Finally, I'm done with the sPvP in GW2 for the coming months (or years, depends how much time they take to fix it). After ~2k hours spent in the mists, 3011 tourny game played and I just reached R50, was in the top 100s solo and team ladders, before the reset and mmr rework, and I just cannot be more sure of the fact that Anet gives exactly Z-E-R-O f*cks about the sPvP mode. It's just insulting.
Spent thousands of hours playing it to this point, and when I finally reached it (legitimately, only through tournaments/rated games, with little to no hotjoin/custom games, don't talk about farming them), I cannot get my f*cking reward - the light champion's(winged) armor set, because it's a ridicules mystic toilet recipe (i.e. i have to spend a fraction of my tons of useless glory for chest, from which to get tons of repeatable and useless items, that I have to salvage in the hopes of receiving the needed material - bear token, as for the other arcane powders, orbs, slivers etc - I have f*cking dedicated TWO of my bank TABS to them).
I knew about the state of the game since I reached r30, like a year ago, but I guess it took me way too long to go from r40 to r50, that and all the recent pve/wvw improvements just made me forget/blinded me about the pisspoor condition of the sPvP, which haven't changed much from the very first CLOSED media sneakpeak preview of the game back in feb 2012...
I mean, seriously? Almost two years now, and we are still looking at the very same, ridicules glory/chest/reward system we have now. I can dig out some press preview videos from back then, if someone is doubting how pathetic this looks. Ok, to be fair, back then every vendor offered the exact armors for said rank, which in the second public beta test were replaced by these f*cking chests, because players "love to open chests", remember? Well, half my inventories in all my characters are full of stacks and stacks of chests, and atm they even "reward" us with TWO reward chests, and we all know of players with milions of glory, tons and tons of arcane stuff and reward chests. We need some chests, to store our award chests in.
Unfortunate, rewarding isn't the only problem here. We are talking about essential things/systems, that have to be TOP PRIORITY, like matchmaking, spectating (a tournament/rated plays, who actually spectates a bunch of randoms farming hotjoin?), ladders, punishments just missing or not working properly/at all.
Matchmaking and ladders were released back in march, and half an year later, after all the "pointing out" from the community about the flawed systems, Anet just now realized and admitted that there is something wrong in MMRs/ladders and started to applying fixes/resets.
Also the so called dishonorable system (which worked perfectly in GW1, have no idea why they don't want to reuse it and instead they are trying to reinvent the wheel) is so messed up, it's not even funny. At the moment you need to afk for 3 minutes in a rated match to get ONE dishonorable stack for 72 hours. Leaving a match will give you one stack for 72 hours as well. So what? You need FIVE such stacks to get banned of rated play for the (wait for it...) remaining duration of your FIRST stack! Basically , if you want to be jerk, every 2 days you can ruin up to 4 matches and don't even get remotely close to being punished about it. And there is no way of reporting players/teammates for being afk, leeching, trolling the match, leaving etc, it's all up to this useless system. It's beyond me, why they just don't use the GW1 system(or something similar to it).
The other big, big issue for the past half an year is the complete lack of balance and the stupid condi meta, that noone asked about, noone wants it, yet it still in the game, almost untouched... Same goes for all the petting zoo, and passive >>> active playstyles, that may not get changed "soon", if ever. For example, I love how an ele player have to be like playing on a piano only to stay alive, while a 5-signet warrior can just spam earthshakers every few seconds and will do much, much better for his team, then the ele. Or how a ranger have to get a bunch of spirits, dumping all his utilities, because they are all lacking... Or (maybe my favorite) - that it took almost a year after release for warriors to be even playable in sPvP, and now how they are all almighty powerful.
It's just pathetic how they used to say things like "we don't want to do knee-jerk balance overhauls every couple of patches, we prefer periodically applying small changes and touches" (u can find quotes like that in almost every state of the game video), and now - out of the sudden, they are all about pushing bigass changes every 2 months or so. Even doing a balance preview thread, just shortly after the last balance patch... like, seriously?!
I can continue on and on and on about all the problems surrounding this part of the game, like the loading stuck bug that comes from time to time, or like "why the hell, do we have a loading screen in the middle of our #esport game, while the guy spectating gloryfarmers doesn't?!" and other ridiculous and really annoying things, but then I'll be wasting my (and yours) time way too much now.
Long rant again... but I just can't help it. :/