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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Glad to know I wasn't the only one who had Spore Creature Creator flashbacks from landmark.

That's the problem with emergent/player built content, there's a risk there that if you let people build the world, it won't be nearly as compelling. But therein lies it's secret opportunity as well: It's almost more for fans of Minecraft than it is for fans of Everquest. Much of what I have seen (and let's all agree, we haven't seen much) looks like if you took the elements that made minecraft such a killer success improved upon it. In many ways, I've been looking at it like a Minecraft 2, even though I know that it's definitely not. But what I mean is that it can attract that Minecraft audience who fell in love with that type of gameplay by offering a meatier, more story/community built experience.

It's certainly new stuff. And with new stuff comes caveats. Too much freedom in a world is overwhelming, and can ultimately become boring. This is why I've never minded instanced content all that much, because, if done well, it can be tight. My advice to the Everquest team would be to try not even think about MMO tropes and just make something awesome, which it does look like they're doing. If they can accomplish that, it'll thrive in that ecosystem. If they bank too hard on Everquest MMO nostalgia, people are going to get turned off when they realize it's not that.

I'm excited to see what Anet has in store for the future. It seems like they've been turning a massive ship; changing course from where they originally started. This isn't to say that they are disappointed with what they put out, but rather that they're approaching it in a highly iterative way. I really hope they get into more experimental content as we move forward, such as making massive changes to zones and dungeons, and wiping out content entirely, such as cleansing Orr or perhaps changing threats and adding new enemies. Imagine an arc where we gear up for a very large battle against the Centaur, and end up actually defeating one of the three tribes? That'd change the very nature of the war, and even those northern zones. I'm interested in that kind of stuff, although I understand that they'd have to change a lot of early game content to accommodate that. Either way, I want to see what they do with the new Living Story UI, because the living story is massively interesting to me, but I feel (and know) we've only seen a bit of the potential.

The reason I bring this up though, is that it's going to take the living story to keep GW alive when a lot of the next generation of MMO's start hitting. The fate of Wildstar is dubious; I think it's far too rooted in old school mechanics to hit anything other than a niche audience. I could be wrong, but we'll have to see. Everquest Next seems to have made a huge impact, so that's going to be a constant concern for them in the future, although I believe the games can co-exist as long as GW2 finds ways to stay relevant.

While we still haven't seen much, I have to say that I still find GW2 immensely more appealing in the style department. I applaud SOE for going with a cartoony route, I know it's not for everyone, but it has tremendous lasting power. But the lore, art, and overall style of GW2 seems so vastly unique in the fantasy realm, and that's a huge reason I was attracted to it. I don't know much about Everquest, but the whole series always gave me a 1980's fantasy book cover feel, and I've never been big on that. Never been a fan of elves and orcs. Sure, GW2 has all the tropes: Charr are beastmen/ogres, Asura are dwarves, and Sylvari are elves, but all are so fundamentally unique that the elements that tie them to their tropes are nearly non-existant at this point. Arena Net just has an interesting take on fantasy that I'm quite partial to. Even in GW1, I thought it was interesting that the starting zone started out as relatively standard fantasy fare, but after the searing it became this near-post apocalyptic wasteland with an extremely alien feeling. It's something about the fact that it's one degree off-kilter that makes it so much more appealing. The artists and writers definitely worked hard to make everything feel pretty unique, despite having work in a fantasy setting.


Maybe I'm a sucker for compliments but I love shit like this.

Taking down the gate in CoF 1


Sorry if it seems to arrogant to post, but the reaction was just too good.

"Thieves suck ass at it"

Am I really that slow?

Edit: In regards to the whole character show off thing, this is one of the cooler pictures I got in this game, as per request:


Leaving it as a link because it's in .bmp and it's 7MB in .bmp.


I have the worst luck with spawns in T4 of the Candidate Trials. I'm watching this video of a mesmer who did T4 a couple days ago and all the spawns she gets conveniently hang around the treasure area for the entire thing. Any she aggros leash right away and then run straight back to treasure.

Me? When one aggros, half a dozen come and take forever to leash. When they finally do, they just hang around the spawn area instead of going back to the treasure.

i have the same thing too. I just gave up on t4


Anyone from our guild going to gamescom or pax prime?

Wish I could but can't take time off.

ANET will announce expansion at one of these shows.

Yeah I'm going to Gamescom. If there is something there I'll be sure to let you guys know all about it.

Hmm haven't logged in for about a month now. Missing my WvW reset nights but I just haven't been able to make it. Jury service on a murder trial was pretty draining :(


You have a thief?

(No...usually if there's a thief in the party I don't even offer for the gate...unsure what types of thieves he's partied with).

I have an idea. It reminds me of this one time we pugged the run and the thief was a death blossom spammer. He kept downing and rage quit the group but this was before the time the majority of GAF started skipping the crystals and focusing solely on the end boss.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Er, I can easily do the gate controller in under 5 seconds. Unless something goes wrong 5 seconds is probably the longest it would take
I have an idea. It reminds me of this one time we pugged the run and the thief was a death blossom spammer. He kept downing and rage quit the group but this was before the time the majority of GAF started skipping the crystals and focusing solely on the end boss.
That was AMAZING

If I'm not mistaken, post-rage-quit we got Ivogar to fill and beat the boss in one take with no one going down.
Glad to know I wasn't the only one who had Spore Creature Creator flashbacks from landmark.

That's the problem with emergent/player built content, there's a risk there that if you let people build the world, it won't be nearly as compelling.

That's absolutely true. Player created worlds are fine in stuff like Minecraft and Little Big Planet, where one player has directorial control over the entire "level". In games like Terraria and Starbound, I feel the best places will be those with a core of players having creation privileges and such. But in an MMO? When a lot of players can create whatever they want, the result is, in the best case, something without directorial intent, and in the worst case, a jumbled incoherent mess (see Second Life). Lots of people love Second Life, but I simply can't get invested in a world that not so much asks for suspension of disbelief, rather than hasn't heard of "belief" in the first place.

For the record, though, Spore's problems were many and way beyond these; player generated content was the least of its worries (there was, in fact, tons of amazing stuff made by players) so much as that the underlying game was ridiculously simple and mediocre. Over half of all the stuff you were supposed to be able to do was unceremoniously axed during development. Of course, it's ridiculously draconian DRM didn't exactly help matters...


This is what you get for me watching two episodes of Mad Men instead of posting on GAF; Mega Posts.

Blame Hythloday, it was her idea.

I just saw a way to poke at you a bit since you were poking at excitement for EQN, which I'm apart of to an extent. ;p

There's always a lot of excessive hype for new games from all types of people. It's harmless.

It's not so much excitement for EQN specificaly as it is MMO hype in general. I'm looking forward to what SOE can do, as I have three gaming itches; customization, creation and exploration. If EQN can deliver, it would take care of all three in a big way. Ask anyone how many hours I sunk into Terraria, or how much I plan to sink into Starbound, or how many times I've let EA sucker me into buying a Sims expansion... EQN is a big deal. If it delivers.

But the genre is littered with over-hyped MMOs that fell short, from Warhammer (especially Warhammer) to Vanguard to Tabula Rasa and everything in between. Just mention the name "Paul Barnett" around anyone who followed Warhammer Online to get an idea what I mean. Or Brad McQuaid's drug-induced forum posts at 4am on the Sigil forums, promising the sun, moon and stars. There's a reason Vanguard is remembered fondly by those who played it; the foundation was there, the brilliant just under the surface... but SOE rushed it (to be fair, after Microsoft abandoned it) and nobody kept McQuaid on a leash (Great idea man, terrible designer). Remember that Vanguard was once touted as "The Next Everquest" too.

Personally, I'm a bit older (the last MMO before GW2 I was excited about was Vanguard, 7 years ago) and (at least in theory) wiser. I'll get excited when there's something to get excited about, not just a lot of promises, concept art and hype.

TLDR: Old Man refuses to yell at clouds until he sees some rain.

Blah, I want to play so bad... I hate going out of town for weddings :p.

I've been to one 'real' wedding (I'm not counting my own, since it was a Clerk of the Peace with just a few family members). I learned two things. First, weddings suck. You sit in a room full of strangers, eat terrible food and suffer insufferable old traditions and awkward new ones in what amounts to a "look at us, we're the center of the universe' party. I know, I'm such a romantic.

Second, Lesbians can fuckin' DANCE. I'm not joking, the couple at the wedding I went to were bustin' a move.

whoevers voting for kiel damn you damn you to hell

I kind of want to see what happened in Metrica. We have a rough idea what happened with Abbadon already, I'm sure there's some mystery there worth seeing. But the Reactor explosion is recent and if they're looking at a Fractal for it, it means it was probably something much more dangerous than the Inquest mucking around. That whole region is saturated with mystery; where is the second Pale tree, and are there any more? What happened to the Bloodstone? What happened to the White Mantle who supposedly dominated the region?

I'm sure Abbadon's thing is big too, but it feels like such ancient history (and disconnected from GW2's focus on the Dragons, who are actually more omnipotent than the Gods), I think I'd rather see Kiel's stuff first.

Oh god, tell me about it.

Spore was like a Perfect Storm of gaming fuckups. You had the DRM complaints mix with the overhype from the Creature Creator selling people on the rest of a game that paled in comparison mixed with EA's general bungling. I don't know how it could get any worse without involving Microsoft... or the NSA... or both.

Sorry if it seems to arrogant to post, but the reaction was just too good.

No, that's flat-out awesome. You showed up people who had bought into the overblown community bullshit with actions instead of words. Sometimes I wish GW2 didn't have an official forum; at least back before launch we could blame it all on Guru being Guru. If the Official Forums are abuzz with something, no matter how stupid, it still has that air of officiality because of where it's being discussed. As if because the GW2 Official Forums think it, it clearly must be the opinion of GW2 players.

Hawkian, that's your cue to link to that awesome post about the vocal minority, by the way.

That's the problem with emergent/player built content, there's a risk there that if you let people build the world, it won't be nearly as compelling.

That and a whole lot of out-of-place, immersion breaking trolling from the community. Say hello to your first Testicle, EQN Community;
Let it never be said that SOE doesn't have big balls

I'm excited to see what Anet has in store for the future.

Colin cannot write anything without trolling the community in really subtle ways. I'm not trying to lord 'inside information' over anyone's head, but some of us (and not just officers) know a little about what's coming... and more importantly, the elephant in the room that knowledge makes visible.

The reason I bring this up though, is that it's going to take the living story to keep GW alive when a lot of the next generation of MMO's start hitting. The fate of Wildstar is dubious; I think it's far too rooted in old school mechanics to hit anything other than a niche audience. I could be wrong, but we'll have to see. Everquest Next seems to have made a huge impact, so that's going to be a constant concern for them in the future, although I believe the games can co-exist as long as GW2 finds ways to stay relevant.

Wildstar is DOA if it's sub-based, likewise for TESO (A game both MMO and TES fans never wanted or asked for). Wildstar has absolutely zero hype outside of tiny communities, and despite their bold claims that they're bringing back old WoW-style gameplay, I'm not sure people actually want that (or understand what they're saying when they claim they do).

EQN and GW2 are pretty much the only MMOs worth talking about on the market, especially now that Titan is 5 guys in a broom closet throwing buzzwords at a dartboard (my guess; they caught wind of EQN and knew they were boned). I'm excited for the future of the latter and going to watch the former very carefully.

EQN doesn't let you create what you want and add it to the game.

From what I've read, unless you're on a 'locked' server, you can go out and buy a chunk of land and put anything you want on it. That's the reason there's a fuss; people can literally dig anywhere, build anything. That means anything.


From what I've read, unless you're on a 'locked' server, you can go out and buy a chunk of land and put anything you want on it. That's the reason there's a fuss; people can literally dig anywhere, build anything. That means anything.

Building a dickcastle on day 1.

Day. One.

Edit: I saw someone at Melandru with the Magitech pants. I didn't realize it was just a skirt and boot/legging things. And it turns out it clips horribly right into my thief's legs. On a human! Come on. ;_;


People are really confusing Landmark and EQN. One is Minecraft, one is a sandbox MMO. Things you build in Landmark you can sell on a marketplace for others to buy and place in their plots. None of that has anything to do with EQN. The only cross over is that SOE want to use the best content made for Landmark and integrate it into EQN.


People are really confusing Landmark and EQN. One is Minecraft, one is a sandbox MMO. Things you build in Landmark you can sell on a marketplace for others to buy and place in their plots. None of that has anything to do with EQN. The only cross over is that SOE want to use the best content made for Landmark and integrate it into EQN.

This. EQN and EQN Landmark are two different games.

And my guess is they'll only bring over things that are lore friendly and fit the world.


I know that Landmark is different than EQ. My concerns with EQ are less with people making dicks, and more that the emergent content could be less tightly designed than structured content. But really the point is that SOE needs to be clever in marketing it: it feels like it could actually appeal more to a minecraft crowd than an MMO crowd, and that goes for both Landmark AND EQ.

But this is all being said on top of immense excitement. It's just keeping my expectations in check.


Done. Although, admittedly, only one of them is on Minus. Are steam links hard to see? I don't really know myself.

Also, I totally forgot about TESO. Maybe that's telling.

Oh, it's kind of a habit of looking at the first link, seeing it was a download and then walking off. I hadn't even looked at the other links under the assumption they were the same.

Edit: I saw someone at Melandru with the Magitech pants. I didn't realize it was just a skirt and boot/legging things. And it turns out it clips horribly right into my thief's legs. On a human! Come on. ;_;

What part of it clips?


A huge LOL at the amount of butthurt in the SOE Live thread now that they've said they won't be using the Holy Trinity. I'm bailing on that one though, the most efficient lubricant for loosening your grip on your GAF Account is popcorn butter.

People are really confusing Landmark and EQN. One is Minecraft, one is a sandbox MMO. Things you build in Landmark you can sell on a marketplace for others to buy and place in their plots. None of that has anything to do with EQN. The only cross over is that SOE want to use the best content made for Landmark and integrate it into EQN.

That actually makes EQN less interesting; I was hoping it would be an open sandbox where players build fortifications, destroy enemy camps, break into dungeons by digging a back door, player-built downs. If it's just a prettier version of Minecraft with a chance for somebody to use the things I produce, that's... much less interesting.

Nope, they're one of the few things not account bound. It's essentially 1.3 to 1.7 gold pieces per five laurels.

Weird, I dunno where I heard this then. Must have imagined it.
Yeah, I haven't used the GS much since the changes to Maul and counterattack. I should slap it on and try it out again. Longbow is seeing more love in a lot of places recently, but NO ONE should play Ranger with the intent of being the "bow class". I think pets are versatile enough with some effort but yeah, spirits are a bit limited.

I often see the suggestion to pair sword with warhorn, but I can't switch from sword/axe. I loved axe and warhorn offhands before but a4 and wh5 were both buffed (even a5 provides retaliation now) and now I feel handicapped if I ever put on a two handed weapon in one of my swaps.

I apologize if that annoys people. I love playing ranger. It's simultaneously frustrating and rewarding.

hmmm, thanks for the input.

Do you have any thoughts on sword / dagger. I love the crazy nimble agility of it? combined with shortbow perhaps?


Sonic handles my blue balls
A huge LOL at the amount of butthurt in the SOE Live thread now that they've said they won't be using the Holy Trinity. I'm bailing on that one though, the most efficient lubricant for loosening your grip on your GAF Account is popcorn butter.

Que Rico.


People are really confusing Landmark and EQN. One is Minecraft, one is a sandbox MMO. Things you build in Landmark you can sell on a marketplace for others to buy and place in their plots. None of that has anything to do with EQN. The only cross over is that SOE want to use the best content made for Landmark and integrate it into EQN.

This is incorrect. You can build stuff in Landmark, make it into a template, and import it into EQN when you have a plot to build on.

"Once you have an area to call your own in EQN – you can import Landmark templates."


Que Rico.


This is incorrect. You can build stuff in Landmark, make it into a template, and import it into EQN when you have a plot to build on.

"Once you have an area to call your own in EQN – you can import Landmark templates."

That sounds closer to what I want, but I'd prefer they allow editing within the game itself. In Terraria, I'm always finding a spot I want to build, level or tweak for aesthetic reasons.


This is incorrect. You can build stuff in Landmark, make it into a template, and import it into EQN when you have a plot to build on.

"Once you have an area to call your own in EQN – you can import Landmark templates."

When I watched the presentation yesterday that talk of plots was during the landmark discussion if I recall correctly. Where is that quote from? Seems to be a lot of conflicting information coming from SOE themselves which is not too surprising as EQN develoment is clearly not as far along as they want us to believe.


now that my SSD is working again, I have this updating which should be interesting since so much has changed that I'm bound to be overwhelmed...


Speaking of EQN, stop speaking abount EQN!

I want to buy Brahms armour for my warrior >.< The horns are like the size of my Asura so its awesome.

Do they have any plans to make armour and crap you purchase from the store be retriveable like the achievement ones? Its kinda annoying that theyre one use...


We were discussing Engineers getting Hammers, and we inevitably turned to what skins would be cool. I couldn't find the item code, but here's the weapon I was describing, for those who were curious;


It's the one Aetherblade Thugs use.

Do they have any plans to make armour and crap you purchase from the store be retriveable like the achievement ones? Its kinda annoying that theyre one use...

You can, at least in theory (I haven't tried it) transmute them down to a white or blue item, which makes them "Account bound" instead of Soulbound. It's not the same, but at least you can move stuff between characters. It even works with back items, though you'll need to buy one of the back item 'kits' that comes with the skin and the 'backpack straps'. Rox's quiver did, not sure if any of the others do.


Also, where can you get that leather helm that the tower lords use in wvwvw >_<?! Ive seen characters with it so telllllll meeeeeee!

Its the best leather helm!
Do they have any plans to make armour and crap you purchase from the store be retriveable like the achievement ones? Its kinda annoying that theyre one use...
We can only hope that one day they add a PVE locker with unlimited skins to withdraw.

I got so much weapon/armor skins (T1-3 + shitton event skins) that I don't bother using because it's too much of a hassle to transmute junk, + you lose what you originally had.

I'd swap looks every few days if I could easily dress up, but for now I'm sticking with my T3 on main and alts. :/


That actually makes EQN less interesting; I was hoping it would be an open sandbox where players build fortifications, destroy enemy camps, break into dungeons by digging a back door, player-built downs. If it's just a prettier version of Minecraft with a chance for somebody to use the things I produce, that's... much less interesting.

Landmark is the toolset basically designed for building the game. Everquest Next, the game itself, has what you describe.

We were discussing Engineers getting Hammers, and we inevitably turned to what skins would be cool. I couldn't find the item code, but here's the weapon I was describing, for those who were curious;


It's the one Aetherblade Thugs use.

Wow that's one of the only hammer skins I've seen that doesn't look awful. I need to get my hands on that :(


Wow that's one of the only hammer skins I've seen that doesn't look awful. I need to get my hands on that :(

Hopefully it drops off a Champion after the next update. The rapier is supposed to, and that was datamined about the same time. We'll just have to wait for ArenaNet to update the game, and who knows when that will be.
I saw the EQN event and I'm pretty damn hyped!

But there's one thing that's not gelling with me ... it's the races. Maybe GW2 has spoiled me but I have no real interest in the normal fantasy races (WHY are Dwarfs in everything fantasy related?!? And what's this obsession with Reg Elves and Dark Elves? At least the cat people look FAR better than the Char ... YEAH, I SAID IT!!).

Outside of that, LOVING IT! Right up there with WildStar as my next MMO stop.
I saw the EQN event and I'm pretty damn hyped!

But there's one thing that's not gelling with me ... it's the races. Maybe GW2 has spoiled me but I have no real interest in the normal fantasy races (WHY are Dwarfs in everything fantasy related?!? And what's this obsession with Reg Elves and Dark Elves? At least the cat people look FAR better than the Char ... YEAH, I SAID IT!!).

Outside of that, LOVING IT! Right up there with WildStar as my next MMO stop.

Well EQ came out before typical Fantasy races were run into the ground through all types of media. With all the changes in EQN's systems.. changing the races would've been too far. As it is there are extremists saying "This would be great if it had another name but calling it EQ is blasphemy!"


I hope EQ does well and I'll keep an eye on it. I want to see more than anything the kind of engine/tech/wizardry they'll need to employ to pull what they're promising off on a wide range of computers/PS4. Especially this "Emergent AI."
Well EQ came out before typical Fantasy races were run into the ground through all types of media. With all the changes in EQN's systems.. changing the races would've been too far. As it is there are extremists saying "This would be great if it had another name but calling it EQ is blasphemy!"

Well, at the very least, I would like some "new takes" on the races. Maybe instead of having the elves just look like super feminine people with pointy ears they could make them look more like forest nymphes or something.

IDK, I just can't get hyped about reg old Rpg races after seeing GW2 and WildStar. :/
The kitty people look the most interesting so far ...


All I'm saying is that EQnext snagged no holy trinity and weapon based skills from gw2, so anet snagging some of the concepts from landmark would be alright with me. A gw2 style sandbox area would be fun as a test area for new events, etc. if they don't want an official public test server.


Soe will ruin it with their monetization scheme. Its what they do.

id argue that dcuo and planetside 2 arent that bad, maybe they will keep it that way.

i jumped on gw2 today to try out the new zone, and i had a blast i am loving were anet is going with the content. keep up the good work anet!


I don't get why people are still so in love with the trinity. It basically means play a healer, tank, or get used to lfg'ing a lot. Its tiresome. On the flip side, l seem to love that junk in single player games where I have control over all the roles.
I don't get why people are still so in love with the trinity. It basically means play a healer, tank, or get used to lfg'ing a lot. Its tiresome. On the flip side, l seem to love that junk in single player games where I have control over all the roles.

I haven't taken a poll but from a glance it appears that everyone who is vocally expressing that they want the Trinity played a Tank or a Healer. I'm sure there's an exception here and there but that's the impression I'm getting at a glance.

6000x1080 resolution. Once the second card gets here I should be able to drive it at 60fps.

Yes I know the right panel is different, it's a 144Hz TN panel that I use for FPSes and the left and middle are 60Hz IPS panels


All I'm saying is that EQnext snagged no holy trinity and weapon based skills from gw2, so anet snagging some of the concepts from landmark would be alright with me. A gw2 style sandbox area would be fun as a test area for new events, etc. if they don't want an official public test server.

I hope they get influenced by EQN. There's a lot of great ideas in that game so far that aren't too far off of what ANet was trying to do. The event system in particular could use a system to automatically create new events in the world while ANet spends even more time on living story content and other much deeper content. I know they said pre-launch that they could drop in a new events and could end up doing it in patches without even announcing it, but has that actually happened to any great extent? Not including new areas like Southsun.

I'd like them to switch it to a modular system that grabbed mobs, NPC factions, locations and situations from a huge list of possibilities and then the system would throw them together in events relevant to the zone. Bonus points if they make it so events can interact with each other, and do it often. If they got it working right, they could then just plug in new possible options and the system would automatically create new events with those as well. Who knows, maybe it's not possible, maybe it'd be even harder than the current system for them, but I find the event system as it stands stale and boring after playing and seeing the same ones so often. I dislike them as much as quests now. They're the main thing preventing me from leveling alts.

The combat discussion in the EQN thread really makes me hope ANet has plans to improve the support/control situation in their game with PvE especially as well. NPC AI improvements and defiant overhaul could go along way. I'm pretty tired of the heavy berserker focus PvE has, personally.

I don't get why people are still so in love with the trinity. It basically means play a healer, tank, or get used to lfg'ing a lot. Its tiresome. On the flip side, l seem to love that junk in single player games where I have control over all the roles.

I haven't taken a poll but from a glance it appears that everyone who is vocally expressing that they want the Trinity played a Tank or a Healer. I'm sure there's an exception here and there but that's the impression I'm getting at a glance.

Seems like it. People just want roles, which even GW2 was supposed to have with damage, support and control. Unfortunately support is on life support in PvE and control has never existed in the first place in PvE. Defiant made sure of that.


6000x1080 resolution. Once the second card gets here I should be able to drive it at 60fps.

Yes I know the right panel is different, it's a 144Hz TN panel that I use for FPSes and the left and middle are 60Hz IPS panels

You make me envious that you have both the space and the budget for something like that. I really need a second monitor. :(
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