moment from a combination of work and meds that I don't have enough energy to play much at the moment. It's so disappointing to get to 10pm and realise I just need to go to bed and pass out.

I've basically decided that the only way to deal with the alt problem is to buy enough slots next time there's a sale so that I can have two of each class which means another four slots.
The return of Abbadon is interesting. I still think the should have focused on a Dragon over Abbadon, given that Abbadon is somewhat of a retread. However, I don't want to be hypocritcal: I've been asking for a larger threat to be introduced, and Abbadon would fit the bill. We'll see how they handle it and if the plotlines converge. I want to see them do well.

I do not think Abbadon will be coming back but I think Scarlet is somehow using magic from the Underworld to make her hybrids.


I still think that overall ANet has done a really good work with GW2.

The problem here is that GW1, in my opinion, was SO good, comparing with the rest MMO out there, that GW2 is yet to reach the same quality.


I'm having a lot of trouble understanding why anyone legitimately suspects Abbadon has anything to do with this. I certainly do not think it should be treated as confirmed :-/
Its still just theory, but it would be rather neat. Maybe Abbadon is responsible for the whole Nightmare to begin with. Corrupting people was his modus operandi, and there is a whole lot of corrupting going on. It would also be another - like maybe the first? - real link with the first game's lore.

Hell, maybe he comes back and he's a total bro and powers us all up with CrazyJuice, like Scarlet, and we go kill off all the elder dragons so we can finally move on to some interesting villains.

I've basically decided that the only way to deal with the alt problem is to buy enough slots next time there's a sale so that I can have two of each class which means another four slots.
Right now I am tempted to buy 7 more slots and just make a Sylvari everything. That cultural armor is just too good.


I'm having a lot of trouble understanding why anyone legitimately suspects Abbadon has anything to do with this. I certainly do not think it should be treated as confirmed :-/

Isn't the thing standing behind Scarlet likely just a Krait/Nightmare boss? It seemed to me like the Mini Toxic Hybrid (chat code [&AgHtvgAA]) seemed to unambiguously be that thing from the icon, and I can't imagine "toxic hybrid" meaning all that much more than that. But try the chat code out, maybe they aren't as close as I thought.

Well, absolutely nothing is confirmed. But neither Krait or the Nightmare Court have six eyes, so that's weird.

It could very well be the Toxic Hybrid. We've known for a long time that the concept art often doesn't match up exactly with in-game implementation.
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