Well that's neat.Introduced further server-side optimizations, with significant improvements during heavy combat scenarios.
Bobby Stein said:The biggest reason why we introduced new characters for Living World story content was because we weren’t able to separate the Personal Story and Living World timelines and characters. So while we could have used iconics or existing characters more liberally in the Living World releases, we couldn’t put them through any meaningful changes because it could potentially break continuity elsewhere.
If you create a character that has no dependencies to existing content then you have a lot fewer restrictions in how you use them. The good news is that we’re taking steps to address this very concern and we’ll be sharing more details on our solution in the coming months.
Guild Wars 2>News>Available Now: Kasmeers Staff, Marjorys Weapons, and More!
The fight against the Toxic Alliance is a joint effort. The bravest heroes, the Lionguard, members of the interracial Orders were all in this together. But perhaps nobody is fighting the Nightmare with quite as much flair and panache as Marjory Delaqua and Lady Kasmeer Meade. Read on to learn about acquiring their weapons for your very own, picking up new Account-bound harvesting tools, and more!
NewKasmeer's Staff
Slay your foes with dignity, poise, and a little trail of glowing feathers! This staff shines during battle and collapses to a nice, portable size while out of combat.
NewMarjory's Weapons
Marjory Delaquas glowing axe and ghostly snake daggers are every bit as deadly as they are eerie!
New Permanent Sanctified Finisher
Summon a blazing light and bright angel wings to let your vanquished foes know just how righteous your skills are.
Permanent Harvesting Tool Changes
Were changing the way that the Black Lion Trading Companys permanent harvesting tools work! Moving forward, all permanent harvesting tools we sell will be account-bound, for a small price increase, from the get-go. Already bought a permanent tool thats soul-bound? Talk to a Black Lion Weapons Specialist today to trade in your old, soul-bound tools in exchange for new, account-bound tools!
To kick this initiative off, were making the account-bound Jack-in-the-Box Scythe and Bone Pick available for one week only at their new price!
Oh snap, they're actually doing a server progress bar for this. Completions push to defeating the tower rather than just waiting the two weeks.
Wait, are you serious? I literally asked for this exact concept to be implemented into the Living Story.
I just hope this doesn't mean the tower is beaten in the first two days and people who play on weekends never get to see it?
The fractal update is next time's:This update sounds interesting, and I feel sad that I've chosen now to take an extended break. It feels like these past two updates have been solid in terms of living story content.
Kos said he would lead one at 8PM, we will get us all into a overflow and run the show.Edit: When are we doing a GAF run of the tower?
No clue how it'll work, but I'll bet all my gold it lasts longer than thatI just hope this doesn't mean the tower is beaten in the first two days and people who play on weekends never get to see it?
Not that I expect this to happen on my server. FA is remarkably horrible at PvE content.
I'd think they'd design it to be a bit longer than that.
The fractal update is next time's:
I'll try and get my Mumble working by then.Kos said he would lead one at 8PM, we will get us all into a overflow and run the show.
I think it was the second or third week from launch, but I see your point. But ANet has metrics from other stuff like the voting during the summer, and the number of private instances grinded for gold before like the Queen's Gauntlet and the pirate plundering stuff. No telling if people will be more motivated than they were back then. And in the worst case, they can change some numbers behind the scenes if the bar is going down too quickly.Of course - but I also know players love to break systems, or grind like crazy to be 'world first'. Legendary weapons were supposed to take months if not more to get, and someone had one in the first week of launch?
Precursor/Legendary Weapon crafting datamined and have chat codes!
Other cool things about the tower are how you can port to whichever level you want once you've unlocked them, at least a couple secrets like out of the way chests, and some neat throwaway dialogue interactions like between Marjory and Braham in one of the chambers.
The final boss and the design of the instance are quite cool as well, but I think he himself is bugged or so. He doesn't seem to do any damage, and I believe I'm speaking literally here... I tried just taking one of his attacks to the face and I got knocked back but seemingly lost 0 hp. So it's no challenge, which is a real shame because it's an awesome-looking fight.
Join us at 8:00 PM EST tonight to storm the tower with GAF in an overflow of our choice!
We'll start at the bottom and make sure everybody gets on up to the top! Along the way, we will stop for any Events or Champions we come across (and res hapless people lying on the floor). We will not be stopping to do any Nightmare Chambers as these would break up the group. They are fun in a party but can even be done solo, so save them for another time.
If it's incredibly easy solo then magnify it by five for a full party. It seemed that broken to me.Yea I found that too. Someone said the encounters scale pretty heavily, so perhaps it's just incredibly easy solo.
Great for players leveling in here, btw. Not that it's the best way to learn the game or anything but for players leveling looking for a challenge like I was it will be fun to reach those.I also like the sense of progression, reaching each new teleport golem.
I don't quite understand the appeal of account bound picks, especially for 1000 gems. Isn't the convenience factor cancelled out by the factor that you have to manually put it in the bank and equip it every time you switch character? I would if it was automatically switched to whatever toon you were playing that would make sense.
I still haven't understood what's the point of the mini instances we find throughout the tower?
I guess it's good for people who think they're going to stop playing a character (for a while) they bought picks on.
I had them on the mesmer and when I thought I was going to be playing full-time thief instead, I ended up buying 2 sets.
Please do submit a ticket. We want to take care of you and everyone else who might be in this same situation. If you submit the ticket and we verify that you meet the qualifications, simply follow the instructions in the support response and well be happy to refund your gems!
I just ask this: This request is going to be pretty popular, so please allow a bit of extra time for the team to get to your ticket. Were on it, and we will help! Thanks.
So we can kill Trahearne
I still haven't understood what's the point of the mini instances we find throughout the tower?
Why do humans even exist??
In the time it took me to read this message somebody else got you >Haven't played this in forever yet I never uninstalled it.
Just checked to see if any of you invite abled citizens were online...sadly you are not. When ever someone can, I would like an invite to the fine establishment that is GAF. I promise witty guild chat banter.
Arena ID: Keo.9038
In the time it took me to read this message somebody else got you >![]()
The game tempts me a lot, and I've been told that it's great.Damn lookit that store! And I just bought Blood Dragon for 7.50 damnit.
Guild Wars 2 for $30 is a joke, don't pass it up if you're out there!
This isn't worth $5, right? I think I'll save them and go with the regular edition that's on Humble Store.Heroic gets you some extras over standard. Couple fairly useless consumables, a Rytlock mini pet, a rather nifty Elite skill that's good for leveling, an 18 slot bag, and your choice of one of the GW1 armor skins.
This isn't worth $5, right? I think I'll save them and go with the regular edition that's on Humble Store.
Thanks for the fun times everyone. I've uninstalled. I'm not able to go on in this game. Nothing personal to anyone, but my life requires changes, and this game can't be a part of that.