Turn A is my favorite, but I suppose that's still the tail end of the '90s. Unicorn is pretty good.
Awesome, thanks. And yes, I totally forgot about the OP. It's absolutely incredible
I saw you ask this in IRC, but I didn't remember to respond.
The MS IGLOO OVAs are pretty solid, if you can put up with the CG. Unicorn is pretty well animated, but it isn't done and won't be for quite some time. Everything else in that time frame has a really mixed reception, and I don't really know enough about those shows to comment on them.
Ah never heard of some of those..thanks for the tip. I'll get looking into the first few episodes
But what's the point of watching it if season 2 is bad (considering they leave a lot of question at the end of S1)?
Anyways, my opinion is to start with the original (or the 3 movie compilation if you want to save time) to get a good idea on the universe. After that watch 8th ms team, G Gundam and Turn A.
There are movie compilations of the original Gundam?